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Update Archive
More by S.S.
Sherwood Smith
Fan Fiction
About Site

About Site

First Published: June 2004

Redesigned: July 2005 (See the old layout here.)

Intent: To Share the Love! (Of Sherwood Smith's awesome Crown Duel!)

History: The idea for Colorwoods came about when I noticed that new members of the CastleTlanth discussion group frequently asked Sherwood the same questions again and again... and again. I thought it would be helpful if there was a place where all the info mentioned through the group could be stored in categories where everyone could easily look up their questions, and hopefully find the answers. After getting the okay to use Sherwood's words on such a website, the process of building Colorwoods began! Check out the Update Archive for a never-ending scroll-fest of Colorwoods update history.

Name: How did the site get its name? Hmm... I think I wanted to reference something from CD, but the names of many locations, such as Castle Tlanth, Remalna, and Athanarel were already being used by other sites. So I chose Colorwoods!

Content: All info in the Q&A sections is taken from the CastleTlanth Yahoo! group. The rather cheesy CD Summary was written by me, of course, as well as everything else on here not credited to another source. Colorwoods does not, in any way, intend to infringe upon the copyrights of any party, so please contact me if something is amiss.

Layout: The background image is a pink rose photographed and edited by the webmistress to look white (like Mel's 'Purity of Intent' rose) and be easier to read text over. The Colorwoods title font is Monotype Corsiva, all other text is Bookman Old Style.

Webmistress: Me!
