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Invocations and Prayers

Enlightenment before invocations, curses, and rituals

Devices used: 2 blue candles and one of choice. Sandalwood oil.

King of Evil, higher self, hear my plea. Come now and converse with me. Walk me an guide me through this veil trance, I ask of you.

***Light the 2 blue candles first and then the chosen one. Burn sandalwood oil. Sit on lotus position and medidate.***

I return to Threshold again. Thank you, Master.

***Blow the candles in reverse order, first the chosen candle and then the blue ones.***

Touch of Set

***Light 3 black candles at midnight and repeat the following three times. Place then on each side of the altar and one on the middle. Ring the bell three times before you start.***

I call to the mighty bringer of darkness, Set...

Spirits of the abyss, hear my call, all most powerful one and all! Set, my thoughts do sing, through the realm they now ring. Take the enemy, take him smite. Brake him, scorn him in the night! From the mighty depths of the Night cast Your darkness on his shell. Oh Set, oh shining star! Touch him burn him from afar. Revenge now will have its day! For thy enemy start to fray! So mote it be! Hail Set!

***Strike the gong and extinguish the candles when you are done. Ring the bell one more time before you exit the place.***

Invocations of Spirits

'Some' of the spirits sethians can invoke (not all of them are listed here):

Cruelty, Anger, Hatred, Torture, Domination, Order, Chaos, Pain, Hierarchy, Ego, Evil, Night, Lust, Destruction, Disease.

I evoke and conjure thee, Oh spirit of [chosen spirit] by the Supreme Majesty - the True God who is known by the name of Set, to appear before me in this mirror.

***once the spirit is present***

In peace I welcome you, oh Spirit of [chosen spirit], and in the name of the Most High I command you to stay within this mirror until you are dismissed.

***Once you have spoken with the spirit***

Go in peace and return to your sphere of origin, oh spirit of [chosen spirit] by the authority of the True God, Set, I command thee to harm none as you depart, and to be ready to come quickly if called upon again.