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Guidelines for Rituals

Devices used in a ritual


Black robes are worn by the participants. The robes may be cowled or hooded, and if desired may cover the face. The reason to cover the face is to lessen distraction on the part of one participant towards another. Amulets bearing the symbol of Set are worn by the participants. Black is chosen for the attire in the ritual because it is symbolic of the Powers of Darkness.


Altars construction and design will be up to the performer.


The Symbol of Set is placed on the wall above the altar.


The candles represent the enlightenment given to us by our Master. Only black candles are to be used during the rituals. One white candle can be used to represent the hypocrisy of the light. At least one black candle should be placed on the left side of the altar, representing the Powers of Darkness. The white candle can be placed in the right side of the altar representing the Light's hypocrisy. Black candles are used for power and success. The parchments will be burned with these. These parchments will have blessings request by the participants written. Parchments with curses for the light are to be burned with the white candle., the candle of hypocrisy. (Note: These curses are different than clerics'. These can be called wishes of bad auguries for the worshipers of light.)


The shattering effect of the bell is used to mark both the begining and the end of the ritual. If there is a priest present, he/she will ring the bell nine times, and directing the tolling towards the four cardinal points. If there is no cleric present, the performer will ring the bell once in the begining and once in the end. This is done once at the begining of the ritual to purify the air of any external sounds, and once again at the end of the ritual to intensify the working and act as pollutionary indicating finality. The tonal quality of the bell should be loud and penetrating.


The chalice represents the Chalice of Domination. The chalice should be made of silver but if there is no silver chalice then one made of crystal or copper can be used. The chalice if to be drunk first by the priest and then by an assistant. If there is no priest, the chalice will be drained by the performer.


The stimulating fluid or elixir is made of Mandrake. This is a plant having greenish-yellow flowers and a branched root This plant is believed to have magical powers because its root resembles the human body. It is sometimes associated with Necromancy and death. If there is no mandrake elixir, an elixir of absinthe can be used.


The sword represents Dominance and is symbolic of aggressive force. The sword is held by the performer and it is used to point the Symbol of Set during the invocations. This sword is also used to point the four cardinal points when calling forth the forces of Darkness. East: air, West: water, South: fire, and North: earth. The point of the sword is thrusted on the parchments and then these are burned after reading them aloud. Then, in knighting fashion, the performer places the sword atop the participants' heads.


The gong is to call upon the Forces of Darkness and it is struck after all the participants have repeated the words "Hail Set". The gong is only necessary in organized group rituals.


Parchments are used for their organic properties. The parchments with curses written on them will be place by the right side of the performer while the blessings and wishes will be placed by the left side of the performer.

Notes to be observed before begining the ritual

1. The person performing the ceremony stands facing the altar and the Symbol of Set throughtout the ceremony, except when other positions are specifically indicated.

2. If possible, the altar should be against the West wall.

3. Whenever the words "Hail Set" are spoken by the performer, the other participants will repeat the words after him. The gong is struck following the participants' response to "Hail Set!".

4. Conversations are forbidden after the bell is rung and until it is rung again at the end of the ritual.


1. Dress for the ritual.

2. Assemble divices for the ritual. Light candles and shut out all kind of outside light sources. The parchments will be placed left and right of the performer or altar.

3. Purification of the air by ringing the bell.

4. Invocation of the forcess of Darkness in the name of Set to bestow their power upon the participants.

5. Drink from a chalice.

6. The performer points the sword to each cardinal point and calls for the respectives powers of the night.

7. Invocations are made by the performer for the respective ceremony. For example: Dominance, destruction, strength, etc.

8. If the requests were wirtten, the performer reads them aloud and then burns the parchments. "Hail Set!" is said after each request.

9. If there are verbal requests, the participants whisper them to the performer and this one says them aloud. "Hail Set!" is said after each request.

10. Allegiance to the Powers of Darkness are now shown. Example: Tithes and donations.

11. Ringing of the bell as pollutionary, and then the words "So it is done" are spoken by the performer.