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Freedom Through Evil

It is a known fact that the worshipers of light claim to be free but we all know that this is a farce. How can you be free when you deny your flesh, your ego? You will never be free when you live denying your primal instincts and desires.

But what is freedom? In my opinion, freedom is the liberty of the humanoid from mental slavery or oppression. Freedom is emotional independence.

Does freedom exist? Of course it does. This is why knowing if we are free or not is the least thing thinking individuals like us must do. We have to know if what we have done or what we'll do since we started using logic and reason is or will be an exercise of our freedom or, sadly, the result of the movement of the threads society, nature, or whatever you want to call it makes of us, turning us into puppets.

Though, when you speak about freedom there will always be the term "coincidence" stating that a humanoid acts under given circumstances or specific causes. I tell you in this very moment that one is free to do and act without our decision or action being determined by a cause or circumstance.

How can I be free? How can I reach that state of supreme freedom? The answer if very simple. It is through evil that you will be absolutely free. Increasing the sum of pleasure is one of the things one must do. By pleasure I do not mean merely sensual gratification but the highest forms of enjoyment; mental pleasures, social and intellectual pleasures as well. Always seek superiority of intellectual pleasures as well as those of the senses. If you feel like to, indulge in your natural desires so you can be completely satisfied. Never confuse indulgence with compulsion. This is when you must master your emotions in order to not become compulsive. Don't allow yourself to feel guilty, this leads to frustration and it will harm you and the ones close to you. Reduce benevolence, self-denial, and pity to mere egoism. But never forget that you will go nowhere without friends. These are your allies so be "kind" to those who deserve it but cruel to those who don't. Be confident! Don't worry about rumors. No one pays your taxes so why would you try to please every single humanoid in this realm? Think of yourself before you think of anyone else. Have full control of your acts. Hate your enemies with whole heart, if someone smite you on the cheek, -smash- him on the other! Self-preservation is the highest law and vengeance feeds it. Give in the same kind you are given. Give blow for blow, scorn for scorn, doom for doom. Make yourself a living terror to your enemies and destroy all their false hopes.

Only those who are strong, powerful, bold, and iron-handed will reach freedom because they believe what is best for them and their minds will never be terrorized!