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fame mentioned
best of the best awards

08 of june
new story, called at last up.
i gave some serious thought to giving up his glory.
it's a lot of work and my main site has been lacking
because of it. i love having this site and i've put
a lot of work into it, but i've had to really think
about it. plus, i got swamped with things that
came up and i haven't gotten to change the layout.
i've thought about it several time, but there just
aren't the apolo pictures out right now, magazines
or anywhere to make a good layout. i've tried to
but nothing seems to suit me. so i guess this one
will be up for awhile longer.


22 of may
missed polo's birthday. sorry. and the layout is
still up, but i just like it a lot. i say that
about my other site, too. i don't really have an
update, but i wanted to fill y'all in on somethin.
tomorrow night i'm goin to the pink concert in atlanta
and i'm so very excited. oh how i am excited. so i
was making some graphics and decided i'd show the
pink one here since there's really no place to have it.
so here it is, folks. pink fetish.


11 of may
new layout. hope y'all like. i decided to spice
things up a little bit and add someone else to the
layout. i wouldn't have done it, but i just bought
the new people, and this issue out is the 50 Most
Beautiful People issue. apolo is in it and so is
one of the most beautiful women i've seen. her name
is rashida jones. she's the daughter of quincy
jones. she's the kind of girl that could just wake
up in the morning and start walking the runway. i
am definitely envious of her beauty. lol. it astounds
me. this layout will be up until around the end of
may. probably 21st-ish because of apolo's birthday.
until then..enjoy.


6 of may
lots of links added.
*phew* i just filled out my new may calendar and i
only have nine days (which are all at the end of this
month) not filled up. i have one this week and then
none next week. that just sucks really bad. i only
have twelve more school days left. i'm pretty psyched
about that. so yeah. new splash up, too. enjoy
that lots. everyone is talkin' bout that picture.
i almost forgot something very important. i
added a tagboard on the main page today. it's a
superfast message board basically. i love it to
death. so send messages to me or to your friends or
whatever. just have fun with it. so yeah..i'm out.
love y'all.


5 of may
new calendar of events for may and june.
i'll add more as i'm notified of them. don't forget
to watch the jamie kennedy experiment that's on tonight.
sposed to be good. i'm sure y'all will hear my review
sooner or later. until the next time i update,
y'all be good. did you know john mayer has a
chimpanzee named apollo? how grand is that???


el 30 de abril
pictures up from kids choice awards
may 2002 calendar up
lots of little goodies. be good little dogies and
check all of it out. also, let me know in the guest-
book if you like the new layout or not.


el 29 de abril
wow have i been busy. i just finished the brand
spanking new layout for it's a long way and it
looks quite nice. i like it a lot. and i've been
trying to get tickets to a concert..i'd really really
like to go to john mayer, but they're sold out.
and i'd really like to go to jack johnson, but he
isn't exactly in the area. and i'd really like to
see ben kweller, but he doesn't have a date up yet
that's close to here. really really sad. so yeah.
i have a bunch of pictures that i'm gonna put up in
the apolo gallery of him at the kids choice awards.
hilarious, lemme tell ya. here's a sneak peak at
one of them. lol, i just can't stop laughing.
as keri and i would say, "he's SOOO cheesin'."


el 27 de abril
new story, breakfast of champions up.
i'm working on a new splash picture because i'm
tired of the one i have now. maybe soon i'll have
a new layout up, but i've been juggling two sites.
it definitely keeps me on my toes, but i'm trying to
dedicate my time to both sites equally. now
that i'm almost fully recovered from the flu, i can
write full-time. i just love this new story, lol,
it's hilarious. kids choice awards-inspired.


buttons updated.
links added.
support updated.
splash edited.
i've had the flu. not good. i've been trying to
do things here and there, but i just haven't felt
good enough to get out of bed, period. i know i
didn't update a whole lot today, but it's something.
just letting you guys know i'm still around. just
not feeling so hot.


new story, 2 AM; sway; sleepless. up.
i wrote it when i went to atlanta for a funeral.
i hope you guys like it. something new anyway, right?


i stayed up past my bedtime to put up the story. lol
i really like it. maybe you guys will, too. it's
called gold and it was written for keriayn
because she absolutely adores the name mia kai. we
were joking one day and said, "say it three times
fast and it sounds almost oriental." from that
came a story. enjoy.


accomplishments added.
told you guys it wouldn't be long. :-D yuck. i'm
tryin' to sell onions. LONG story. okay, so, be
sure and come back because as soon as the HTML is
done, i'll have another short up. *claps* yay.


story of a skater, a bio written by me about
apolo is now up. i have to leave tonight, but i
also have another page going up with his achieve-
ments listed. keep a look out, y'all.


wow. it's been a crazy start. the site is
finally open. i hope everyone is enjoying.
head over to the guestbook and hug it a few
times. also, i'm nominated for a few cate-
gories in the best of the best awards. maybe
i'll actually win something. when voting
time comes...VOTE. please. nuff said.


beginning. bear with me.

