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background Image or color displayed on the desktop "behind" the windows that appear on the desktop. Or, program running while its window is not active.

backup Duplicate copy of information, stored separately in case something happens to the original copy.

backup job Specification of the information to be backed up by the Microsoft Backup Utility and the location to store the duplicate copy.

Backup media pool Backup media (usually tapes) that have been assigned by the Removable Storage service for use by the Backup Utility.

baseline backup See full backup.

batch file List of DOS commands to execute, stored in a text file with the extension .bat.

BBS See bulletin board system.

Bcc Blind carbon copy; e-mail addresses to which to send a copy of an e-mail message without the other recipients seeing the addresses.

Binary mode In Ftp, a setting used to transfer files that contain information in a format other than plain unformatted text. See ASCII mode.

binding Specification of which network protocols work with your network interface card.

BIOS setup Or CMOS setup. Computer's low-level configuration information, including how much memory and what types of disks are installed.

bit Binary digit, which can be either 0 or 1.

bitmap Graphics format in which a picture or character is stored as a grid of dots. Standard Windows bitmap files have the extension .bmp. Older fonts are also stored as bitmaps.

BMP file Graphics file in bitmap format (a Windows standard format for graphics files) with the extension .bmp.

body Text of an e-mail message, not including the header lines at the top of the message.

boot Start up or turn on your computer.

Boot.ini File from which Windows creates the boot menu that enables you to choose which operating system to run when starting up a multiboot system.

boot floppy disk Floppy disk from which you can start your computer when your hard disk is damaged.

boot partition Disk drive from which Windows loads on startup. See also system partition.

boot logging Text file listing the events that occurred during computer and Windows startup. Enable Boot Logging is a startup mode.

BounceKeys Accessibility option that tells Windows to ignore keys repeated without a sufficient pause.

bps Bits per second, a measure of data transmission speed.

bridge Connection between two networks, so that information can flow between them.

Briefcase Folder containing files and subfolders to move between two computers.

broadband High-speed communications, including ISDN, DSL, and cable Internet connections.

Browse dialog box Dialog box that enables you to locate a file or folder to open or save.

browser Program that communicates with Web servers on the Internet and displays Web pages.

browsing Moving from Web page to Web page, using a Web browser program like Internet Explorer.

buffer Temporary storage area.

bulletin board system (BBS) Text-based account that runs on a small computer (such as a PC), usually predating the widespread use of the Internet. Some bulletin board systems are also connected to the Internet, and most have been superceded by Internet sites.

bus topology Network topology in which each computer connects to a main cable (the bus).

