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Get your eyeball's on me! mcrd You've got 5,4,3,2,1
Listen up! Get your eyeballs on me now! On behalf of the Commanding General, Welcome to the Depot! From now on, the first word out of your mouth will be sir and the last word out of your mouth will be sir. Do you understand? I said, Do you understand! When I give you the command, I want you to get off my bus and get on my yellow footprints! Get off my bus now!
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Recruit Training
Honor Courage Commitment It will be tough
Honor Courage Commitment It will be like nothing you have ever done before
Honor Courage Commitment You will be forged in the furnace of recruit training
Honor Courage Commitment You will develop strong bonds with you fellow Marines
Honor Courage Commitment You will learn to work as a member of a highly skilled and motivated team
Honor Courage Commitment You will be transformed and earn the title: United States Marine
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In the Marines: Men train men and Women train women

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We shape Marines with pride
Recruit training for men
From the very first haircut to the last drill evaluation, we take each step of boot camp with one thing in mind...pride. We want you to walk away proud to wear the title United States Marine.
Sure, we demand a lot of you, from the tough physical training to long hours in the classroom studying Marine Corps history and traditions. You'll learn the applications of strategy, tactics, and how to handle the challenges only The Few can.With every exercise, you'll become stronger. Because we want you to be the best there is. We want you to develop that spirit of "nothing's impossible." The unwavering self-confidence that comes from being one of the best.
We're there inspiring you, motivating you, while you show us you got the heart and smarts it takes to become a Marine.

Courage There are times you'll wonder why you are doing it, but you won't wonder for long. Because a few short weeks later comes Graduation Day. The day you realize very few people can accomplish what you have.
Becoming a Marine is the challenge of a lifetime. Maybe it's a challenge you can't undertake immediately. With the Delayed Entry Program, you can postpone your initial active duty training for up to a year, while you are assured of a place on the Marine team right now. Either way, you become one of The Few we call Marines.
After you receive you basic uniform issue and finish your physical examination and administrative processing, you'll meet the individual who's going to make the next several weeks worth every ounce of sweat and determination you put into it. He's your drill instructor, better known as your "D.I.."
Even though there are times you'll wonder whose side he's on, you'll learn he's the one man you'll want by your side. He'll teach you everything you need to know. And he'll never demand anything of you he wouldn't demand of himself.
He'll show you how to fire the M-16A2 rifle. How to conquer the obstacle course. How to get yourself in shape and stay that way. How to build mental and physical confidence. How to respond to orders. Throughout boot camp, he'll be there. Pushing you and giving you the discipline you need to be the best.
But more importantly, he'll show you what it means to be a team player. To make a group of people function as one.In short, he'll teach you what it means to be a member of the most elite military organizations ever created, the United States Marine Corps.
Recruit training for females
Honor Proud. Confident. A strong sense of self-respect. People look up to you because you're on of The Few. That's what it feels like to be a Female Marine. To earn that privilege, it takes hard work and determination, which begins in boot camp. There you'll be trained, guided and counselled by Marine drill instructors, or "D.I.s." Women who know just what it takes to be a Marine.
They'll teach you what it's like to be part of an elite group. You'll learn the importance of discipline through precise formation drill and they'll push you to peak physical conditioning. You'll gain that poise that comes from being mentally and physically sharp. The confidence that comes from being able to handle any situation.
And your D.I.'s will show you the meaning of teamwork. A valuable lesson, if you're to become a Marine.
You'll also spend useful hours in the classroom, studying Marine Corps history, traditions and customs. As you learn about military etiquette and conduct, you'll gain the poise and polish that's part of becoming a Marine. And everyday, as you grow stronger and more confident, you'll be closer to the day when it all pays off.
There you are, surrounded by your fellow Marines. Individuals you didn't even know when you started boot camp, and now they are some of the best friends you'll ever have. Your D.I.'s are looking on, and even though there's not even a hint of emotion in his or her face, you can feel the pride pushing through. They knew you could do it all along. You just needed a little encouragement now and then. But you made itYou'rere a Marine.
Today you're graduating, and a few short weeks ago you weren't even sure what "column left" meant. But today, you're not only sure about yourself, your sure of a very promising future. You're a Marine.
Your mom, dad and friends don't believe the change in you. It seems that you are ten feet tall. That's what it feels like to be a Marine. The sense of achievement. The sense of having overcome one of the greatest obstacles we all face.....ourselves. At last you're one of The Few. One of the Proud. One of us.

Marine NCO Sword
The Crucible
The Defining Moment
The Culmination of Recruit Training
You will be tested under stress and fire while learning teamwork and how to rely on one another

Think fast
Team work
At the end, you'll feel the pride of knowing you have what it takes to be a United States Marine.
Squads formed under the guidance of a drill instructor
Non-stop 54 hour, day and night test of endurance and mental challenge
The defining moment
Marine NCO Sword
Drill Instructor Pledge
Drill Instructor "These recruits are entrusted to my care. I will train them to the best of my ability. I will develope them into smartly disciplined, physically fit, basically trained Marines, thoroughly indoctrinated in love of the Corps and country. I will demand of them, and demonstrate by my own example, the highest standards of personal conduct, morality, and professional skill."
Drill Instructor
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"The individual Marine is the Marine Corps. Because Marines are most important asset, we will protect them through fair, and unbiased treatment as individuals--caring for them, teaching them, and leading them. I see it as an obligation of each member in the chain of command, from top to bottom, to ensure that this sense of fairness is constant and genuine. I expect commanders to take prompt and vigorous action wherever a violation of this obligation is discovered. Simply stated, I expect every Marine to treat every other Marine with dignity."
General Charles C. Krulak
31st Commandant of the Marine Corps
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To learn more about recruit training, visit the official web sights of MCRD Parris Island SC or MCRD SanDiega CA
The Motivated Island

Hollywood Marines
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As of November 29th, 1999 people have stepped onto the yellow footprints
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