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where is that girl that lived in your mind quite often you wanted to be more like her.. she was ponytails to your barrettes.. an a-minus to your b-plus.. when you threw like a girl.. she threw harder.. she went by your name.. and followed you everywhere.....

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Once upon a time, there was this girl. She had an attitude. And a spirit nobody could tame. She was tough and attacked each new day without fear. She went by your name and spoke with a voice only you could hear. She lived in your mind.

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Maybe one morning she made you throw on jeans and run outside barefoot. Across a field a upside a tree. Maybe she took you on a slide headfirst into home. Maybe she made you study geometry while the other girls studied the buttons on their phones. Maybe she gave you reasons to shoot a little higher.

If you lived up to her demands, great. If you didn't, maybe there's still something to prove. Maybe the girl running around in your brain is now a women who's ready to go for one of the toughest challenges on earth. Becoming a Marine.

And maybe she's wondering if you'll take up the chase.

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She had no fear of taking chances.. perhaps neither do you

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Become one of us and you'll never run with the pack again. You'll be tougher. Smarter. Quicker. A standout anywhere. You'll belong to the world's most elite military organization, serving notice that you can achieve anything.

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THE CHALLENGE. And it'll take everything you've got. You'll have to force yourself beyond your own limits. But that's what making mark is all about. To become a Marine, your must be willing to run without a finish line. You must believe in yourself.

Your road was opened by a few proud women in the stark early years of World War I. A few young reservists who proved there mettle by assuming vital stateside duties. They freed their male counterparts for duty on Europe's front lines. They helped win the war.

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THE TRADITION.By Word War II, they numbered 23,000. They took over crucial communications, supply and mechanics positions to further the efforts of the nation and the Corps.

And with the passing of the Women's Armed Services Integration Act in 1948, these reservists finally became members of the regular Corps. Today, some 600 officers and 7,000 enlisted carry on their legacy. They do whatever it takes to accomplish the mission. They are Marines.

Thirteen weeks. The Recruit Depot at Parris Island, South Carolina. The time and the place to rediscover yourself. Here you'll sweat, stumble and fall. You'll grit your teeth. And get back up. Just keep the faith. Because if you don't give up on you, we certainly won't.

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she challenged you... sometimes you took her up on it...
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BOOT CAMP. From the moment you meet your drill instructor, you'll be challenged. In the classroom. On the rifle range. On the physical training fields. You'll learn the history and the traditions of the Corps, military justice, personnel administration and much more. You'll drill and fir the M-16 rifle. You'll start becoming an exceptional version of yourself.
why8.gif - 16606 Bytes When it's over, you'll be physically and mentally tough. With a newfound endurance. You'll look and feel healthier than ever. Just in time to wear what many call the the worlds most respected uniform. The Marine Uniform. In the worlds most unforgettable graduation ceremony. Your's
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when she couldn't stand still...
neither could you...
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she wouldn't let you go the motions...

she reminded you...

never settle!!!
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when she got older



so did you...
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Once you've completed Basic, the sky is your limit. Women are trained in every non-combat occupational field in the Corps. Once you qualify, you may choose from over 300 military occupational specialties. And serve in many positions outside of you MOS. As you grow in rank and skill, even greater opportunities for advanced training will come.
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TECHNICAL TRAINING.You will benefit whether you serve for four years or twenty. But if you do serve long time you'll will retire with a pension, special privileges, medical and dental benefits and extreme respect. You'll have a proven track record and a wealth a saleable skills. And you'll still be young enough to begin a civilian career if you wish.

But say active duty isn't for you. You can also serve in the Marine Corps Reserve. Full training. Full pay and benefits. One weekend a month and two weeks in the summer. All Marine.

The soul of the Corps is the intelligent individual. The more mentally fit you become, the more valuable you are to yourself, and to us. So we offer hundreds of ways to build your brain.
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EDUCATION.Choose from over 100 vocational schools. Apprenticeship programs. Correspondence training. Officer degree programs. Earn up to $50,000 for college. Shoot for your advanced degree. Craft your own schooling, and develop the smarts and and experience to succeed in life.

Leadership really starts the second you join the Corps. Marine assume a positions of responsibility in a elite force, requiring a high degree of mental and physical fitness. If you make it, you'll truly answer the voice inside. You'll be a remarkable individual.
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she gave you fair warning...

she could achieve more than you if you let her...
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MARINE OFFICER.If your college bound, or already there, many programs guide you through school and into a commission as a Marine Officer, such as Platoon Leaders Class, Officer Candidate Class, Marine Option NROTC and the U.S. Naval Academy. Your recruiter can help you choose the way to go.

Okay. So what does it mean to be a female Marine when most Marines are male? It means equal opportunity. Equal training. And equal expectations. Advancement based on performance. Not gender. It means earning the respect all Marines afford Marines.
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she said your doors would open...

only if you gave them a serious push...
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THE LIFE.What it doesn't mean is becoming some counterfeit of yourself. We don't expect or want you to compromise your femininity. You are a women. Be a women. Live the life you want to live. Raise a family if you choose. After all, once you become a Marine you're going feel like a brand new person. We want you to enjoy the sensation.

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You'll find continuous camaraderie. Social functions and activities on duty and off. Lot's of ways to stay fit. A new circle of friends. Not to mention 30 days paid vacation per year. You'll enjoy plenty of travel, including possible deployments overseas to any number of locations. Put simply, if you have the ambition, anything is possible.
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Where has she gone...
the one inside who pushed you
is she gone forever..a memory forgotten
or is she right here
right now!
looking right through your eyes
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asking once again...
if you have what it takes!
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Never forget that girl inside. The one one who made you unafraid to try new things and take new risks. The one who instilled in you a hatred of failure and a love of success. The one who can still urge you to become your extreme self.
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If you've read this far, just perhaps your ready to find her. Perhaps you can see an image of yourself as a Marine. Give some serious thought before you leap. And if you do, set your mind and body and don't let anything on this earth stop you. Because we're looking for a few good women. And we hope we find you. Good luck!
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"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they've made a difference in this world. The Marines don't have that problem...."
President Ronald Reagan, 1985
"Neither the United States Marine Corps nor any other component of the department of defense has approved, endorsed, or authorized this product/service/activity."