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4th Day

Book of Hope

Perpetual Adoration Chapels in Louisiana


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The Book of Hope

Do you ever drive by a cemetery and want to pray for the deceased and especially for those close to you?   And are there so many that you can't remember them all or just don't have time to pray for them all?  Well, what I and all of my Catechism Students have done since 1989, is to write all the names of our deceased loved ones in a book I keep, and we call this book "The Book of Hope".  Then whenever we want to pray for our loved ones, we simply pray for all those in the Book of Hope.  The added benefit is that we are also praying for everyone else's loved ones at the same time.   So my loved ones and their loved ones can get many times the prayers they would normally get.

Well I've decided to bring that concept to the Computer Age.   My Book of Hope is now on the internet and I invite you  to add your loved ones to the list and maybe we'll have hundreds or maybe even thousands of people praying for our loved ones daily.                                                 
                                                                           Click on the Link to go to
The Book of Hope.



What is Cursillo?

Pro Life Activities

What is Cursillo?

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Sacred Space

The Word Among Us

How to Make a Rosary

Christ Centered Drug Rehab

Read the Entire Bible in a Year.  This site gives you the readings for every day of the year that will bring you through the entire Bible in one year. 
Click Here

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Something to Ponder
....Mortification of the appetite, is the most basic aspect of spiritual life.
Whoever cannot control himself in this, will hardly be able to conquer temptations more difficult to subdue.

-St Vincent de Paul

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        The Power to Serve (Who should make a Cursillo?)
....We're probably the generation that has never accumulated so much and yet possessed so little. 
We have wider roads and narrower viewpoints.  We learn more and understand less. 
We find beauty in old things; buildings, furniture, jewelry -but we do not see beauty in old countenance. 
Human beings seem to be one of the few commodities that lose value with age. 
In fact, if church groups were asked to organize a team of 12 to help Jesus, assessments of candidates would be based on factors like race, skill, knowledge and wealth. 
Just as well God chose to work through a ragged band of Galilean peasants, called from their fishing nets, small plots of land and humble trades. 
Even their probable poor literacy was no stumbling block for God.
God puts a measuring tape around the heart, not the head.  We need willing learners with big hearts, people who will risk everything at Jesus' word.
God isn't choosy, we are!

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Reminder About Friday
Each year as we leave Lent behind us, we also leave the explicit
call to abstain from meat on the Fridays of Lent. 
All are reminded,
however, that EVERY Friday of the year is a day of PENANCE
for ALL Catholics, recalling the day of Christ's death. 
You are
free to choose to abstain from meat or select some other
penitential practice for that day.

God Bless and


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4th Day




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