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Alfalfa - "Father of Herbs," leaves have 8 essential amino acids & 4 times more vitamin C than in orange juice; vitamin K (great for morning sickness); beta carotene; vitamin E; LOTS of calcium; is the basis of liquid chlorophyll; as close to hemoglobin as anything possible; blood cleanser; vitamin B-12 (calms nerves); diuretic; natural flouride source; used in treatment of cancer, breath and body odor, liver ailments; source of liquid chlorophyll - (chlorophyll is also good to flush out radiation from Xrays and chemotherapy, as well as bad stuff from antibiotics)

Barley Juice Powder - blood builder; attacks free radicals; 30 times more vitamin B-1 and 11 times more calcium than milk; 7 times more vitamin C than orange juice; anit- inflammatory for stomach ulcers & hemorrhoids; cleans and boosts immune system; neutralizes lead and mercury; reduces HDL cholesterol

Bee Pollen - balanced vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, enzymes, & amino acids; blood builder; excellent after illness; allergy help for bronchitis, sinusitis, and colds; balances endocrine system; good for menstrual and prostate problems; also good for colitis, constipation & diarrhea; counteracts the mental and physical effects of aging; start with small doses!!

Bilberry Fruit - great for eyes (fatigue, night blindness, near- sightedness, strain; slows development of cataracts); improves circulation; beneficial during pregnancy; mild diuretic; good for spider veins

Black Cohosh - "miracle herb for women;" calms nervous system; promotes menstruation; relieves cramps; soothes local pain; safe sedative; good for headaches; too much, too soon causes emotional upheaval; relieves or prevents spasms; contains natural estrogen; prevents hot flashes; contracts uterus; expels mucous; stimulates liver, kidney, spleen, and lymphatic system - keeps the system working; equalizes circulation; if too much is taken, can cause a headache at the base of the skull; DO NOT take during early pregnancy

Black Walnut - husk used as aid for intestinal system for tapeworms and other parasites; burns excess toxins and fat while balancing sugar levels; remedy for bad blood diseases - syphilis, etc.; good cleansing herb

Blessed Thistle - strengthens heart and lungs; improves circulation to the brain by bringing oxygen to it - helps with memory; aids in ALL liver disorders; stimulates lactation in nursing mothers; digestive and general tonic; good for headaches, cramps, and menopausal problems; use to reduce & control fevers; great female hormone balancer; also good for cancer

Burdock - use during pregnancy; mineral rich hormone to prevent jaundice in unborn babies; blood purifier; reduces joint swelling; good for coughs, colds, sore throats, abscesses, and tonsillitis

Butcher's Broom - anti-inflammatory; strengthens walls of blood vessels; great for someone going into surgery, as it is used for post-op problems such as thrombosis, etc.; aids circulation to brain, arms and legs; good for the bed-ridden or the elderly; diuretic; lowers bad cholesterol; great for pregnant women and people who stand for long periods of time, as it eliminates swelling

Capsicum (Cayenne Pepper) - catalyst in almost every herbal combination - used to strengthen the remedies; good for stomach ulcers; increases flow of digestive juices; helps in weight loss; red color comes from high Vitamin A content, which is great for eyes, growth, and healthy immunity; good for circulation - prevents strokes and heart attacks; aids with hemorrhaging; cleans internal & external wounds; heals cell structure; use as a poultice for inflammation; increases heart action without raising blood pressure; aids in digestion when taken with meals; useful for colds or flu; restores and cleans stomach tissue; improves HDL cholesterol; lowers serum cholesterol and diglycerides

Cascara Sagrada - "the real mover;" improves secretions of stomach, liver and pancreas; rids body of gallstones; good for hemorrhoids; DO NOT take excessively during pregnancy; take before or during a meal

Catnip - relieves pain and spasms; calms nerves; used by Indians as a sedative and for colic; good for colds and flu in children as it produces sweat during sleep without raising fever; reduces fatigue from muscle exhaustion; pain killer for infants and toddlers

Chamomile - may cause allergic reactions in people allergic to mums or ragweed!!; helps one to relax and have quality sleep; good for digestive problems; Cherokee used it for colic and bowel complaints; helps menstrual cramps & upset stomach; induces sleep. The flower heads are used to make a mild tea for restlessness and insomnia. Diluted to one part tea to 2 parts water, it can be given to infants for colic.

Charcoal - filters the system; good for gas or anything upsetting in the stomach

Chickweed - heals stomach ulcers, bowels, lungs, and almost any internal or external inflammation; removes plaque from blood vessels; strengthens stomach tissue; breaks down cellulite; good for weight loss

Comfrey Salve - Comfrey can be used in other ways, but the safest to use over time is as a salve for external use only. There are some good comfrey and comfrey/goldenseal salves that can be purchased at health food stores. Comfrey speeds healing through rapid skin growth, so it should not be used on puncture wounds only minor skin abrasions. Also do not use salves or any non-water soluble preparation on body piercings.

Cornsilk - good for kidney, prostate and bladder problems; assists in breaking down uric and phosphotic acid build-up; excellent for aged and young with bed-wetting problems; diuretic; makes one urinate a LOT; cleans kidneys

Damiana - best known as a sexual rejuvenator; increases sperm count; Mayans used it for lung ailments, dizziness and as a general body cleanser; helps with hot flashes; strengthens the female system; great for infertility and impotence; used as a child's laxative; relieves colds and flu; good tonic for central nervous system

Dandelion - use to detoxify the system; has potassium so it is a natural diuretic without depleting body's potassium; increases bile flow and alleviates first stages or cirrhoses; gentle laxative; invigorating and purifying

Dong Quai - used since 588 BC for female problems; strengthens circulation; antibiotic for several "bugs;" encourages proper balance of female hormones; cleanses and purifies the blood; relieves tinnitis, blurred vision, and palpitations; enhances use of vitamin E; calms nerves; use as a post-partum tonic to build blood and regulate menses; bowel lubricant

Echinacea - There are two types of echinacea available, augustifolia and purpurea. Augustifolia is recommended if you can get it. Echinacea is the herb of choice for inflammatory conditions. It can be taken internally or externally as a wash. Because it is so mild, it should be taken in small frequent doses. NOTE: Echinacea should not be taken for more than 6 weeks in a row. It can destroy intestinal flora (because it is anti-bacterial). Acidopholus should be taken in conjunction with echinacea because of this.

Eyebright - best for diseases of the eye and mucous membranes; good for light sensitivity, eye strain, minor irritation, and weak eyesight; stimulates liver; cleans blood

Fennel - improves digestion and relieves hiccups; breaks up uric acid associated with gout, which it eliminates; clears mucous from liver and lungs; antidote for poison mushrooms; has vitamin A and is good for improving night vision and preventing snow-blindness; expels gas; tea used as gargle; expels worms; use as eyewash for minor irritations and infections; poultice for inflammation; enriches mother's milk; excellent for children's digestion; good for lumbago; tea rids intestines of mucous related to sinusitis; curbs appetite and eliminates hunger pangs; tissue cleanser; great to use after radiation therapy and chemotherapy

Fenugreek - used to treat diabetes in the Middle East; lowers blood sugar levels; softens and dispels accumulated mucous and is good for people who ingest a lot of dairy products; soothes mucous membranes; good for lung infections; used to prevent pregnancy; has lecithin to dissolve fatty substances; gargle for sore throat; stimulates milk in nursing mothers; good for bronchitis and pneumonia

Feverfew - reduces fever, as well as number and severity of headaches, and the nausea of migraines; good for pain relief, chills, colds, and arthritis; helps body heal & strengthen itself; alcohol destroys it's effects

Gingko - The 24% concentrated extract has been proven the most effective. Gingko is used for increased blood flow to the brain and as such is useful for the treatment of memory problems, including Alzheimer's.

Kava Kava - The root is used in the treatment of insomnia and sleeplessness. It is also useful when one is not able to get a full night's sleep and needs the most rest possible in a short time. NOTE: Kava kava should not be taken over an extended time.

Marshmallow - use leaves as a poultice for toxins and poisons in open wounds - also shortens healing time; internally, soothes urinary tract and respiratory system; eases passage of kidney stones; use as diuretic with chamomile and cornsilk; use externally for varicose veins and dermatitis; internally, will bind with toxins and flush them out; excellent for arthritis; eases soreness from diarrhea & dysentery; use with cayenne pepper as a poultice for blood poisoning, gangrene, and to ease bruises

Mullein - quiets nerves; relieves pain; soothes any inflammation; excellent for lung diseases, coughs and consumption; it's a narcotic that won't induce euphoria; use mullein oil for ear infections; good to eliminate excess mucous; used to treat tuberculosis

Parsley - high in chlorophyll; sweetens breath; helps detoxify toxic kidneys; blood purifier; maintains urinary tract tissues, heals urinary tract, and helps a swollen prostate; has 3 times more vitamin C than citrus juices; high in iron and potassium; roots are more potent than leaves, and are used for liver and spleen disorders; NO high doses during pregnancy; mild doses are diuretic but large doses congest the uterus; cancer preventative; lowers blood pressure; gentle laxative; tonic for blood and circulatory system

Parthenium - diuretic; good for kidney and bladder; also called "Missouri Snakeroot" as it was believed to help snake bites; blood purifier; liver stimulator; the root is used; looks like echinacea; tops are used for the fever of malaria

Passion Flower - calming sedative that soothes nervous system with no side effects; great for hyperactive kids; good for eye infections; temporarily reduces high blood pressure

Pau D'Arco - from Argentina, where they use it as a cancer drug; good for any blood-related disease; blood purifier; good for dermatitis; great for cancer in remission; neutralizes poisons in liver; used with great success for cancer; good for AIDS patients as it strengthens T-cells; good for candida and herpes simplex; reduces tumors of all kinds; lowers dependence on insulin for diabetics; natural pain relief for cancer and arthritis; for hypoglycemia, use Pau D'Arco and licorice; good for blood and skin cancer; anti-mutagenic; antibiotic, antifungal for yeast infections; good for liver ailments and possibly for hepatitis C

Psyllium Hulls (& Seeds) - ** MUST DRINK 6-8 cups of water per day if taking, otherwise it will clog the system**; DO NOT take if constipation is a problem; great for weight loss as it makes one feel full; cleans out parasites and other garbage in intestines; good for bad diarrhea; when soaked in water, it increases 8-14 times it's size; prevents cholesterol absorption; removes toxins from intestines; soothes inflamed tissue; promotes growth of friendly bacteria; reduces transit-time of matter through colon; problems can stem from incorrect use!!

Red Clover - blossoms contain molybdenum-an essential nutrient to help discharge nitrogen; when used with iron supplements, it produces more rapid hemoglobin production; strengthens anemic blood; protects against bites and stings; treats and prevents cancer, gout and whooping cough; expectorant; one of the best mucous clearers; used for ALL cancers, especially esophagus and breast; use as a tea for bathing sores; mix with chaparral and Dong Quai for cancer; has lots of vitamins and minerals; very good for children with degenerative diseases; great nerve calmer, good for nervous exhaustion; good for rickets, weak chest, bronchitis, and lack of vitality

Red Raspberry - used as a basic herbal foundation for all female organs and problems. It is in many female combinations. It strengthens the walls of the uterus and entire female reproductive system; regulates menses; alleviates morning sickness; used as a preventative for hemorrhaging after childbirth; assists labor by making delivery easier; relieves afterpains; tones and regulates before, during and after childbirth; increases and enriches milk for lactation, especially when combined with marshmallow tea; good for children's tummy aches and bowel problems, and for diarrhea in babies; soothing to stomach and bowels, as well as cankerous conditions of mucous membranes in the alimentary canal; high in minerals and vitamins, especially manganese; also useful for colds, sore throat, bronchitis, coughs, fevers, general naausea, ulcers, and as an eyewash.

Rose hips - has all the Vitamin C that a person needs!; good as a salve for muscle cramps; use in almost every condition or disease; prevents and treats infections of all kinds; curbs stress; prevents cancer

Safflowers - oil is good to cook in; good for arthritis, gout, kidney stones, ulcers, blood clots, heartburn, and colitis; dissolves uric acid; a bitter herb that helps with digestion and vascular cleansing; use as a wash for measles; lowers cholesterol when added to parsley or garlic; good bowel and bladder cleanser; digestive tract healer; reverses poor blood; increases bowel and urine flow; produces good HCL to reduce lactic and uric acids

Sage - use as a tea for quieting nerves; expels worms and quiets spasms; good for mental exhaustion and strengthens the ability to concentrate; cures certain types of insanity; lotion for sores and skin eruptions; stops wounds from bleeding; use as a poultice for tumors; good for stomach troubles & "spring cleansing;" helps weak digestion; use as a salve for insect bites; slows secretion of fluids during excessive sweating and is therefore good to use before a sauna

Sarsaparilla - blood purifier; breaks down uric acid; good for liver problems, rheumatism, skin disorders, hormone excesses, inflammation and gas; a natural steroid; produces testosterone, estrogen, cortisone, and progesterone; use with ginseng for body builders; good for psoriasis and other eruptive skin disorders; antidote for poisons; diuretic; increases metabolism and perspiration; stimulates breathing when one is congested; aids circulation to rheumatic joints; produces anabolic hormones; helps women produce natural progesterone

Saw Palmetto - the berries act on the enlarged prostate to relieve pain and inflammation; use for all wasting diseases, as it affects glands; quiets nerves; has antiseptic properties; relieves excess mucous; good for lungs; good for diseases of reproductive organs; increases breast size

Slippery Elm - excellent for the GI tract; soothes ulcers and colon when taken orally & rectally; breaks up mucous in lung problems; good for any ulcerated condition - use as a poultice for rashes, etc.; neutralizes stomach acidity & gas; use as a poultice for cold sores; use in cough syrups, because it is mucilaginous, it coats and soothes strained and irratated membranes; helps feed adrenal glands; lubricates bowels; heals intestines

Spirolina - excellent for vegetarians as it is a very high source of beta carotene, B-12, and gamma linolenic acid, also contains most amino acids, including all 9 essential ones that the body needs; contains 250% more B-12 than liver and 4 times the protein of beef; 80-85% of the proteins of spirolina are assimilated by the body; gives ENERGY!; blood cell and tissue builder; satisfies hunger; balances blood sugar & RNA/DNA; boosts immune system; lowers bad cholesterol; has all the B complex vitamins, trace minerals, and essential fatty acids - is a complete protein; it is a blue-green algae usually found in fresh water lakes up north

St. John's Wort - anti-viral which is especially good for gonorrhea; relieves pain, anxiety, nervous tension, neuralgia; used in treating AIDS; anti-depressant, but must be taken for several months to get full effect

Tea Tree Oil - Use externally only. Can be used as a mouth rinse or toothpaste. Best treatment for poison ivy I know. For kids or people with sensitive skin you may want to dilute it with vegetable oil. Use for any kind of skin irritation, fungus or rash. I wouldn't use on any open wounds, it can sting. Also can be used on the hair or scalp for dandruff, and in toothpaste or mouthwashes for bad breath and pyorrhea.

Uva Ursi - diuretic; absorbed and excreted by the kidneys; antiseptic of urinary tract; good for yeast and bladder infections; contains tannic acid and balances urine Ph; stimulates urinary tract; helps reduce blood in urine; soothes bladder walls; used for excessive sugar in the blood; contains allantoin to help heal wounds; strongly anti-biotic against such conditions as e-coli and staph; treats loss of bladder control; NOT FOR children under 2; NOT FOR pregnant women as it stimulates the uterus to contract

Valerian - calms nervous conditions; aids in peaceful and restful sleep; slows heart rate while increasing blood flow; good for people whose valves don't work right; nature's tranquilizer; decreases aggression; good source of calcium and magnesium

White Oak Bark - astringent to shrink body tissues; high in calcium and tannin; excellent for varicose veins and hemorrhoids; when using externally, boil or steam bark or leaves; good for diarrhea, hemorrhage, and intestinal bleeding; cleans inflamed skin and mucous membranes; expels pinworms; cleans gastrointestinal tract; stops bleeding in stomach, lungs, liver, and bowels; use as douche or enema for soothing inflamed tissues; aids in healing stomach and intestines and to rid of gallstones; brings down fevers

Yarrow - balances liver functions and the alimentary canal; tonic for congestion and disease; blood cleanser to remove uric acid that causes gout; opens pores of skin so poisons can be sweated out; builds blood to stop internal hemorrhage; good for yeast infections; breaks up colds in 24 hours; regulates liver and pancreas; soothes & heals mucous membranes; used for malaria, as it has quinine-like properties; the tea is good for hemorrhoids, hemorrhage, bleeding of lungs, and diarrhea in babies

Yellow Dock - blood cleanser, tonic and builder; helps the liver function properly; very high in iron and is good for anemia, skin disorders, and liver disorders; nourishes the spleen; tones the entire system; also used for skin infections, ulcers, skin itch, tumors, varicose veins, lymphatic system, and the gall bladder; use externally for bleeding wounds; balances body chemistry; builds immune system; beneficial during pregnancy to build iron and prevent infant jaundice; has a high mineral content; has astringent properties

Yucca - intestinal bacteria (flora) balancer and regulator; may decrease toxins and help absorb nutrients; aids in digestion; has a high content of saponins that don't enter the bloodstream; good for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crones disease, and excessive gas; all eliminative systems are less taxed, especially the liver, when yucca is used; lowers build-up of toxins in joints, so it is good for degenerative diseases like arthritis; occasionally causes cramping so it should be combined with other herbs; breaks up inorganic deposits; high in fiber; aids digestion in people with prostitis and urethritis

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