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The word herb used on these pages means any plant fiber whether tree, bush or shoot. The use of herbs to treat ailments goes back in time probably as far as human ailments themselves. There are herbals known to date back over 6000 years. Much has changed in that time however, as we have come to understand more about our bodies and how and why herbs work. Some herbs have now had scientific studies done on their efficacy and many are used in prescription medicines.

What you will find here is a brief listing of specific herbs that can be used relatively safely by even the beginner. You will also find definations of some common terms and how to prepare herbs. Keep in mind that any information given here, unless otherwise noted, is of a folkloric nature and has not been scientifically proven to do anything.
Herbal advise is not meant to replace that of a qualified physician. I would like to add that herbs are drugs, albeit natural ones. Just because they are natural doesn't mean they can't hurt you. Don't take more than the recommended dose of any herb and if you are a beginner, be sure to take all herbs under the supervision of a qualified herbalist or herbologist. Please remember that too much of anything can be dangerous. This is meant as a general guide ONLY and as such cannot be used as a medical reference.

How to Prepare Herbs

To make an infusion, boil one pint of water, take off the boil and add one ounce herb. Do not use aluminum for this, use glass or stainless steel. Herbs that are prepared this way include flowers and delicate parts and strong smelling herbs where the essential oils need to be retained.

To make a decoction, use one ounce of herb boiled for 20 minutes. Roots, stems barks and berries are prepared this way because they are tougher and need more time to extract their biochemical constituents.
Infusion and decoction dosage is one-half cup every three to four hours.

To make a tincture add two ounces herb to one pint of vodka, run or gin. Shake twice daily for two weeks, strain and bottle. Dosage is 10 to 30 drops 2 to 3 times a day. (As with all herbs, start at the low dosage end of the spectrum, for children, half the dosage.)

To make capsules, grind dried herb and scoop into 00 capsules. (Pretty easy and portable) Dosage 2 capsules twice daily.


Following are some commonly used terms in herbology.

Tincture - A method of extracting herbs using grain alcohol. Tinctures are easily portable and can be stored for long periods of time.

Tisane - An older name for an infusion, or tea.

Analgesic - Pain relieving.

Emetics - Herbs that cause vomiting.

Diuretics - Herbs that increase the flow of urine.

Chronic - Ailments or conditions that have been going on over a period of time.

Acute - Ailments with a sudden onset.

Emollient - Softening or soothing to the skin.

Demulcent - Soothing substances taken internally.

- pyretics - fever reducing
- catarrhals - substances that prevent or decrease the formation of mucus.
- spasmodics - substances that prevent or relax muscle spasms.

Rubefacients - substances that increase blood flow to a particular area when rubbed on the skin.

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