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Meet The Sister's of Loyalty

As wonderful as the results of our creativity can be, beautiful results are not the only benefit which the spirit of creativity brings.The act of creating, of making beauty out something ordinary... that brings joy in itself.

Our Members

Below you will find members of Sister's of Loyalty.All of the Sister's you will find here are very special ladies.Be sure to visit thier homepages and leave a nice word in thier guestbooks.

Founder of The Sister's of Loyalty.The one who tries to keep our pages up and running smoothly.Please visit her personal homepage.

Co founder of the Sister of Loyalty.A sister with a sense of humor.She can put a smile on your face even on the worse days.Be sure to visit her holiday pages.

I love painting and working in my yard.I think women of all walks of life need to stick together.We are a special breed.I am also Carmi's mom.She is the one who got me started on the computer.

My favorite book is "Como Agua Para Chocolate" by Laura Esquivel.My favorite art is religious icons..I love sunflowers...The seem so fresh and full of hope and happiness It may seem silly, but they make me open my eyes wider and take in the beauty in everything around them.

I am a mom of two, love people, enjoy being with people .I have tons of hobbies, or so it seems - my favorite one being computers!
I work for a great company in the wireless communications field. I started as a receptionist and at the first of the year I was promoted into the MIS department. Not bad for 6 months!!

Wild Angel
Age: 31 I am a single mother.
I am a college student (working for BSW (social work) degree.
I have a 12 year old son. I love to sing and spend time alone with nature. I believe in the power of love.

My favorite things are firefighting,chatting,sports,my cyber family and friends.I love to read.And like anything having to do with websites.

Velvet Tiger
Velvet Tiger is from Illinois and is a strong believer in anti-cruelty work.She has a spectacular homepage.Be sure to drop by for a visit and sign her guestbook while you are there.

My site is based on the things I love..and I have made it myself...I like to make sites for my other female friends..and show my caring for the community helping elderly and handicapped with their computers as well..

I am fairly new to the intricasies of the computer world, but I am finding it fascinating, webaholic nothing! I am the mother of four, now grown kids, and I am the guardian of my grand-daughter who is 9. I live in England at present, where I was born and lived my first 30+ years. My home however is in Pipestone, Minnesota. I am due to be remarried shortly and will return to his hometown.

I am from a small town in Upper Illinois by Wisconsin. *McHenry* I like to help people and treat people with surprises. I'm the type of person to make people laugh when they are down. I'm always willing to talk to someone when they are down. I've been told that I was the 'adviser' of the group when someone was down.

I am stationed overseas in England as part of the Air Force and would really enjoy to be a part of something besides this military thing. I am 21. My birthday is April 1st. I enjoy all sports. I am an avid rollerblader and snow board as much as I can. I am 30 minutes from London and travel as much as I can. I've been lots of fun places such as Holland and Paris. I would love to make new friends!

I am such a lover of this computer and a mother of three children... I also operate a in home state liceansed day care so I don't have that many friends to chat too. I think it would be nice to find a group of women that I share things in common with...even if it is over the WWW.

I am from Sweden. I have many interests such as astronomy, internet, web designing, reading, horse riding, crystals and travelling!

I believe that women uniting as sisters and friends, loyal and supportive of each other, can change the world into a peaceful, loving, harmonious place. My site does contain adult content in the form of poems that celebrate the sacredness of love and respectful intimate relations. It also addresses the issue of domestic violence, which can be a disturbing subject. However, these issues must be dealt with in a loving supportive way if women are to come to support and nurture each other.

I will not follow where the path may lead, but I will go where there is no path and I will leave a trail

I'm Emmy (nickname Emmeke), 25 and live in Belgium. I share my life with my soulmate Erwin, two cats and my dog Trixi - a 7 year old Fox Terrier. I'm currently working at an ISP as web-develop. Other interests include: music, dancing, reading (especially fantasy and thrillers), looking after my pets and cactii, writing, walking and much more.

I am a member of Won Trophy Bass 2. I like alot of things Bingo,Camping playing games many many more.I am married and have 3 wonderful children.

I'm a fairly quiet person and I guess I'm quite shy! I thik it would be lovely to have a sister as I'm an only child and I think I'm missing out on the warmth and friendship that women give to one another! I'm a good listener, I'm part of my college voluntary helpline and act as a mediator between most disputes between friends and family! I love reading, revel in most kinds of music and feel most at home next to the sea and the mountains. I'm a second year theology student in the UK and I love meeting people though the Net! I think it's a wonderful resource for everyone to be able to communicate without fear.

I hope you will enjoy this website that I'm designing. Here, you will find some of my favorite things, including many ways that YOU can help find a missing child. I'm a "newbie" at websites, so please forgive my first try ... I do hope you like what I have prepared for you and that you will stop by again and tell your friends that you've found a peaceful, uplifting site that will bring a warm smile to their faces. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by! Please sign my guestbook on your way out!

I've got curly wild blondish hair,smoky blue eyes.I go to enloe high school for now.I've got a lot of friends and then there's always my mom and my dogs, all five of em.

I love school. I love to write and make new friends. I'm really shy, though, but I'm also "crazy" when you get to know me. I love to write and learn. I live in the USA, but I love Ireland.

Im 40 yrs old and work in an ER as a nurse.. I love talking to other women about life in general. and what women have to do to live a good life. MY interests are gardening home interior and playing on the puter.. I sometimes get a glass of wine and relax but thats hard for me to do.. I guess it's something I havent learned to do yet.. Maybe you can help....

I am an at home mother and my hobbies are websites. I enjoy doing sites for my friends in the Gaming Zone. Other than that I am really a simple person.

I am a mother of (3) wonderful children and the best husband in the world. *s* I am also a Grandmother now which has been a total delight as my angel has just turned (1).

I'm 21 and was born and raised in San Diego, CA. I enjoy just hanging out with my friends, especially at the beach. I love meeting other people and just chatting about anything and everything. My friends seem to think that I'm a good listener whenever they have problems or just questions about anything.

I am a student in Saginaw, Michigan. I have one sister and one brother, both of whom I love very much. I would like to become a member because sometimes I get bored while surfing, and this would be someplace cool to go.

I'm an English major, so I am a literature freak. But because I am a woman, I love the great women writers such as Louisa May Alcott and Jane Austen. I believe that great women writers do not get as much recognition as they should, so I've dedicated much of my space to these great women. I also love movies, and music, and so I let the world know through my page.

I am a 22 year old single mom. I'm in college working on my degree in sociology.

Little Puppy
A true friend who listens and tries to help where she can. She may be young but she can make a difference.

I am 19 and a college student. I'm studying film, and hope to act and direct someday. I enjoy reading, and am still fondly attached to a couple of young adult writers. I also love animals, nature, and the new age.

I admire the causes the Sisters support and I, too, feel they are important. It is also important for women to find a group of trustworthy confidants who understand problems in each other's lives. The web is a wonderful way to reach hundreds of people.

23yr old student nurse from Norway, mother to Sara (almost 3), concerned about human rights, the world, people, society.

Loyalty is one of the most important traits I look for in a person. I feel sisterhood, whether biological or spiritual, is very important. A little about me... I like to read and write. My future goals include either being a novelist, an astronomer, or the next Steve Case. lol.

I am a mother of a lovely boy born 6/11/98 called Jaxon... I live with my partner in Adelaide South Australia and am a television producer/director... I know a few members who have been wonderful friends online so I thought I might meet a few more of you !

I am a 23 yr old single female living in N.E. Ohio. I work in a living history musuem doing re-enacting, which I really enjoy. I volunteer on Thursdays with training and general care of three birds of prey (an owl, hawk and falcon). I want to join the sisterhood to find support and help suport those who need it. The bonds that can be built last a lifetime and are the strongest.

I am from New York. I love to read, (esp. L.J. Smith) play sports, shop, and basically just have a good time! I am a very loyal and trustworthy person.

I am dedicated to the idea that all women are sisters. I feel that womanhood should be celebrated and shared. Besides, i never had a real sister. Just one or two very close friends, but I have found a "sisterhood" amoung the women that I have met on the Net. My page is very county and dedicated to me finding my ancestorial roots.

I like sports, music, history, reading, chatting, and playing around on the computer. I am 18 and live in north Georgia.

Sita Rose
I am from an 18 year old Los Angeles, California who will be a freshman at Stanford University this fall. I enjoy many things including cross-stitch and crochet, geneology, raising and caring for my numerous pets, gardening, acting, and reading. I would like to join the sister hood because it seems like a group of supportive and interesting ladies who have joined together to support each other and become friends. I feel this is a wonderful idea for a group and exactly the kind of group I would enjoy being a part of. I would try my best to be an active and able member of the society.

I really want to be sisters of loyalty because I feel its in my heart to become one. I like to help people when they are sad or hurt. I like to help sick,injured and homeless animals. I feel its in my nature to help out and heal broken hearts and spirits.

I do not have my homepage up and running yet but I am working on it.I live in Atlanta.I am a freshmen in high school. I love to make new friends and talk with people.

I live in Australia, on the lovely Gold Coast. I have two dogs and a cat, and a lovely garden! I really enjoy gardening and would like to talk to people who feel they can communicate with the spirit diva's of the plants, fairies, gnomes and so forth.

Rev. Naomi Shifra
A licensed non-demoninational minister and a R.N., as well as a photographer. My site is dedicated to Quanyin, the female Buddha, who shows us the path to Mercy, Compassion and Enlightenment. Through the use of the WWW, I have been able to reach many people with the message that we are all connected in all ways, always, and that it is our duty to care for others and our planet.

I like hanging out with my friends and meeting new people.I enjoy sports alot also.

I'm a person who enjoys laughter, of sharing in friendship, and love.

I am fairly new to the internet. I love to work on my website and am interested in the womens groups. I use my site to tell of my family and also have a page of worthwhile causes. I want my life on the internet to be worthwhile. I am 59 years old and have been widowed twice. I have seven children all all married except for one. I have grandchildren and great grandchildren. My website tells all about me and my childhood.

I am married and the mother of a 16 year old. I live in Missouri and have only been on the net since November of 1997.

I am a person who believes in what is right is right. Your rules are simple respect for each other...and this is something that is good and kind. I am a Survivor of incest where there is nothing good and kind.

I have been an Emergency Nurse for 22 years. I am a wife and mother. My site is dedicated to helping with medical problems, with links and search engines for medicine. I also answer and research medical information when asked.

I am 29 and fighting to raise awareness to the disease lupus. I have had it now for 5 years. It has caused me to also have myositis and fibromaylgia. I am very ill but have devoted my life to this cause and to find a cure for this. It is very important to me that no one else has to suffer from this thing we call the wolf. It is 95% a womans disease.

I live in the UK with my husband and our two young sons, I love fantasy and writing and maintain a site almost entirely devoted to it. I am also a pagan, and working on some pages within my Chamber to do with pagan/wiccan beliefs, and many other things are coming too. I have become knowledgable in HTML and I'm learning DHTML and JavaScript, I'm also a brand-new Community Leader at Geocities. I would like to meet other women on the Web who share my interests and love of life, and be part of something special.

I am a college instructor, recently divorced after 29 years of marriage--I have found so much support from other women and appreciate the support--many have told me: "You go girl!"--their words and encouragement keep me going forward seeking to realize my potential as a single woman--I would like to offer friendship and support to others--both married and single.

Well, gosh, I have such a boring life, there's almost nothing to say. But I guess I can ramble on about myself a bit (not sounding concieded). I live in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.There's people there who I call my "friends", because they say they're my friends and I'd like to think that they are, but truthfully I know they're not. I don't believe in real true friends that would be with you through thick and thin. There just arent any of those out there.I wishe to find some more friends outside her little circle.

I'm a 22 year old accountant to be. *smiles* I would like to become a member because there are so many friendships to be found here. Nothing like meeting more wonderful "sisters".

I would really like to become a member of the Sisterhood because I am a very loving and caring person also,I have never had a sister so I have never really gotten a chance to experience what it is like. So, I hope to excperience that and be supported with the sisterhood. I don't currently have a webpage but i am working on one. I will let you know when it is finished and up and running. Thankyou for your time,

I live in toronto. I really enjoy being a woman,I think its great that there are organizations that realise this.

Im 35. I'm Happy and Honored to be a loyal sister. Id love to listen and help through prayer and friendship.

Dr. Jane Susanna
I am 48 years old, live in London, work part-time as a gardener, and am doing post-doctoral research on Verdi. I would love to make contact with other women on the Web - some I have already met, either on-line or in person, through my gardening page and my membership of the e-mail list Opera-L.

I am a mother of 3, one deceased. Compassionate to a fault. Loving and caring. I am a writer and have a site for women, owned by a woman. I believe in equality for all, and I am totally non-prejudice. I am proud that I am a member of any organization for the betterment of mankind or womankind.

I am 18 years old and I live in England. I love to chat and also to meet new wonderful people. I am a very caring person who loves to laugh a lot and also I love to give and recive hugs.

I am a wife to a wonderful husband, and a mother to a great son. I love butterflies, and I think the Sisters of Loyalty offer so much to women like myself. I love meeting new people and the internet is another way to do that. I am just learning my way around there.

I have my own homepage with mainly cat-photos and catstuff...but I also have a family photo-album page with pictures of my husband, my daughter and myself...I would also like to soon include a page on women's issues and raising girls in our society.

A 14 year old gal from Singapore. I certainly would like to help others!

I think sisterhood is very important and would be honored to have my site a part of your ring :o)

Penny Sturm
I have been married to a special man for 15 years, and have 3 wonderful boys. (8, 11, 13) I work as a Home Care Aide and really like to help and listen to people. I have been on the net for about 1 1/2 years and love to meet ppl. I would like to become a member of your sisterhood to make new friends and support some causes.

Jana Church aka colalady
I am impressed with all that I have read and seen here. I support the causes and see that it is for the good of all. I am a believer that we can make a difference and that we can help make the net a better place too.I fostered 19 years and raised a son , daughter, nephew and niece and now raising an adopted daughter 8 and her brother 2 .

I am 28 yrs old mother of 2 boys and almost step mother of a little boy and girl...:-)) I live in Mississippi

I am a 58 yr. old wife, mother, and grandmother, and I have a great interest in the WWW. I also have always been very interested in and involved with religion and mysticiam. This group looks like just the kind that I would enjoy being a member of, and also hopefully contribute something.

I am female, 42, lpn, work in a nursing home for 19 years, have a dog name barney that is not purple. He is 11 years old. spent most of my time working, or with mom

I am 18 and I am a freshman in college. I would like to join the Sisterhood because it sounds like an absolutely wonderful organization and I would love to be a part of it.


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