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Welcome To Autumn's World!!

Check out the HUGE catfish that my dad and brother caught!!! It's unbelievable!! (This was taken after an all night fishing trip, so excuse their appearance!)

Go see my newest addition to the site---my fantasy page. It's a work in progress that is focused primarily on unicorns and faeries. Very pretty, if I do say so myself!

I originally began this page as a project for my freshman year English class at Centenary college. My teacher, the wonderful Dr. Jefferson Hendricks got me started on it, and I have since found myself very interested in the page's design. I am currently enrolled in his Survey of American Literature course. I am now a second semester sophomore (YAY! Only two and a half more years!)undertaking a Communication major, and there are a ton of English classes involved in it. (Thank God. I'm so incredibly awful at math and science.)Last semester I was enrolled in Dr. George Newton's Business Communications Class. I have some of my work posted on the web if you want to look at it. Also, if you want to find out more about me feel free to do so. My English 101 and 102 projects and classwork can be found here. I know it sounds boring, but many of the papers and projects that I have done are actually pretty interesting, so you ought to check them out.