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Hi!! My name is Autumn Shaver, and I'm a twenty year old junior at Centenary College in Shreveport, Louisiana. I have a fiancee (June 20 will be our four year anniversary!!) named Alan who I love more than anything in the world. For the story on how we met, click here.We're holding off on the wedding until after I graduate, but because I'm such a procrastinator, I need all the time possible to plan!! I'm an avid horseback rider, and I love to barrel race (it's a rodeo event, for those of you who don't know) and a full-time student. I've been interested in horses for as long as I can remember, and I got my first one at age 10. My love for them grew from there, and before I knew it, I was training my own barrel horses. I'm proud of the accomplishments I've made in the sport--it's very competitive, and horses range from $7,000 all the way up to the $100,000 mark. I myself don't have the privilege (if you can call it that) of owning one of those horses, however. I train all my own horses, and I can assure you that the feeling you get after making a winning run on a horse you've broken yourself is incomparable to anything else. I also ride on a drill team--the Red River Silver Stars. We do intricate patterns on horseback to music. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, because for each two and a half minute song we preform to, there was about six months of practice put into it. But after watching the finished product you realize it was worth it. Some of the songs that we've done drills to are: "The River"(Garth Brooks), "Heartland"(George Strait), the theme to "The Lone Ranger," "God Bless the U.S.A." (Lee Greenwood), and we're currently working on our most elaborate and longest drill ridden to "Angels Among Us"(Alabama). We're performing at theCoushatta, Natchitoches, and Minden rodeos in September. My wonderful mom (she's the captain of the team) recently created a web page for us, and you can look at it by clicking here

As of now I'm unemployed, but I'm supposed to be starting at LSU-MC working in public relations for the Neurology Department within the next couple of weeks. I'm really excited about it -- because I'm majoring in Communication, it sounds like it will be an amazing experience for me.

My best friend (and cousin), Wade, instructed me that it was completely bitchy not to have a page devoted to him, so I made him one. You can find out more about us here.I'm sure that he'll expect me to say what an amazingly beautiful species he is (there could be no human being more conceited than him), but to avoid throwing in my own sarcastic remarks that would probably take away from the description, I decided to include a picture of the two of us. You guys can judge for yourself....

Hmm....what else is there to say about myself?

Two of my favorite images are those of hummingbirds and magnolias. I have a hummingbird tattoo on my right ankle. (Don't listen to people who tell you they hurt--they don't!!) It looks sort of like this one:

Well, I suppose that that's about it. I'm not the most interesting person in the world, but maybe you've been able to occupy a few minutes of your spare time by learning a little about me. If you've got more time to spend, feel free to poke around the rest of the site. It's pretty big, and you might even find some of my ramblings or essays interesting. Who knows?