The Annual Toy Run
Each year the
Crusaders put on their annual toy run. This year was no exception and the turnout was one of the best we have ever had. The Crusaders were able to raise over $1500, in toys and cash, after expenses and have a great time. Special THANKS to the Ramada Inn and Milligan’s for allowing the event to be held there and for offering a discount to those that wanted to spend the night. Also to all those that donated for door prized and to Roca Bar for being our starting point. We already have BIG ideas for next year--SO check out our events page and make plans to join us!!
This event benefits families at Christmas time, and this year we are doing it a little different. Each Crusader gets to choose a family and the Crusaders will help that family have Christmas. We hope to brighten the day for families that would otherwise have nothing on this holiday morning.

Gathering things together for the great day the Lord Blessed

Presenting the new shirts

Cowboy and Keith say,"Hey those are nice shirts!!"

Gathering around, and Marty asked the Lord to bless the day...and HE did

Line them up and move them out

What a good looking bunch!!

heading out to Roca Bar

Sign in

Where Two or more are gathered..

the escort has arrived

Get yer moter runin'--head out on the highway--to the Rhamda Inn

Setting up the great food, plenty of door prizes, and mingling with each other

Bike Games

Enjoying the Games and the Show

Slow Race, Keg Race, and Board Race


some of the crowd watching

Awards for the winners...some people get choked up winning.. haha

Mingling one last time

Ready to unload after a long day, we are all so happily Blessed

God let us know the day was over :) what a day it was...
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Remembering Our Angel Aggie
What a Year!!