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  Meaning of Compassion:

  Date:14th century
Sympathetic consciousness of others'distress
together with a desire to alleviate it.

When sometimes the darkness grabs your soul,
And your eyes have seen many a dusty road,
Look to the Angel of Compassion,
let her warm your heart with love.
For sometimes we all need a helping hand
to make our dreams come true.
So hold on tight and wish for
the stars to shine your way....
Then someday you will say,
My heart was light and my Spirit free
when an Angel of Compassion looked down on me.
Poem by Linda Mikesell
Copyright 2001



Bossets Creations 


May You Always have an Angel
by your side

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Please visit here to see the beautiful quilt made by all who loved DaBee

I met DaBee through the Garden of Friendship.
If there was anyone in this world
who knew how to be compassionate,
it was DaBee.
She was a true angel and a friend to all who was graced by her friendship..
I, like many others will miss her dearly.

Another GOF friend has passed away.
Her friendship will be forever treasured.

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May Peace & Serenity be with you
Bossets Creations 


A friend is someone who
dances with you in the sunlight
and walks with you in the shadows.


Song Title "I'll Spend My Life"
From the CD "Dreams"

Used with Permission
Copyright 2001
Bill Sandy~Mystifying Music