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Beware - - Chemicals are EVERYWHERE

Chemicals are important to our lifestyle and are everywhere, so are their potential risks! We need to respect all chemicals; but in our community there are seven that demand extra serious attention.

While every chemical has a hazard level, the "Serious Seven" are especially dangerous. They are either CORROSIVE or FLAMMABLE. Remember chemical accidents do happen and happen quickly! In an emergency it takes time to get information, make evaluations, then get people and equipment rolling.

What could Happen

There are many industrial plants, refineries, chemical plants and similar locations. Although the wonder of chemicals is everywhere, the "Serious Seven" are the higher potential hazards locally.

There are two types within this group of "Seven" chemicals:

CORROSIVE - They quickly become gaseous, and can dangerously irritate nose, eyes, throat, and air passages.

FLAMMABLE - This type can explode or produce violent flames.

**You need to be ready for both**

Railroads, highways, pipelines or waterways are everywhere. What if a huge tank transportation truck skids, jackknifes, and overturns? What do you do?

** Think of your Safety Plan.**
With a plan in place you KNOW there are two choices.

STAY - in your car (or building). Close it up to protect your air supply because it takes very little of certain chemicals to affect you.

GO - Get well away and stay alert for clouds or wind-driven gases that could follow you.

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McLean County LEPC