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Kingdom Animalia

Home The Kingdom Animalia is comprised of organisms that have a cell membrane but no cell wall, are multicellular, eukaryotic(membrane bound nucleus and organelles), and heterotrophic. The kingdom includes many phyla. For example:

Phylum Mollusca: All organisms in this phylum have a muscular foot used for movement. They also have what is called a mantle which is an outgrowth used for respiration, waste management, and sensory perception. Another characteristic is a digestive tract that goes from mouth to anus.

Phylum Arthropoda: Organisms in this phylum have a symetrical body structure with an exoskeleton, reproduce sexually, have joints, a brain, and nervous system. This phylum includes insects, arachnids, centipedes, millipedes, and crustaceans.

Phylum Chordata: Organisms in this phylum have a hollow nerve chord, a notochord(a flexible chord between the nerve chord and digestive tract), a digestive tract behind the mouth, and a tail structure behind the anus.

Kingdom Archaebacteria
Kingdom Eubacteria
Kingdom Fungi
Kingdom Plantae
Kingdom Protista

Phelsuma Ornata
Habitat: Lives in the regions and islands of the Indian Ocean. It's found in tropical rainforests and coconut plantations in the leaves and branches of the trees (although they are sometimes found in houses).
Diet: During the day the gecko hunts insects, or eats nectar, and overripe fruit.
Other info: Phelsuma Ornata has no eyelids. Instead it has a protective sheild and the tongue does the cleaning. They are loud and make a "geh-ho" sound (the inspiration for the common name). On its toes it has many small hairs with very small suction cups, allowing it to climb just about anything, including ceilings and smooth glass. The creatures tend to be 1.5 to 2.5 cm long. Another characteristic is its broad tail that is susceptible to breaking off. The tail can then regenerate over time.

Kingdom Animalia
Natural Perspectives: Animal Kingdom
Kingdom Animalia