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Just a Wee bit of Gaelic To

Help You Get By

I Thought It Would Be Much Easier This Way So You Can Sound Them Out .Hope It Helps *S*.

fear (far) man, a man

cat (kaht) cat, a cat

bean (ban) woman, a woman

caili'n (kah-LEEN) girl, a girl

bord (bohrd) table, a table

ard (ahrd) high, tall

gairid (GAH-rid) short

anseo (un-SHUH) here

ansin (un-SHIN) there

fada (FAH-duh) long

bosca (BOHSK-uh) box, a box

'edseal (EE-shuhl) low, short

'e1id (sraw*d) street, a street

agus (AH-guhs) and

'e1idir (LAW*-dir) strong

tana'i (TAH-nee) thin

ramhar (ROU-wuhr) fat

pard cam (koum) crooked

(KUN-uhs TAW* too in-YOO) How are youtoday?

l'a (law*), day

clog (kluhg), clock

bus (bus), bus

bean, an bhean (ban, un VAN), woman

cos, an chos (kuhs, un K*UHS), foot

duais, an duais (DOO-ish, un DOO-ish),prize

grian, an ghrian (GREE-uhn, unYREE-uhn), sun

fuinneog, an fhuinneog (fwin-YOHG, unin-YOHG), window

teanga, an teanga (TANG-uh, unTANG-uh), language

t'edr, an t'edr (teer, un TEER),country

bre'ea (bir-RAW*), fine

fliuch (flyuk*), wet

tirim (TIR-im), dry

'ealainn (AW*-lin), beautiful

fuar (FOO-uhr), cold

an oi'edche mhaith (un EE-hye vwah),the good night

aon duine (ay*n DIN-e), anyone

aon rud (ay*n ruhn), anything

seomra *SHOM-ruh), room

bosca (BOHSK-uh), box

bord (bohrd), table

bainne (BAHN-ye), milk

cup'an (ku-PAW*N), cup

pla'ta (PLAW*-tuh), plate

scian (SHKEE-uhn), knife

l'eine (LAY*-ne), shirt

glan (gluhn), clean

salach (suh-LAHK*), dirty

suigh sios (si SHEE-uhs), sit down

milis (MIL-ish), sweet

d'ana (DAW*-nuh), bold

p'aiste (PAW*SH-te), child

p'aist'i (PAW*SH-tee), children

E'ireannaigh (AY*R-uh-nee), Irishpersons

faigh (feye), get

cuir (kir), put

ith (i), eat

t'eigh (tay*), go

nigh (ni), wash

r'eidh (ray*), ready

Ma's e' do thoil 'e (MAW* shay* duhHIL ay*), Please.

Go raibh maith agat (gu-ruh MAHhuh-guht), Thank you.

Fa'ilte romhat (FAW*L-tye ROH-uht), Welcome to you.

Go sabh'aela Dia sinn (gohsuh-VWAW*-luh DEE-uh shin), May God save us.

t'eigh, ag dul (tay*, uh DUHL), go

tar, ag teacht (tahr, uh TYAHK*T), come

scr'iobh, ag scri'obh (shkreev, uh SHKREEV), write

ith, ag ithe (i, eg I-he), eat

imigh, ag imeacht (IM-ee, ag im-AHK*T) depart, leave

o'l, ag o'l (ohl, eg OHL), drink

faigh, ag fa'il (feye, uh FAW*-il), get

d'ean, ag d'eanamh (day*n, uh DAY*N-uhv) do, make

siu'il, ag siu'l (SHOO-il, uh SHOOL) walk

rith, ag rith (ri, uh RI) run

eist, ag 'eisteacht (ay*sht, eg AY*SH-tyahk*t) listen

foghlaim, ag foghlaim (FOU-lim, uh FOU-lim), learn

fan, ag fanacht (fahn, uh FAHN-uhk*t), wait

solas (SUH-luhs), light

balla (BAHL-luh), wall

sorn (SOHR-ruhn), stove

cu'isneoir (koosh-NYOH-ir), refrigerator

gloine (GLIN-e), glass

doirteal (DUHRT-uhl), sink

forc (fohrk), fork

f'o-chup'an (FOH-k*u-PAW*N), saucer

citeal (KIT-uhl), kettle

naipci'n (nap-KEEN), napkin

pota (POHT-uh), pot

sconna (SKOHN-uh), faucet

'eadach boird, an t-eadach boird (AY*-duhk*BWIRD, un TAY*-duhk*BWIRD), tablecloth, the tablecloth

oigheann, an t-oigheann (EYE-uhn, un TEYE-uhn), oven, the oven



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