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The contents of this site is classified via the dynasties/time period of China.
Just click directly on the links in the table or simply click on the links listed at the ~(Index of Site)~. I hope this arrangement has made things easier for the visitors. Please feel free to visit the site

(1)Ancient China (circa 3000 BC-1911 AD)

(A) Prehistoric China:Hsia & Shang Dynasties (3000-1100 BC)

--Myths & Legends

(B) Era of Feudalism:Chou Dynasty (1100-256 BC) & 1st Age of Disunity: Spring-Autumm (771-481 BC) & Warring States (463-221 BC)

--Earliest Written Documents:'Shih-ching' & 'Elegies of Chu'
--Classical Age of Philosophy in Chou & pre-Chin Dynasty Period:Confucianism,Taoism & more..(771-221 BC) & Chin Dynasty (221-206 BC)

(C) 1st Age of Imperialism:Chin Dynasty (221-206 BC)& Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)

--Han Poetry & Historical Writings (206 BC-220 AD)

(D) 2nd Period of Disunity:3 Kingdoms (220-280 AD) -Tsin Dynasty (265-420 AD) & 6 Dynasties(420-589 AD)

--3 Kingdoms-Tsin-6 Dynasties Literature

(E) 2nd Age of Imperialism:Sui Dynasty (581-618 AD)-Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD)

--Tang Poetry:Li-Po,Tu Fu,Po Ju-yi..
--Tang Prose & Novels & 3rd Period of Disunity: 5 Dynasties-10 Kingdoms Period (907-960 AD)

(F) Period of Relative Weakness:Sung Dynasty (960-1279 AD)

--Northern Sung Poetry (960-1127 AD)
--Southern Sung Poetry (1127-1279 AD)

(G) 1st Alien Rule:Yuan Dynasty of the Mongols (1279-1368 AD)

--Yuan Drama (operatic)
--Yuan Novels:Examples: 'The Water Margin' & 'Romance of the 3 Kingdoms'

(H) Last Chinese Monarchy:Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD)

--Ming Drama (operatic)
--Ming Novels:Examples:'Journey to the West' & 'The Plum in the Golden Vase'

(I) 2nd Non-Chinese Rule & the Last Dynasty/Monarchy:Ching Dynasty of the Manchus (1616-1911 AD)

--Ching Novels:Examples:'Dream of the Red Chamber' & 'Strange Tales of Liao-zhai')

(2)Modern China (1911 - )

(J) New Cultural/Intellectual Movement

--May 4th Movement (1919)

(K) Modern Drama

(L) Modern Prose

(M) Modern Novels

~(Index of Site)~

|Main Page| |Chinese Literature Content Page| |Hsia-Shang Dynasties:Myths & Legends| |Chou Dynasty Literature| |Classical Age of Philosophy In Chou period| |Han Dynasty Literature| |Tang Dynasty Literature| |Sung Dynasty Literature| |Yuan Dynasty Literature| |Ming Dynasty Literature| |Ching Dynasty Literature| |New Intellectual Movement & Modern Poetry| |Modern Drama| |Modern Prose| |Modern Novels| |Introduction to Site| |Exit/Conclusion| |Useful Links to Chinese Literature Sites| |Virtual Peter Album| |My Information| |My Peter Page| |My Elvis Page| |My Kevin Sorbo Page| |Sign My Guestbook| |View My Guestbook| |Index of Site|
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