My Favorite Links

Below you will find links to My
Friend's Sites and Journals with
Information and Resources on
Alzheimers and other Dementias,
Support Groups and Organizations,
and Links to all Pages on My Site.
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Friend's Sites & Journals

Alice's Place
Brenda's Page
Carole's Cottage Classroom
Chip's Journey
John's Diary
Larry Rose
Mary's Place
Tim's Page
Top AD/Cargivers Site Information
The Alzheimer's Page
Joe's Journey
Peter Smith's Site
Peter Ashley in the UK

Pages on My Site

Home or Start Page
Journal Entries (January thru June 2001)
Journal Entries (July 2001 thru Present)
JanMina's Site LINKS PAGE
JanMina's Photo Album
Journal Entries (January thru June 2000)
Journal Entries (July thru December 2000)
JanMina's Published Writings
Journal Entries (January thru June 1999)
Journal Entries (July thru December 1999)
Journal Entries (January thru June 1998)
Journal Entries (July thru December 1998)
Journal Entries (January thru June 1997)
Journal Entries (July thru December 1997)
Journal Entries (January thru June 1996)
Journal Entries (July thru December 1996)
Journal Entries (Jan thru June 2002)
Journal Entries (July thru Dec 2002)
Christmas 2001 Celebration

Support Grps/Organizations

DASN(Dementia Advocacy & Support Network)
Empowering Caregivers
Alzheimers NZ, Nat'l Office & Resource Centre
Alzheimer's Disease Internat'l Conference
The Alzheimer's Society of the UK
Alzheimer Society of Canada