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2003・11・20 ゲンダイ



湾岸戦争に従軍した保健物理学博士ベテラン陸軍少佐Doug Rokkeの証言
(The War Against Ourselves)




spring 2003


インタビューはTraprock Peace CenterのSunny Miller氏
訳: 星川 淳氏

Q: 湾岸戦争をテレビで見た人たちは、遠隔操作の楽勝で、米兵の被害もわあい少ない印象を受けました。実態はどうだったんですか?

ロッキー: 湾岸戦争が終わって1991年の秋にアメリカへ帰還したとき、米兵の死傷者合計は760名でした。死者294名、負傷と病気が400名あまりです。ところが現在、湾岸戦争復員兵の死傷率は約30%に達しています。2002年9月の復員軍人援護局(Veterans Affairs=VA)報告によれば、実戦後も含めて現地入りした将兵のうち22万1000人が障害補償を受けました。米軍戦死者の多くは、ウラン弾による味方の誤射・誤爆が直接原因で死んでいます。米軍が米軍を死傷させたわけです。



Q: あなたは35年間も軍務についてこられました。ベトナム戦争では爆撃手を務め、いまでも陸軍予備役に登録しているとのこと。それでも現在、全国をまわりながら劣化ウラン(depleted uranium=DU)の危険について警鐘を鳴らしています。劣化ウランの問題をおおやけにしなければいけないと決意した理由は何ですか?

ロッキー: 湾岸戦争で私のチームにいた全員が病気になりました。親友のジョン・シットンが瀕死の症状に陥ったのに、軍は医療責任を拒否し、ジョンを死なせました。彼は湾岸戦争全体の医療避難通信システムを構築した功労者ですよ。その任務で被曝したのです。






Q: 何が起こっているのかご存知でしたか?

ロッキー: 湾岸戦争がはじまったとき、劣化ウランのことなど何も知らされていませんでした。兵士は上官の命令に従うものですが、上からは劣化ウランに健康上の悪影響はないと聞いていたのです。けれども、この物質について調べはじめ、物理学や工学の知識と照らし合わせてみると(私の専攻は環境科学と工学でしたから)、それらの知見や実際の見聞と軍の公式見解との矛盾にすぐ気づきました


Q: なぜ復員軍人援護局に医療補償を求めなかったのですか?

ロッキー: まだ現役兵士の身分だったので、医療補償の申請はできないと言われたからです。復員軍人援護局に申請するには、軍務と病状とのつながりを示す情報がなければなりません。復員軍人援護局の補償がとうてい見込めなかったので、私はかかりつけの個人医に相談しました。当時は原因がわかりませんでしたが、とにかくあまりにも多くの復員兵が病にかかっていたのです。



Q: 劣化ウランに被曝すると、どんな症状が現われるのですか?

ロッキー: 線維筋痛(せんいきんつう)です。放射線による白内障も起こります。ウランが車両や建物に着弾すると、酸化ウランの塵とウランの破片があたり一面に飛び散ります。人間はこれを吸い込んだり、傷口から取り込んだりします。体内に入ると、この一部が水溶性となり、血液を通じて全身に広がります。不溶性の微粒子は、たとえば肺などにとどまります。放射線とそれら微粒子が肺を破壊するのです。

Q: いま、第二次湾岸戦争がはじまりそうな場所へ送り込まれている部隊は、どんな訓練を受けたのですか?

ロッキー: 私は劣化ウランプロジェクトの主任担当官として40時間で完結する訓練計画を作成しました。ところが、そのプログラムは丸々お蔵入りになっています。軍は私が書いたものを20分のプログラムに焼き直しましたが、ウソばかりです。ウラン弾の実態をとらえたものではありません。


Q: もし隣近所の人たちが不十分な訓練と装備で戦場に送られ、しかも劣化ウランなどの毒物兵器で戦うとしたら、それに対して異議申し立てをできるのはだれでしょうか?

ロッキー: 兵士の夫や妻、息子や娘、祖父母、叔父や叔母のだれでも、自分の選挙区の国会議員に電話をかけ、いま私が引用したような政府の公式報告を挙げて、軍が兵士たちに必要十分な装備と訓練を与えることを求めるべきです。もしわれわれが、湾岸戦争後に起こったように米軍の復員兵士を正しく処遇しないのなら、そんな戦争はすべきではない。それは神への冒涜です。戦争でウラン弾を使うのは人類に対する犯罪ですし、戦争の結果を無視することも許されざる罪悪です。



Q: もしあなたの情報が広まったら、いまイラク戦争に向けて配属された兵士たちの家族から、兵役拒否の嘆願が出てくる可能性はあると思いますか?

ロッキー: もし毒物の荒野に送り込まれ、穴のあいたガスマスクや化学防護服をつけなければならず、しかもそれらの毒物にさらされたあと何も医療補償を受けられないことがわかっていたら、あなたはそんな戦争に行きますか? 政府が戦争をしかけたくても、兵隊が一人もついていかなかったらどうでしょう。どこかで平和をはじめなければいけないんですよ。

Q: 35年も軍にいた人が、平和への着手について語るなんて驚きですね。

ロッキー: こういう話をするとき、とくに教会だと、「そして幼な子がわれらすべてを平和へと導いた」という聖書の一節を思い出します。しかし、もし環境を汚染したら、どこから子どもが生まれますか? 子どもたちが消えてしまうでしょう。もう戦争ができない時代になったのです。その理由は、のちのち兵士や環境に与える影響が手に余るからですが、一番重要なのは非戦闘員への影響です。使用する兵器のせいで、戦争による汚染や健康被害を除去できなくなったら、敵味方双方の戦闘員にも民間人にも医学治療が与えられなくなったら、残された道は平和しかないのです。

The War Against Ourselves

An Interview with Major Doug Rokke

Doug Rokke has a PhD in health physics and was originally trained as a forensic scientist. When the Gulf War started, he was assigned to prepare soldiers to respond to nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare, and sent to the Gulf. What he experienced has made him a passionate voice for peace, traveling the country to speak out. The following interview was conducted by the director of the Traprock Peace Center, Sunny Miller, supplemented with questions from YES! editors.

photo by Charlie Jenks
QUESTION: Any viewer who saw the war on television had the impression this was an easy war, fought from a distance and soldiers coming back relatively unharmed. Is this an accurate picture?

ROKKE: At the completion of the Gulf War, when we came back to the United States in the fall of 1991, we had a total casualty count of 760: 294 dead, a little over 400 wounded or ill. But the casualty rate now for Gulf War veterans is approximately 30 percent. Of those stationed in the theater, including after the conflict, 221,000 have been awarded disability, according to a Veterans Affairs (VA) report issued September 10, 2002.

Many of the US casualties died as a direct result of uranium munitions friendly fire. US forces killed and wounded US forces.

We recommended care for anybody downwind of any uranium dust, anybody working in and around uranium contamination, and anyone within a vehicle, structure, or building that’s struck with uranium munitions. That’s thousands upon thousands of individuals, but not only US troops. You should provide medical care not only for the enemy soldiers but for the Iraqi women and children affected, and clean up all of the contamination in Iraq.

And it’s not just children in Iraq. It’s children born to soldiers after they came back home. The military admitted that they were finding uranium excreted in the semen of the soldiers. If you’ve got uranium in the semen, the genetics are messed up. So when the children were conceived?the alpha particles cause such tremendous cell damage and genetics damage that everything goes bad. Studies have found that male soldiers who served in the Gulf War were almost twice as likely to have a child with a birth defect and female soldiers almost three times as likely.

Q: You have been a military man for over 35 years. You served in Vietnam as a bombardier and you are still in the US Army Reserves. Now you’re going around the country speaking about the dangers of depleted uranium (DU). What made you decide you had to speak publicly about DU?

ROKKE: Everybody on my team was getting sick. My best friend John Sitton was dying. The military refused him medical care, and he died. John set up the medical evacuation communication system for the entire theater. Then he got contaminated doing the work.

John and Rolla Dolph and I were best friends in the civilian world, the military world, forever. Rolla got sick. I personally got the order that sent him to war. We were both activated together. I was given the assignment to teach nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare and make sure soldiers came back alive and safe. I take it seriously. I was sent to the Gulf with this instruction: Bring ‘em back alive. Clear as could be. But when I got all the training together, all the environmental cleanup procedures together, all the medical directives, nothing happened.

More than 100 American soldiers were exposed to DU in friendly fire accidents, plus untold numbers of soldiers who climbed on and entered tanks that had been hit with DU, taking photos and gathering souvenirs to take home. They didn’t know about the hazards.

DU is an extremely effective weapon. Each tank round is 10 pounds of solid uranium-238 contaminated with plutonium, neptunium, americium. It is pyrophoric, generating intense heat on impact, penetrating a tank because of the heavy weight of its metal. When uranium munitions hit, it’s like a firestorm inside any vehicle or structure, and so we saw tremendous burns, tremendous injuries. It was devastating.

The US military decided to blow up Saddam’s chemical, biological, and radiological stockpiles in place, which released the contamination back on the US troops and on everybody in the whole region. The chemical agent detectors and radiological monitors were going off all over the place. We had all of the various nerve agents. We think there were biological agents, and there were destroyed nuclear reactor facilities. It was a toxic wasteland. And we had DU added to this whole mess.

When we first got assigned to clean up the DU and arrived in northern Saudi Arabia, we started getting sick within 72 hours. Respiratory problems, rashes, bleeding, open sores started almost immediately.

When you have a mass dose of radioactive particulates and you start breathing that in, the deposit sits in the back of the pharynx, where the cancer started initially on the first guy. It doesn’t take a lot of time. I had a father and son working with me. The father is already dead from lung cancer, and the sick son is still denied medical care.

Q: Did you suspect what was happening?

ROKKE: We didn’t know anything about DU when the Gulf War started. As a warrior, you’re listening to your leaders, and they’re saying there are no health effects from the DU. But, as we started to study this, to go back to what we learned in physics and our engineering?I was a professor of environmental science and engineering?you learn rapidly that what they’re telling you doesn’t agree with what you know and observe.

In June of 1991, when I got back to the States, I was sick. Respiratory problems and the rashes and neurological things were starting to show up.

Q: Why didn’t you go to the VA with a medical complaint?

ROKKE: Because I was still in the Army, and I was told I couldn’t file. You have to have the information that connects your exposure to your service before you go to the VA. The VA obviously wasn’t going to take care of me, so I went to my private physician. We had no idea what it was, but so many good people were coming back sick.

They didn’t do tests on me or my team members. According to the Department of Defense’s own guidelines put out in 1992, any excretion level in the urine above 15 micrograms of uranium per day should result in immediate medical testing, and when you get up to 250 micrograms of total uranium excreted per day, you’re supposed to be under continuous medical care.

Finally the US Department of Energy performed a radiobioassay on me in November 1994, while I was director of the Depleted Uranium Project for the Department of Defense. My excretion rate was approximately 1500 micrograms per day. My level was 5 to 6 times beyond the level that requires continuous medical care.

But they didn’t tell me for two and a half years.

Q: What are the symptoms of exposure to DU?

ROKKE: Fibromyalgia. Eye cataracts from the radiation. When uranium impacts any type of vehicle or structure, uranium oxide dust and pieces of uranium explode all over the place. This can be breathed in or go into a wound. Once it gets in the body, a portion of this stuff is soluble, which means it goes into the blood stream and all of your organs. The insoluble fraction stays?in the lungs, for example. The radiation damage and the particulates destroy the lungs.

Q: What kind of training have the troops had, who are getting called up right now?the ones being shipped to the vicinity of what may be the next Gulf War?

ROKKE: As the director of the Depleted Uranium Project, I developed a 40-hour block of training. All that curriculum has been shelved. They turned what I wrote into a 20-minute program that’s full of distortions. It doesn’t deal with the reality of uranium munitions.

The equipment is defective. The General Accounting Office verified that the gas masks leak, the chemical protective suits leak. Unbelievably, Defense Department officials recently said the defects can be fixed with duct tape.

Q: If my neighbors are being sent off to combat with equipment and training that is inadequate, and into battle with a toxic weapon, DU, who can speak up?

ROKKE: Every husband and wife, son and daughter, grandparent, aunt and uncle, needs to call their congressmen and cite these official government reports and force the military to ensure that our troops have adequate equipment and adequate training. If we don’t take care of our American veterans after a war, as happened with the Gulf War, and now we’re about ready to send them into a war again?we can’t do it. We can’t do it. It’s a crime against God. It’s a crime against humanity to use uranium munitions in a war, and it’s devastating to ignore the consequences of war.

These consequences last for eternity. The half life of uranium 238 is 4.5 billion years. And we left over 320 tons all over the place in Iraq.

We also bombarded Vieques, Puerto Rico, with DU in preparation for the war in Kosovo. That’s affecting American citizens on American territory. When I tried to activate our team from the Department of Defense responsible for radiological safety and DU cleanup in Vieques, I was told no. When I tried to activate medical care, I was told no.

The US Army made me their expert. I went into the project with the total intent to ensure they could use uranium munitions in war, because I’m a warrior. What I saw as director of the project, doing the research and working with my own medical conditions and everybody else’s, led me to one conclusion: uranium munitions must be banned from the planet, for eternity, and medical care must be provided for everyone, not just the US or the Canadians or the British or the Germans or the French but for the American citizens of Vieques, for the residents of Iraq, of Okinawa, of Scotland, of Indiana, of Maryland, and now Afghanistan and Kosovo.

Q: If your information got out widely, do you think there’s a possibility that the families of those soldiers would beg them to refuse?

ROKKE: If you’re going to be sent into a toxic wasteland, and you know you’re going to wear gas masks and chemical protective suits that leak, and you’re not going to get any medical care after you’re exposed to all of these things, would you go? Suppose they gave a war and nobody came. You’ve got to start peace sometime.

Q: It does sound remarkable for someone who has been in the military for 35 years to be talking about when peace should begin.

ROKKE: When I do these talks, especially in churches, I’m reminded that these religions say, “And a child will lead us to peace.” But if we contaminate the environment, where will the child come from? The children won’t be there. War has become obsolete, because we can’t deal with the consequences on our warriors or the environment, but more important, on the noncombatants. When you reach a point in war when the contamination and the health effects of war can’t be cleaned up because of the weapons you use, and medical care can’t be given to the soldiers who participated in the war on either side or to the civilians affected, then it’s time for peace.











国連 劣化ウラン弾の毒性を実証


湾岸戦争では、戦車や戦闘機から米・英両軍合わせて約九十五万個(劣化ウラン約三百二十トン分)の砲弾が広範囲に使われた。その 結果、地上戦に加わった米軍兵士だけでも、四十三万六千人が放射能汚染地帯に入り、劣化ウラン粒子の吸入などで被曝したとされ る。

 昨年七月までに、湾岸戦争に参加した退役米軍人五十七万九千人のうち、二十五万一千人(約四三%)が退役軍人省に治療を求め、 十八万二千人(約三一%)が病気や傷害に伴う「疾病・障害」補償を請求した。病名は白血病、肺がん、腎臓(じんぞう)や肝臓の慢 性疾患、気管支障害、慢性的けん怠感、皮膚斑点(はんてん)、関節痛などである。

 これまでに少なくとも九千六百人以上が亡くなり、湾岸戦争後に生まれた彼らの子どもたちの間には、先天性障害を抱えた子も多 い。また、同じ症状は湾岸戦争参加の英国兵にも表れている。

 イラクでは、前線で辛うじて生き延びた兵士ばかりでなく、市民、とりわけ子どもたちの間に白血病やリンパ性がんなどさまざま ながんが増加。先天性異常を持つ新生児の誕生も目立つ。国連決議に基づく米国、日本などの対イラク経済制裁による医薬品不足や医 療設備の不備などが、いっそう事態を悪化させている。
米国防総省や英国防省は、劣化ウラン弾による人体や環境への影響を認めておらず、米軍は昨年のコソボ紛争で再び空爆に使用。北 大西洋条約機構(NATO)軍は今年二月七日付のアナン国連事務総長あての書簡で、約三万一千発の劣化ウラン弾の使用を公式に認 めた。
 このほか米国では、劣化ウラン弾の製造工場作業員や周辺住民、試射実験場周辺住民らにも大きな影響が出ている。しかし、被曝の 全体像は今もつかめていない。

アメリカは初めて、劣化ウラン弾を使用した。イラク軍戦車への有効な武器として、多数の戦車を破壊し、イラク軍兵士を殺戮した。最前線の野戦病院に勤務した女性兵士キャロル・ピコーは帰国後、脳障害と甲状腺異常に襲われる。生まれた子どもには、甲状腺がなかった。ピコーの部隊百五十人のうち、四十人が病気に苦しみ、六人が自殺・心筋梗塞・癌などで命を失った。兵士の子どもたちも先天性の欠損症をもって生まれている。兵士に何があったのか、なぜ病気になったのかとピコーは調査を開始。しかし、ペンタゴン(米国防総省)は、検査・面会・質問への回答のすべてを拒否した。アメリカ政府は事実が知られるのを恐れ、すべてを隠蔽する態度に出たのだ。湾岸戦争で使用された劣化ウラン弾は戦車から四千発、空から百万発にも及び、放射線を出すその破片や微粒子がイラク全土を汚染した。その結果、イラクでは現在でも、子どもたちの間に奇形児・先天性欠損症児・白血病・癌が多発している。ある村では、過去四年間で二十人もの奇形児・先天性欠損症児が生まれている。父親たちは兵士として戦場にいたのである。 オーストラリアの医者で反核活動家のヘレン・カルディコットは「湾岸戦争は核戦争だった。湾岸大虐殺と呼んでいる」と指摘する。


 湾岸戦争終結時、米国は、イラク、クウェート、サウディアラビアの戦場にを併せて 300〜800トンの劣化ウラン(ウラン238)を、対戦車爆弾その他の爆弾として残した。核分裂性のウラン235を抽出した残りが劣化ウラン、ウラン238で、鉛の1.7倍の密度があり、対戦車爆弾をこれで作ると、大変な貫通力をもつ。






ヘレン・カルディコット 核政策研究所創立者・所長。核が健康に及ぼす影響について、大衆啓蒙のための国際キャンペーンに従事。近著『新たな核の危険 ジョージ・ W・ブッシュの軍産複合体』




2003年03月27日 朝日、毎日など。

 同作戦副部長は「我々の武器・弾薬の中で劣化ウランを使っているものは極めて少ない」と明言した。使った日時や場所には言及しなかった。がんなどの健康被害を懸念する質問には「過剰な言い方だ。安全だとわかっている」と答えた。 劣化ウラン弾がイラクの民間人の人体に与える悪影響については「これまでの研究によれば人体に害を及ぼす可能性があるのは攻撃対象の極めて近くにいる場合だけだ」と述べた。


A People Betrayed
by John Pilger
February 23, 2003
Dr Al-Ali is a cancer specialist at Basra's hospital and a member of Britain's Royal College of Physicians. He has a neat moustache and a kindly, furrowed face. His starched white coat, like the collar of his shirt, is frayed.

Before the Gulf War, we had only three or four deaths in a month from cancer, he said. Now it's 30 to 35 patients dying every month, and that's just in my department. That is a 12-fold increase in cancer mortality. Our studies indicate that 40 to 48 per cent of the population in this area will get cancer: in five years' time to begin with, then long afterwards. That's almost half the population.

Most of my own family now have cancer, and we have no history of the disease. We don't know the precise source of the contamination, because we are not allowed to get the equipment to conduct a proper survey, or even test the excess level of radiation in our bodies. We strongly suspect depleted uranium, which was used by the Americans and British in the Gulf War right across the southern battlefields. Whatever the cause, it is like Chernobyl here; the genetic effects are new to us.

The mushrooms grow huge, and the fish in what was once a beautiful river are inedible. Even the grapes in my garden have mutated and can't be eaten.





I have studied what happened in Hiroshima. It is almost exactly the same here; we have an increased percentage of congenital malformation, an increase of malignancy, leukaemia, brain tumours: the same.

Under the economic embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council, now in its 14th year, Iraq is denied equipment and expertise to decontaminate its battlefields from the 1991 Gulf War.

Professor Doug Rokke, the US Army physicist responsible for cleaning up Kuwait, told me I am like many people in southern Iraq. I have 5,000 times the recommended level of radiation in my body. Most of my team are now dead.

We face an issue to be confronted by people in the West, those with a sense of right and wrong: first, the decision by the US and Britain to use a weapon of mass destruction: depeleted uranium. When a tank fired its shells, each round carried over 4,500g of solid uranium. What happened in the Gulf was a form of nuclear warfare.

In 1991, a United Kingdom Atomic Eneregy Authority document reported that if 8 per cent of the depleted uranium fired in the Gulf War was inhaled, it could cause 500,000 potential deaths. In the promised attack on Iraq, the United States will again use depleted uranium, and so will Britain, regardless of its denials.

Professor Rokke says he has watched Iraqi officials pleading with American and British officials to ease the embargo, if only to allow decontaminating and cancer assessment equipment to be imported. They
described the deaths and horrific deformities, and they were
rebuffed,he said. It was pathetic.

The United Nations Sanctions Committee in New York, set up by the Security Council to administer the embargo, is dominated by the Americans, who are backed by the British. Washington has vetoed or delayed a range of vital medical equipment, chemotherapy drugs, even pain-killers. (In the jargon of denial, blocked equals vetoed, and on hold means delayed, or maybe blocked.) In Baghdad, I sat in a clinic as doctors received parents and their children, many of them grey-skinned and bald, some of them dying. After every second or third examination, Dr Lekaa Fasseh Ozeer, the young oncologist, wrote in
English: No drugs available. I asked her to jot down in my notebook a list of drugs the hospital had ordered, but had not received, or had received intermittently. She filled a page.
I had been filming in Iraq for my documentary Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq. Back in London, I showed Dr Ozeer's list to Professor Karol Sikora who, as chief of the cancer programme of the World Health Organisation (WHO), wrote in the British Medical Journal: Requested radiotherapy equipment, chemotherapy drugs and analgesics are consistently blocked by United States and British advisers [to the Sanctions Committee]. There seems to be a rather ludicrous notion that such agents could be converted into chemical and other weapons.

Nearly all these drugs are available in every British hospital. They are very standard. When I came back from Iraq last year, with a group of experts I drew up a list of 17 drugs deemed essential for cancer treatment. We informed the UN that there was no possibility of converting these drugs into chemical warfare agents. We heard nothing more.

The saddest thing I saw in Iraq was children dying because there was no chemotherapy and no pain control. It seemed crazy they couldn't have morphine, because for everybody with cancer pain, it is the best drug. When I was there, they had a little bottle of aspirin pills to go round 200 patients in pain. They would receive a particular anti-cancer drug, but then get only little bits of drugs here and there, and so you can't have any planning. It's bizarre.











Denis Halliday is a courtly Irishman who spent 34 years with the UN, latterly as Assistant Secretary-General. When he resigned in 1998 as the UN's Humanitarian Co-ordinator for Iraq in protest at the effects of the embargo on the civilian population, it was, he wrote, because the policy of economic sanctions is totally bankrupt. We are in the process of destroying an entire society. It is as simple as that ... Five thousand children are dying every month ... I don't want to administer a programme that results in figures like these.

Since I met Halliday, I have been struck by the principle behind his carefully chosen, uncompromising words. I had been instructed, he said, to implement a policy that satisfies the definition of
genocide: a deliberate policy that has effectively killed well over a million individuals, children and adults. We all know that the regime
- Saddam Hussein - is not paying the price for economic sanctions; on the contrary, he has been strengthened by them. It is the little people who are losing their children or their parents for lack of untreated water. What is clear is that the Security Council is now out of control, for its actions here undermine its own Charter, and the Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Convention. History will slaughter those responsible.

In the UN, Mr Halliday broke a long collective silence. On 13
February, 2000, Hans Von Sponeck, who had succeeded him as
Humanitarian Co-ordinator in Baghdad, resigned. Like Halliday, he had been with the UN for more than 30 years. How long," he asked, "should the civilian population of Iraq be exposed to such punishment for something they have never done? Two days later, Jutta Burghardt, head of the World Food Programme in Iraq, another UN agency, resigned, saying that she, too, could no longer tolerate what was being done to the Iraqi people.

The resignations were unprecedented. All three were saying the
unsayable: that the West was responsible for mass deaths, estimated by Halliday to be more than a million. While food and medicines are technically exempt, the Sanctions Committee has frequently vetoed and delayed requests for baby food, agricultural equipment, heart and cancer drugs, oxygen tents, X-ray machines. Sixteen heart and lung machines were put on hold because they contained computer chips. A fleet of ambulances was held up because their equipment included vacuum flasks, which keep medical supplies cold; vacuum flasks are designated dual use" by the Sanctions Committee, meaning they could possibly be used in weapons manufacture. Cleaning materials, such as chlorine, are dual use, as is the graphite used in pencils; as are wheelbarrows, it seems, considering the frequency of their appearance on the list of holds

ハリデーに会って印象づけられるのは、その注意深い、けれども妥協しない言葉の背後にある原則である。「私が実施するよう指示されたのは、ジェノサイドの定義に合致するような政策でした。100万人をゆうに超す人々 −子供も大人も− を実質的に殺害してきた意図的な政策なのです。私たちはみな、経済封鎖の代償を払っているのは、イラクの政権 −サダム・フセイン− ではないことを知っています。逆に、彼の権力は強化されたのです。きれいな水がないために子供を失ったり両親を失ったりしているのは普通の人々です。国連安保理が現在、制御不能状態にあることは明らかです。安保理の行動は、国連憲章に反し、人権宣言に違反し、ジュネーブ条約を犯しているのです。歴史が、責任者たちを裁くでしょう」。




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