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Getting Medieval-- My favorite Past Time!


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Favorite things to do on a weekend...

I've been a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism for 4 1/2 years now, and have loved almost every moment of it! (Every organization has politics... need I say more?) But I wouldn't trade a moment of it for anything else in this world!

I first joined because I went to a business meeting my then ex-boyfriend Sal had told me about. I was single and lonely, and thought it would be nice to have some friends who might understand the crafting side of me.

What I found was a group of people who were loving, warm, open, friendly, and ready to allow me to find out who I was, not who I thought I was.

When I joined, I knew how to sew (kind of) and I knew how to knit and crochet. That was pretty much it!

Then I discovered Collegiums and Universities, and the plethora of classes available for learning the esoteric skills that have been all but lost along the way.

Now, four years later, I'm teaching at those Universities and Collegiums, and I'm even scheduled to teach at an upcoming war in August in Pennsylvania! I'm excited about that! I can't wait!

Below, you'll find some pictures of me and my friends through the last few years, as we enjoy our version of times long gone, those shining weekends and days of fun, fighting, feasting, and friends, where we try to re-create the best of the middle ages.


This is the first item I ever entered in an Arts and Sciences (A&S) competition. I didn't win, but I got a lot of feedback, and it was my first attempt at both spinning silk and using that silk to 'couch' a design onto velvet.


This was at a little event called Inn on the Road, in 2000. I was sick as a dog that day, but still managed to have a good time.


This is Sal. He's my hero, my friend, my playmate, and the love of my life. And he looks incredibly spiff in that hat! (You should see the boots that go with it! I'll have to get a pic of him in the whole outfit!)
This picture was taken at Raiders of the Lost Cove, (right outside of Camp Lejeune)in March of 2003.


These are our friends, Christian and Bera. They're a super-cute couple, perfect for each other, and I wrote a song about them. It's to the tune of House at Pooh Corner, and it goes like this...

Christian and Bera

Christian and Bera were walking along
Under branches lit up by the moon...
Grazing on berries and laughing out loud,
The night passed them by all too soon.

But they've come so much further than they thought they could
And they don't wanna find their way out of this wood...

So help them if you can,
They're hopelessly lost in this love that they found just by chance,
It started out just as friends, with a glance,
Painting a house for a friend.
Now they can love 'til the end.
Finding a crazy that matches your own is so cool...

The rest of the crew doesn't know what to do,
'Cause Christian just gave her a rose.
We rolled our eyes, she psycho-analyzed,
He just gave her a kiss on the nose.
But the love that they share shines from each deep within,
And the rest of us can't help a sigh and a grin...

So help them if you can,
They're hopelessly lost in this love that they found just by chance.
It started out with a smile, and a glance.
Painting a house for a friend!
Now they're in love till the end!

They each found a crazy that matches their own...
They found that someone who's just as far gone...
Finding true love is so cool....

Of course, knowing the people involved helps, but I loved this picture so much (it was right before he fought for her honor to play for his Yellow Scarf in rapier fighting) that I had to put it here. I hope they don't mind!


I'm not sure what Sal and I are laughing at at this point, but we're having a good time, and that's what matters! (the gentleman in the very shiny coronet beside Sal is the newly invested Baron of Windmasters' Hill, Baron Rodrigo Falcone)


Here's a link to a few pictures from Inn on the Road 2003, held the last weekend of March. Sal authorized schlagger, I won the A&S competition with my display of spranged bags (theme: items a traveler would have on their person when visiting a medieval inn), and there was a wonderful feast cooked by Lady Fiona, a good friend of ours. I'll try to label pics as I can!


Watch for more pictures on my other page, SCApics! Now that I have a digital camera, I'll probably end up making a lot more pages as I get home from events and download the pics. I'll try to document the events as they happen, so friends and family can see what Sal and I have been up to, and why we love this game we play so much!
