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september 2003
october 2003
1.8 years

oct 5. full-time day with g. this past week, it has been very easy feeding her. we're having a ball! the adults, that is :) i introduced her to her new potty trainer--she's attracted to the balloon drawings. those make training her more enjoyable!

. by now, g can climb up and down the stairs one step at a time as she hold onto the rail and grills.

. is g's first fave url. the animation is g's preview of the movie, as we wait eagerly for the vhs tape to come our way, hehe...

. i've started exposing g to puzzles. today she played with a ten-piece one with winnie the pooh on it. she understood where the 'head' and 'bee with honey' part should go.

. lately, i 'struggle' with g every time i put her to sleep, especially when she didn't have her morning nap and yet, she wanted to continue playing in the afternoon. i told her once that mama's "mad" which sent her to her heartbreaking cry. she slept in less than a minute when i rocked her on my lap with nemo and squirt :)

. by now, g enjoys having banana toothpaste on her toothbrush. she brushes her teeth or allows me to do some brushing for her. she also knows how to rinse her mouth and spit the water out (she used to swallow everything!).

. g says "awwww" for "hello" when pretending to answer the telephone.

sept 24. g, zack and i visited shangri-la plaza. the rides aren't there anymore and both babes didn't want to ride the merry-go-round. g tired me with her escalator rides! :D i brought them to the store where thomas the train and company is. i bought harold the helicopter and gordon the train for g.

. by now g very ably participates in dressing and undressing herself.

. g's good companion lately is bj, her "a-pe" who carries her as often as she wants to. they'd visit the pool area and quietly watch the lizards on the walls of the the gazebo...

. g enjoys "swimming" with us in the pool but wants to hold on to us still. sometimes, she enjoys "floating" on her tummy with support on her chest, arms and legs. she's brave enough to stand on the pool's ledge and to jump forward!

oct 1. g's first official day at yu ming school's toddler playgroup. as expected, she went around the classroom and didn't join the group sessions yet. during circle time, t. leah asked them to put their toys on the floor but g didn't want to. jacob tried to pull her toy away and pulled her hair, too! :) she's still to learn how to play with the outdoor equipment. she runs around during flag ceremony, haha! g drew very small circles around the faces on the worksheet t. leah provided; she wrote vertical lines. she didn't want the other kids to hold my hand as we danced to "ring around the rosies."

. one weekend was spent at clark's mimosa again. g enjoyed walking on the street with her umbrella.

. g can fake a laughter :D she also laughs heartily, and for those little laughs and smiles, she sometimes covers her mouth pa, haha!

. g sure loves to eat rice, especially plain rice!