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august 2003
1.6 years

24. g was one of zack's birthday party guests! :) she still didn't like going near jollibee the mascot but she was very excited when she saw the jollibee statue by the door! :)

20. ahia joel approaches g whenever both of them are in the common driveway. g wanted to play ball with four school-aged boys!

19. heard g say "sshhh" as "yes"! i don't know how she learned to use the word "yes" because i don't say that often to her...

18. g points to asked objects with "ayuunnnnn!" or "eyuuunnnnn!" and matching tulis nguso :) "ayaw" or "aw" means "no". "mama" is now a common utterance but she won't say it if one asked her to.

17. today, g painted the sliding doors on the 3rd floor with atsi ki! we all had so much fun!. g was "affected" by the newspaper sheets she had to step on on the floor--she didn't want to move because it made so much noise. g had her first experience of painting today, watching different colors mix with each other.

16. g can very competently climb down from my bed to the floor. she'd crawl backward, dangle her legs on the edge and push herself down.

15. g enjoys eating my yaki udon with her hand. when she couldn't eat the long strand, she bit a portion of it then placed the two short strands one at a time into her mouth.

14. by now, g is back on her "bungee jumping"!

13. g enjoys running to the toilet to watch us urinate, hehehe. i had introduced "dodo" and "pubic hair" to her. she also opens the door of the shower bath (while am inside) and pokes my nipples, haha!

12. for the past days, it has been a struggle making g drink her milk. miracurously today, she just sat on my lap, looked at the "jungle book" sound book, played with atsi's teddy bears while yaya fed her milk.

11. yaya was finally able to get g to drink milk again by spoon-feeding her while she's seated on the high chair!

10. i spent the whole day with the princess (yaya's day off). mealtime was filled with "aww!" for every spoonful i offered her. first time today, g painted on newspaper sheets. but that wasn't enough distraction from her dislike for food though. when she accidentally poured some poster paint on her high chair's table, g lost interest in painting, like she didn't like the look of paint "painted" on her table.

9. g blew lolo fred's birthday cake candles but she was so mahinhin she wasn't able to blow these off completely! :)

8. latest visit to dr africa: g weighed 39.6 lbs!! dr africa smiled and said g gained even 1 kg in a month even if she wasn't drinking her milk. all of a sudden, g didn't want to suck the nipples and drink from her bottles. she weaned herself! :D

7. g can finish a piece of meatball. one time, yaya was changing her shirt when she was eating a piece. g transferred the meatball from one hand to another, depending on which hand needed to be 'put through' the sleeves :)

6. we had dinner at chili's. g enjoyed drinking ice cold water with the straw--she drank plenty! she also liked the french fries, and enjoyed looking at the model airplanes and air balloons that hung on the ceiling. cream of chicken soup was yummy for her!

5. g enters into conversations with me by pointing at objects and says, "ja!"

4. g dutifully heeded to my "no-no" instrux but i've observed lately that she tried to make palusot! :) she'd slump on the bed, and as she slowly lean backward, she gives that naughty look then falls backward on it!

3. g has not been allowed to fall backward on her fave spot: a pile of pillows on the bed. she'd gesture a "no-no" with her index finger as i remind her "no no falling backward, gillian."

2. one time, she woke up at 1am. after three hours of playing, she still wanted to walk around the bedroom. that time, i didn't bring her down from her crib. oh, she cried so pitifully!

1. whenever g cries so desperately, my heart breaks. she'd cry when she wants to ride the car with us, or when she wants to go up the 2nd floor and finds that am staying behind of the ground floor.