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january 2004
1.11 years

...i haven't blogged for g for a long time now. she's close to being our two-year-old darling now...

g doesn't want to take me out of her sight--there is still a need perhaps for her to form or strengthen her attachment with me; this is for her emotional development. instead of looking at it as an inconvenience, this is really a wonderful thing to experience! :)

g imitates others a lot! ang arte! one funny thing she does which surely makes granny laugh is imitating how spens looked like on granny's cellphone.

on the language front, g knows her colors already but receptively yet. she can verbally express "blue", "white" and "black" though and she's practicing with "yellow", "red" and "green."

she can identify circle shapes, as well as match wooden cut-out shapes with the similar shape space of the shape sorter.

physically, the little princess can climb up and down the stairs very well. sometimes she'd hold on the rail but most often, she doesn't do so when she climbs on alternating feet or one step at a time.

she also exhibits better gross motor coordination, say for running. she does run around confidently! it's the adults who are nervous! :) she can even climb up and down the stairs very well, sometimes on alternating feet without holding on to the rail. no tripping too on the two-leveled pavement to the main door.

pouring water from the tabo is a favorite activity. she waters the plants on the roof deck on early mornings (where she notices the 'baby' leaves on the plants), or pours water into the bath tub whenever she has the chance to water-play.

with regards to her fine motor skills, g can snip paper quite proficiently. teacher leah said she isn't afraid of giving g even sharp scissors because g holds it very well and uses it "properly." she enjoys drawing big, big circles and the teeny bitty ones, too.

(more, to be continued...)