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february 2004
2 years

now here is teacher leah's assessment of g for the period october 2003 to january 2004--her life in the toddler playgroup. i have g's Developmental Checklist and Progress Report in front of me. everything that's in it am going to put here in her web. enjoy, dada!

~~{@ Physical Mastery

^ shows skills in running without falling and climbing small steps or climber
* shows balance in walking (on a line), jumping and hopping
^ uses motor skills socially, in group games (ex. ring around the rosie, London Bridge)
* shows gross motor coordination in play, as in lifting, carrying, arranging heavy or big objects
^ maintains rhythmic movement on swings, seesaw
^ confidently engages in physical activity like tumbling, rolling, crawling, hugging, stretching
^ shows skill in using paintbrush, removing jar lids, or holding small balls
^ effectively uses pincer grasp, as with turning pages, picking up small objects, operating a zipper

~~{@ Attention

^ completes simple tasks
^ listens to simple requests
^ responds to simple questions
^ sits for a story
^ sits all through Circle Time

~~{@ Cognitive Development

* notices and comments upon qualities experienced by the sense
* relates to time sequences (daily routine, what is next)
^ relates to space sequences (returning things to the usual place, knows up/down, in/out)
^ remembers past events or specific learned activities, as in describing or retelling
^ pretends familiar everyday situations
* performs simple matching tasks, as in sorting or classifying by one characteristic
^ perceives and points out relationships between pictures and real objects
* shows beginning skills in working with part-whole material, as with puzzles and construction material
* expresses some knowledge of self, as in telling name, age and gender
^ knows some colors: B R Y G V O
* knows some shapes: star, heart, circle
* has beginning counting skills and quantity concepts, as in counting from 1-3 or 5

~~{@ Language and Communication

^ identifies many objects, people and pictures by pointing out correctly or naming
* follows one-step or two-step directions given in sequence
* frequently uses words to express some needs and to report activities
* sometimes uses language with puppets, dolls or other props
^ points or names most significant body parts on self and others
* responds to stories and explanations by listening, commenting or retelling
* sometimes, talks about past, future or other non-current events
^ enjoys language exchange with others; initiates, responds and maintains verbal interactions
^ shows understanding of simple story themes and content by responding appropriately to simple questions
* experiments with language, as in repeating new words, numbers or rhymes

~~{@ Emotional and Social Development

^ shows self-esteem; seems contented; shows some pride and enjoys praise
^ expresses affection; approaches familiar adult on request, accepts some affection
* shows beginning independence in self-help skills (cleaning up, eating, indicating toilet needs)
^ initiates some of own activities, as in choosing and completing some activities
* shows some inhibition of unacceptable behavior by pausing, stopping, holding back
* allows inappropriate behavior to be redirected
^ indicates some needs and desires in a sociable manner like tapping, calling or verbalizing
* shows ability to wait, quiet down, take turns, and accept routine
* shows some awareness of others' feelings or shows sympathy
^ forming some friendships; greets friends spontaneously
^ initiates separation from adults
* shares something of his/her own with another

^ means the behavior or skill is partially established; she is progressing towards the goal
* means the behavior or skill is just emerging; she needs assistance and more time

Adjustment to the world of school:

gillian's entry into school was easy and relatively calm; facilitated by presence of mom and yaya. she is explorative and has no hesitation in trying out/handling materials she is attracted to. g was initially protective of her "turf" like materials and other children getting into her personal space. now, she is able to join circle time, ring-around-the-rosie and other group times. she has recently been able to be on her own without yaya in the room.

Learning style, work habits, attitudes toward tasks:

gillian gets right down to a task, is self-propelling and would rather be left alone doing as she pleases. she resists adults goading but later goes along with close supervision. when frustrated, gillian still pursues tasks until she gets what she wants. she can stick to a task of her choice for a long time and "hangs on" to materials like the scissors.

Socio-emotional development:

quite intense in affect but lately is more easily assured. she now listens to teacher's explanations, ex. jacob wants to borrow; it's okay, they won't get your scissors. gillian gets involved in laughable moments with classmates. she's starting to speak out more and models after verbal expressions like please, thank you, borrow. she is learning to take turns with others during movement games.

Goals and recommendations:

let's facilitate the growth/increase in verbal experiences through modelling and by allowing her to talk any way. help her develop feeling of safety even with bigger and assertive classmates. facilitate skills for interaction through occasions of give and take with another or games. give her more opportunities for problem solving/ cause-effect reasoning in the classroom.