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Knitting Miscellanea
January 28, 2006
I resolve to get my web site updated ( I have to find some solid time to work on it, it's in need of a fresh look, different photo layouts (I don't like the way I have pics in there now) and I need to update with new pics as well.

I can't believe I haven't been out here since last May. Course, that was right after hubby found out he no longer had cancer and had the kidney and tumor removed. I guess I prioritized differently there for a while. Good for me, right?

Well, now it's a new year and I'm going to make an effort, not making any promises here, to try not to have more than 4 projects going at once. I'd like to get some things done!

Next up, preemie baby items for a charity organization in California called Stitches From The Heart, a silk and kid mohair sweater for ME, water bottle cover for someone special and socks for ME. I'm capping the ME because I'd like to have something to wear that I've knitted - 99% of what I knit goes to someone else and that makes me feel really good but I'd like something for ME and then lastly, I want to make my hubby a sweater. He wants one with cables and a zillion other stitches, I can't wait to get to that one. I'm calling it the 2 Year Sweater because I think that's how long it's going to take me with all those stitches!! (Hey, wait, that makes 5 projects, not 4...and I'm in Finance??)

Posted by jazz/girl1800 at 4:13 PM CST
Updated: January 28, 2006 4:15 PM CST
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