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Knitting Miscellanea
November 15, 2004
It's November?
Mood:  surprised
I cannot believe it's November. Halfway through, actually.

So what have I finished? Hm. Oh, I made my scarf for my new leather coat, it's in a crystal blue. Took me only a couple of hours. And that would be it.

However, I am nearly done with one of the Christmas presents I'm making that I can't describe in case she reads my blog (though what there is to read isn't much obviously, since it's been a month since I was last out here!). It's so cool and it was so much fun to make. Just a few minor details left on it and it will be done. I think she'll love it!

I've FINALLY decided on the shawl/stole pattern for Ms. KEA for her shawl/stole. I'm going to simply knit 1 long rectangle. I'm going to do it in an Italian mohair yarn in snow white, finished size will be approximately 16-18" x 60" and I'm going to use a large needle, probably a 15 or 17. I'm going to do a cable in the middle, so it will be stockinette stitch until the middle, do the cable (not sure what kind yet), then finish with stockinette stitch. Or maybe three cables, going to graph it out when I'm done with this blog. I may do a border on it as well, have to wait and see! Starting that tonight and my goal is to have done by the weekend, it needs to be blocked so I need to get it done soon to accommodate that process. I'm thinking fringe with beads at the end, something sparkly!! I want to go home now and get started but I'm still at work (shhh...)!

I've also found a fabulous sweater pattern for Ms. KEA that I will be making for her birthday (in March). Once again, no details until I'm done except that it's by Interweave Knits. But what I can say is that it's gorgeous and it screams "KEA"! That yarn is on order but should be coming any day - I'm so psyched about it! Her father likes the pattern and the yarn I picked out (and he's super fussy) so I know this is the perfect sweater.

For my mother-in-law for Christmas I'm making cabled mittens, one is done but I need to finish the other one. Really pretty color called Wisteria, something like a purple/pink/iridescent all in one. I may have to make myself a pair in the same color!

So all in all, I think I'm on track. Only one thing will put a snag in some of this and that will be studying. I decided to pursue a certification from an organization called LOMA. I'm taking two exams next spring (two different courses) so I'll have to schedule out my time for coursework and knitting. Perhaps I ought to schedule some working out in that schedule too, eh??

Have a fabulous day!

Posted by jazz/girl1800 at 3:06 PM CST
Updated: November 15, 2004 3:11 PM CST
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October 21, 2004
More knitting projects - oh dear.
I remembered 2 other knitting projects I either have in process or will need to have done soon. One I can't list here because it's a Christmas present and the other one I will need to make because I just bought myself a leather coat!! I just HAVE to have a scarf for it!!

So that adds two items to my list. Yikes!!

Oh, crap. Just thought of another. It's not a UFO and it's not a time-pressed USO (UnStartedObject)
either so that's a relief but I do want to start it at some point. Soon. When I was in St Charles in August for the Stitches Midwest event, I purchased some unbelievably gorgeous yarn and a pattern to make a button down sweater. Sounds old fashioned? Hardly. It's a v-neck mohair sweater and the pattern is 16, count them, 16 pages long. No kidding. There are so many different stitches used that the gauge swatch covers nearly all of the different stitches.

The yarn is from Brooks Farm Fiber (they don't have a website). Brooks Farm is a Texas-based farm that raises colored angora goats and provides hand-dyed mohair based yarns, spinning fibers and fleece. I picked out an amazing blue and purple combination, I'll try to get a picture out on my website.

The pattern is from Koenig Farms and they do have a website ( The pattern is one of their originals so under patterns look for Koenig Farms. It's the one called Trellising Mohair Sweater.

So I guess - if nothing else I can do the swatch - I have to make sure I have the right gauge, right??


Posted by jazz/girl1800 at 7:41 AM CDT
Updated: October 21, 2004 8:12 AM CDT
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October 18, 2004
Current Projects
I realized last night that I have way too many projects - or UFO's - that I just have to finish before I start anymore. The problem is that I need to make a couple of Christmas presents so I may have to just reprioritize everything.

What's a UFO? Unfinished objects. Specifically, knitted ones. What do I have in progress? Let's go in oldest project first (e.g. longest length of time passed since I started it) order:

Updates in purple

1. Afgahn for the living room
2. Blue zippered vest
3. Striped mitten - need to make the mate.
4. Poncho - needs to be ripped out, don't like it. Posted: 1/23/05: Ripped out and yarn rewound.
5. Tank top - needs to be ripped out, don't like it. Posted: 1/23/05: Ripped out and yarn rewound.
6. Short sleeved top - needs to be ripped out, don't like it. Posted: 1/23/05: Ripped out and yarn rewound.
7. Felted striped bag - needs to be felted, then it will be done! Posted: 1/23/05: Turned out really cool, added grommets around the top edge and used leather shoe laces for the closure instead of a regular handle or a felted one. Finished it 1/22.
8. Socks - need to finish one and start/finish the mate.
9. Mitten - cabled, learned how to do this in St Charles in August (the cabling, that is), need to finish one (sew the end tog) and start/finish the mate. This one is a Christmas present so I really have to finish this one for sure! Posted: 1/23/05: Kind of screwed up bigtime on the cable, need to tear out some rows and fix but I may just rip the whole thing. Obviously, this didn't end up being a Christmas present. Oops.
10. Cabled sweater for Frank (due date on this one is his birthday - Jan 31). Posted: 1/23/05: Not going to make the the 31st of January, perhaps May??
11. Stole/shawl for KEA (not started yet, so not technically a UFO, more like an USO - unstarted object). This is for Christmas also so better get going!Posted: 1/23/05: This turned out so nice!! And she really liked it - that's even better! See the picture on my website,

Wow. The scary thing is? I think I might have others that I haven't finished yet. I hope I do NOT find any others at least until I'm done with these!!

Have a fabolicious day!

Posted by jazz/girl1800 at 1:19 PM CDT
Updated: January 23, 2005 1:46 PM CST
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October 16, 2004
I have a new website!
Mood:  caffeinated
I have website that I am so excited about. And maybe some would think I'm a bit TOO excited for something as simple as it is but I'm having fun with it. It's a challenge to figure things out (though I've had loads of help, thank you, Lisa G!).

My site is and I hope you go view it when you can. It's still under a bit of construction so please have patience.

Posted by jazz/girl1800 at 6:31 PM CDT
Updated: October 16, 2004 6:31 PM CDT
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