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The unique Indian meat eater, read all about it all this month.
At 6 metres of length and a ton heavy Indosuchus is one of the only kinds found. From the family of Abelisaurus, Indosuchus was no less dangerous.
From the lush damp dawn of a Jurassic day, herbivores make them selves comfortable in the cold breeze, hadrosaurs of all ages migrate to the near by rivers to taste the salty water. And unexpectedly a reflection cast on the river shows a 6 metre long animal, with razor sharp teeth eager to pierce meat, its leathery body camouflaging it in the bushes. What a dreadful sight...

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    The dinosaur with the longest claw:

    JULY 2000
    Tyrannosaurus is a hunter

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    For a long period of time it was believed that T-Rex was a very slow giant, but when a recent study was made in consideration to Rex' legs, the result was not what was expected. Paleontologist Phil Currie studied the proportions of the hind legs of T-Rex; the study revealed a strange fact. Proportions of the individual bones of hind leg gives us an idea of how fast an animal could be. Fast running birds...

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