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Here are some books on dinosaurs suggested for reading by HRPA, if any one of them interests you just fill in your details and submit your order.

(Exclusively for Children)

Author: Ganesh N Rao
Published by: House of Research Publications
First Published: 1998
Edition: Ist
Price: $ 05.00

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About the Book:
This book is a comprehensive guide towards the knowledge of dinosaurs. It clearly describes the features of different dinosaurs, with a neat grammatical structure helping understand a layman. It is specifically created in interest of children. Besides these features it also contains many line diagrams helps understanding. There is also a separate section for the with answers to the various questions children often ask in connection with dinosaurs. Although this book was made for children it can also be used to understand the taxonomy of dinosaurs, as it provides a section for that. Thus it is recommended that every person interested in dinosaurs, must go through this book atleast once.

-House of Research Publication Aid

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