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Graphics, content, layout, Copyrighted 2002 Missy-Thoughts & Inspirations & Inspirations Graphics. Nothing from this site may be removed unless otherwise stated. Guestcounter, Guestbook from Bravenet. Silent No Right Click script from Dynamic Drive.
All my graphics are hand drawn by me using etheir Microsoft Paint, Ulead Photoimpact or Paint Shop Pro. Or sometimes a combination of all three! Also you may only download form the pages to the Left, nothing on the other pages of my site are to be downloaded. I make it very clear on every page you can download from by saying that you can on the page. If the page does not say you can take graphics then you can't. I use other artists graphics throughout my site and only offer my graphics for download.
Please read My Terms of Use, you are agreeing to them whether you have read them or not by downloading anything from this graphic site.
![]() on each and every page any of my graphics are used on. A text link is acceptable; a page of "credits" is not.
Thats it not too bad huh?:0) While your here you can also join the Thoughts & Inspirations Mailing List (join on the main page) I will notify you of any new graphic sets, and new pages on my main site.