This set really isn't too "country" but I was in a funny mood :0)
Please remember my terms of use. This set was all hand drawn by me using paint and Ulead Photoimpact. If you would like to use this set as email stationary please visit my Incredimail section where I have made a letter style with this set. According to my terms of use you may not use my graphics to make your own. Thanks :0)
Want some tips on how to keep all of your favorite graphics organized?

To keep all of your favorite graphics organized with their original artist so that you can provide proper credit and recognition for all of the hard work artists put into their graphics, First go to "my documents" and create a folder and call it "graphics". Now everytime you start to save something from a new site go into your "graphics" folder and make a new folder calling it the name of the site you are on. Then BEFORE SAVING ANY graphics, bring up your notepad (start, accessories then notepad) highlight the link in your browser window hit ctrl-c, now go to your notepad and hit ctrl-v, now do the same with the artists terms of use, now you can save graphics, because now you now will always know where you got them, whose they are and how you should use them!

Heres another "Welcome" for you to use

Heres some buttons and some blank ones to add your own text to.

Here is my button to link back to with.

If you need help setting up this page feel free to grab my source code also.
Graphics by Inspirations Graphics