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Clan Charter!

Queen Mab!
Queen Mab by © Amy Brown

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The Daoine Sidhe

(Pronounced Dae Na Shee)

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The names of the 3 clan leaders:

Candace, CiNdErZ, Sunset

(commonly known as the Seelie Court)

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3.The helpfile:

Near the beginning, the Tuatha de Danann, the Faerie People, defeated the Fir Bolgs at Magh Tuiredh and became Gods over all The Green Isles. The time of heir rule was one of peace and prosperity. This rule was unchallenged until the rise of the Demons from the underworld, who fought and defeated the Tuatha de Danann.

The Tuatha de Danann constructed great and magical ships, but were forced to flee before the fleet was complete. Many escaped to freedom in Tir na Nog, but some were left behind, forced to hide underground from their enemies. In time the Demons were driven back into the Underworld by the Fir Bolgs, who would become the humans. It was centuries before the supernatural races descended of the Tuatha de Danann, the Sidhe, could return to the surface world and then they faced great oppostion from the humans.

By then many of the Sidhe had forgotten their ancestrys. The mischief and fun a were thing of the past, and illusions and glamours used rarely at best.

Recently an order has formed, dedicated to the [reservation of the Old Ways. We are called the Daoine Sidhe. We focus our time upon God-given quests in an effort to gain their favor. We Sidhe hope that one day, if have have appeased the Gods enough, they will take us to Tir na Nog, and reunite us with the others of our kind. Until that time we must behave in a manner fitting the descendants of the Tuatha de Danann, preserving our traditions however we can. We will quest, find whimsey, explore, and make harmless mischief. All but the mortal humans are welcome to join our order. If you too desire to preserve the Old Ways, summon any of our order and if you are worthy, we will make you one of the Daoine Sidhe.

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4.The theme of the clan:

The Daoine Sidhe are dedicated to preserving the traditions of the Tuatha de Danann. They focus their efforts mostly upon questing, in an effort to gain the favor of the Immortals - hoping that one day they may rejoin their people in Tir na Nog. Until then, they seek to preserve their traditions through promoting questing, whimsey, and harmless mischief. They are friendly to those seeking help, and loyal to their kind. They are also working to construct a great sanctuary for those of their kind.

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5. The Seven Titles:

1. Teglach - (Youth)

2. Dreolan - (Clown/Silly person)

3. Truthair - (Trickster)

4. Marasgal - (Marshal)

5. Uasal - (Noble)

6. Tighearn - (Lord)

7. Mormaer - (Great Steward)

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6.What a player would be required to do in order to join your clan:

(1.) Find one of the Sidhe, of Marasgal rank or higher, willing to teach you the ways of the Faerie People and who will attest to your willingness to abide by those traditions. (i.e. A sponsor)

(2.) Have attained level 15 or higher and have gathered at least 1000 quest points for every 50 levels of experience. All remorted players will be expected to have gathered at least 1000 additional quest points per extra class. (i.e. A 15th level character needs 1000qp, 100th: 3000qp, a first level 2-class remort: 2000qp)

(3.) Participate in an interview with one of the Seelie Court (Clan leader or Mormaer rank character).

(4.) Complete a trial quest to show knowledge of the mud. Your sponsor will accompany you to witness that no aid was given, nor speedwalks used.

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7.What determines how and when a player can be promoted in your clan.

Rank will be based on a point system called Glamour".

Glamour: It is the magical force behind the faerie people and it is their lifeblood. Composed of illusion and dream, it gives a faerie’s rank among kin.

Points may be gained by completing quests regularly assigned by Seelie Court and Moramaers. These quests will be objectives such as locating objects, mapping an area, getting one item off every mob in an area, ect. Glamour may also be gained by participating in clan events, and will sometimes be awarded by Seelie Court for "great deeds" done.

The Required Points for Advancement:

Teglach - 20

Dreolan - 50

Truthair - 100

Marasgal - 200

Uasal - 350

Tighearn - 600

Mormaer - 1000

Joining the Seelie Court: If there are less than 3 Clan Leaders at any given point, a clan wide vote will be held. In this case a simple majority will decide the new leader. If there are more than three members seeking the post, a preliminary vote will be held to reduce those running to three.

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8.Under what circumstances someone can be demoted in your clan?

Any Sidhe accused by another of behaving in a way contrary to the tenants of the clan will face an investigation and interview with the Seelie Court. If it is the opinion of the Court that the accusations against the character are factual, the character will be given a warning. If the same character again acts against the tennants of the clan, they will be stripped of one rank and placed under probation.

An offense warranting a warning would be something like behaving in an overtly hostile or malicious manner, especially to newbies, or a similar minor offense.

A much greater offense, such as participation in the raiding of another clan, breaking questing rules, or actively working against clan goals, will result in the immediate demotion and probationary status of that character. If they are already on probation, this crime will result in expulsion from the clan.

An extremely great and treasonous crime, such as aiding another clan in the raiding of the Sidhe clan home will result in immediate expulsion from the clan.

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9.Under what circumstances someone can be dropped from your clan completely? This cannot be for completely personal reasons, refer to info on ‘Leaving a clan’ to see why this is so important.

An extremely great and treasonous crime, such as aiding another clan in the raiding of the Sidhe clan home will result in immediate expulsion from the clan. The only other way for a member to be expelled from the clan is to act against the ways of the clan after already suffering a demotion and a warning. Again, all decisions to expel a member from the clan require the agreement of the Seelie Court.

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10.Whether all decisions in your clan will be made by the 3 leaders, or, all members on a vote basis.

Clan decisions will generally be decided by a unanimous decision by the Seelie Court, consisting of the three clan leaders, as well as any characters of Mormaer rank. In the case that such a unanimous decision can not be made, a clan gathering will be announced. A two-thirds majority vote will determine what the clan will do with this situation.

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11.Will there be any align/class/race/language or other restrictions?

All of the Fey races (i.e. All races except humans) are accepted into the Daoine Sidhe. There are no alignment, class or language restrictions.

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12.Any other general rules that will exist in your clan.

*Daoine Sidhe will be expected to spend a great deal of time questing and will promote questing to others.

*Raiding of other clans is expressly forbidden. But because raiders are frowned upon by the gods, hunting down characters with bounties set upon them is allowed, and often encouraged.

*Retaliation against the raiding of our clan hall or wrongs against Sidhe members is to be done through trickery and the making of the offenders’ lives miserable, while having fun at their expense.

*Sidhe will be expected to research and become well versed in Celtic and Faerie mythology in general. A good knowledge of their "heritage" is of vital import.

*Sidhe will be expected to become well versed in the geography of the world they live in. While the use of speedwalks is not banned, reliance upon such is frowned upon.

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This clan is considered to be "historically correct" in the sense that it is based almost entirely upon Celtic mythology. Almost four months of design and research have gone into the development of this clan and it is intended that more research will go into the creation of the clan hall and any clan items.

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These are the fundamentals that our clan is based on, and we will follow these at any cost.

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Entering the Sidhe Members Roster Clan Charter
Jokes!! Speedwalks Library
Hassan's Heroes
A Comic Strip!
Fae Lore Joining Daoine Sidhe
Seelie Court Unseelie Court Choosing the
Right Court
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Dear Sunset or the FAQ's
Court Petition All You Need
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