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-[RM Asylum]-

Big Miguel Sanchez

Hey gang, I'm el presidente of this website. If you ever have seen a picture on the net of Leonardo Dicaprio crossed with the purple teletubby it's my doing. I'm using alternative hit getting methods. Tell all your friends about this place because obviously it's the coolest thing since sliced cheese.

Favorite Genres: racing, platformer, adventure, RPG, ah hell I love em' all!

Systems Owned: NES, SNES, Gameboy, Virtual Boy, Saturn, Playstation, N64, PC

All Time Favorites: Earthbound, Anything Myamoto, Smash Bros, Moon Patrol, Tetris, Breakout, Metal Gear Solid

Hates: rehashed, yearly updated sports games, over blurry games, texture warping, polygon breakup, low frame rates, bad play control, our old layout, sites that won't plug us.

Most Wanted Game: The game that I want to see is Austin Powers: the RPG. You could walk around, fight Dr Evil's Henchmen, gain valuable experience points in various areas, work your mojo on the ladies, and have really bad teeth.


Here you see Big M and I out for a lovely Sunday spin. Too bad we are being chased by Sexual Pizza....!!

Height: 6'4

Weight: 165

Age: 16

Alright, whoever you are reading this, you have clicked here because for some ungodly reason you want to know about me. Pervert. I started playing games back in the early eighties when my parents bought me an Atari console, thinking that it would be a light diversion for me. Oh god how wrong they were.

In the years that followed I have owned the following systems:Atari, Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear, Sega Genesis, Atari Jaguar, Sony Playstation, Two PCs.

I've played with my friends on the following systems:NES, SNES, N-64, 32X, Sega CD, Saturn, Too many damn arcade games to rememeber

Each of those systems holds a special place in my heart and wallet, and I have had tons of fun on all of them, including the Jag.

My top twenty favorite games that I have ever owned are as follows, in little to no order:

20:Resident Evil 2: Ah, killing zombies. But where was the master of unlocking?
19:Gunstar Heroes: WOO-HOO! Non stop action at its finest!
18: Sonic Series: That little spinning rodent had my playing into all hours of the night. That was one of the most addictive games ever
17: Pirates!: Another great Genesis game, but this time it was from Sid Mier. Nothing like getting to sack the entire Carribean and scuttle enemy ships. If there was ever a game that cried out for a 32 bit update, its this one.
16: Asteroids: Yup, I was only five years old when I first investigated the effects of ingesting too much caffeine on my gaming skills. I haven't slept since that damn game!
15:Phantasy Star: A good unique RPG series that needs a sequel on the Dreamcast. Mmmmm....Alys....
14: Civilization 2: Do I need to explain this?
13: Doom 2, PC: My first introduction to Death Matching. Some of the single player levels still scare me.
12: Axis vs Allies: I don't care what anyone says, that damn CPU cheats! But I still kicked ass. Mmm...tanks...
11: Loaded: One of the best PSX shooters ever. Simple clean and addictive.
10: Final Fantasy 7: Yeah right, like Tifa and Cloud just "talked" the night away under the airship. "Oh Tifa look, its my limit break!"
9: Gran Tourismo: Vrooom, vroom! But why won't the cars explode when I hit the wall? I want blood dammit!
8: Diablo: Yep, I got to go kick Satans ass again.
7: Crash Bandicoot series: Light hearted, beautiful, simple gaming at its finest.
6: Thief: Finally, a game to appeal to my murderous, cunning instincts. But perhaps I've said too much...
5: Street Fighter 2 Turbo: This was the game that truly sparked my interest in fighting games.
4: Bushido Blade 1 : What the %$&@ do you mean I have to fight with honor?!
3: Starcraft: Tank rush this your Terran bastards!
2: Unreal: Sure it nearly killed my new 400 Mhz PC, but thats the price you have to pay I guess.
1: Halflife: So, you don't want to unlock the door for me eh? SNARK!!!!

Remember, this is not in any order. But it should give you an idea of what I like. So if you have any fond game memories or exciting experiences, write on in. We'll be glad to post them!

Mark Masterson

Height: 8'

Weight: 215 lbs. (that part at least is true)

Age: 16

(Best Braveheart impression)Yes, I've heard of this Mark Masterson. People say he's eight feet tall, and can lift a thousand pounds. They say he can slay a thousand campers with a single sweep of his mighty railgun, and that he shoots rockets out of his a**. Well, I'm here to tell to that is not the real Mark Masterson. The real Mark is only 5' 9".

I've owned just about every system that has ever seen the light of day. Many of them are in what has now been deemed the chop shop, where I tinker with the former glories in my quest to take stuff apart. I end up breaking them, and having to search for a new one. But for some strange reason my atari has never had a problem. Never a squiggle or a squirt, not nothing. So there it has sat on my TV for many a year. One look at the chop shop got my playstation to stop skipping, and several threats of throwing miyamoto into there have brought you Zelda at the timely pace it is coming. If it weren't for me, it would have been pushed back another year. As for my intellivison, and that tandy computer, well, they never came back.

Fav-o-rite Games

There are just too many to list here, but here goes nothing...

Pitfall, Ms.pacman, Sherlock Holmes, Bruce Lee Adventures, Asteroids, River Raid, Some weird restraunt game where you had to catch food from the customers, Ka-boom, Bomerman, Zelda, River City Ransom (needs 3-d update), Megaman 1-3, NES pirates (never played Genesis version), Metroid, Contra (I've got My time down to 20 min. solo), Final Fantasy, Twin Eagle, Mario Brothers Duck Hunt and Track & Field, Mario Brothers 2 (hey I liked it), Mario Bothers 3, Kung-fu, Super Tecmo Bowl, Chrono Trigger, FF2, FF3 :), Super Metroid, Link to the Past, Phansty Star 1-4, Ys, Shinging Force 1-2, Sonic 1-?, Lighting Force, Vector Man, FF7, Resident Evil 1-2, Tomb Raider 1-2, Monster Rancher, Gran Turismo, Mario 64, Goldeneye, Wave Racer 64, Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot 1-2, Street Fighter 2 and any spinoff, X-com: Ufo Defense, Command and Conquer, Mad Dog Mcree, Mechwarrior 2, Shadow Run (for both SNES and Genesis), Mechwarrior 2: Mercanaries, Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen (pure fun being the bad guy!), WWF Warzone, Wrestlemania for the NES, Galaga, Aliens vs. Predator, House of the Dead, Time Crisis 1-2, and X-men vs. Street Fighter...whew!

Course, that's only about half of them, and that's off the top of my head. It appears I may be the only one who thinks Pirates! is in need of a new incarnation, besides the esteemed Madgrad. I've never played the 16-bit version, but I've been addicted to the 8-bit one since I was a little guy. I've gotten King's Advisor, and have done just about everything, but I still play it for some strange reason. That's my bio folks, now hopefully someone else's will appear under mine someday. Whoo!

Ragnarok the Red

As you can see, I wasn't having one of my better days...

Height: 6'1

Weight: Magic 8 Ball says try again later

Age: 19

I am he who Masterson (above) has spoke of. The habringer has arrived, here to make sense of all things game related! In life, I have played games since the tender age of 3, my mother relating to me tales of standing on stools in arcades jerking the joystick to games such as Battlezone, Pacman, and Tron. I am or have been the owner of the following systems: Atari 2600, Atari 7800, Colecovision, Nintendo, Master System, TurboGrafix 16, Turbo Duo, Super NES, Genesis, Sega CD, Mega CD, 3DO, Jaguar, Playstation, Saturn, N64, Game Gear, Game Boy, Lynx, Turbo Express (YES!), Virtual Boy(I'm sorry to say), and'm even sorrier to say).

Mein Favorite Gam-es of All Time
Atari 2600/7800: Pitfall (VIVA LA GAMEPLAY)
Colecovision: Valkyrie (I think that was the name, anyway you were this face which shot arrows?)
Nintendo: Zelda, Metal Gear, Dragon Warriors I-IV, Crystalis (Yanks eat yer heart out, this is the REAL murderer's row)
Master System: Phantasy Star (the very first story-driven console RPG)
TurboDuo: Ys I&II, Dracula X (doesnt get much better than this, sad the latter never made its way stateside)
Super NES: Final Fantasy III (momma of all no-brainers)
Genesis: Landstalker & Shining Force (I luv CLIMAX, the game company and word)
Sega CD: Lunar the Silver Star & Snatcher (ok, so I'm a Blade Runner buff, and if you got a problem with that, I've got two words for ya: VOIGT-KAMPFF THIS!)
3DO: Star Control II (best RPG/space-sim ever made)
Jaguar: Aliens vs. Predator (as if there was much of a choice here)
Playstation: Suikoden, Lunar SSS Complete (2D goodness abound)
Saturn: Dragon Force (strategy heaven)
N64: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (yeah, baby, yeah)
Game Gear: Defenders of Oasis (PS. That was a pretty big damn oasis they were defending!)
Game Boy: FF Legend I-III, FF Adventure, Zelda IV (all right already, they know I like RPGs...)
Lynx: Dracula (hes got fangs HISSS!) What was I thinking...
Virtual Boy: You have got to be kidding...


Height: uh...5'10" or somethin

Weight: 170

Age: 18

Yes, I am the creator of the all new rabid monkey layout and all of the images used within. I've been playin games ever since I can remember, and I am a certified movie buff(a special prize to the person who finds out where my name is from). In case you were wondering, my idols are Chow Yun-Fat and (soon to be president) Hulk Hogan. My goal in life is to dominate anything and everything. That's why I chose the Rabid Monkey Web Site. We share the same lofty goals....

I have owned the following systems: Atari 2600, Atari 7800, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Nomad, Original Game Boy, 2 Game Boy Colors(you need two for the full Pokemon experience), Sony Playstation, Sega Saturn with an import converter and the 4 meg RAM expansion(Arcade perfect X-men vs. SF=), Nintendo 64, and PC(crappy Pentium 90).

Favorite Games(no particular order):

  • N64: Goldeneye: Probably my favorite game at least until Perfect Dark comes out. Sorry Zelda(a close #2), but you don't have the mutliplayer aspect.
  • PSX: Metal Gear Solid: Solid Snake is my fourth idol behind Chow, Hogan, and Bond. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night: Who said playstation couldn't do 2-D? Resident Evil: The reason I bought a Playstation. I spent nearly forty bucks just renting the game before I bought it. And I left my system paused for nearly an entire day while I drove to another town to buy a friggin memory card. Resident Evil 2 was great, but it didn't have the fear factor that the first did. And Final Fantasy 7 will NEVER EVER be up here(even though it is a great RPG) because it quite simply pales in comparison to Final Fantasy 3 on the SNES.
  • Saturn: Radiant Silvergun(import): The finest shooting game of all time. Marvel vs. Street Fighter(import): Who needs friggin street fighters like Ken or Ryu when you can be Spiderman, Venom, Iron Man, or Captain America? Metal Slug(import): This is what the 32 bit update for Contra should have been. And of course, Panzer Dragoon Saga and Shining Force 3.
  • NES: Mike Tyson's Punch Out: A True classic. Tecmo Bowl and Tecmo Super Bowl: The Bears had Walter Payton in the original. Need I say more? Contra: Do I really need to explain this one? Zelda(series): Or this one? I'll finish the rest later...I'm tired....


    Hasno Little: Created decent links bar and made occasional snide remarks on letters page, but otherwise did nothing for the site. Subsequently quit/let go when confronted about lack of work ethic.

    Wedge: Anyone remember him?

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