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Kool Mama Kat - This Kat is on a Hot Tin Roof!
Wednesday, 18 August 2004
Mood:  not sure

As for now I am doing what I have to do for my mental health and my son's well being. At this point in my life that is my top priority! My mind is still a maze I can't escape and my heart in pieces. I have lost to good friends and the innocence of my marriage. I don't know who I am or what I want anymore.

My writing is coming along splendidly though. It is my vice, my temporary escape from where I am. If anything good can come from all of this, it is that I have found a different way to express myself through my writing. Fictional writing can do wonders for the soul.

My new job is heaven sent! Thanks to Cathy, I will always be in her dept for placing such an opportunity in my lap! Who would've thought ME working in such a wonderful enviroment! I am an assistant for RE/MAX a real estate company that employs 70 Realtors! The pay and hours are great!

Aaron is adjusting to Pre-K very well!

I added a link down on the bottom left under "My Links" it say's "My Writing Portfolio" it will take you there if you want to check it out!

Over and Out!

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 7:12 PM EDT
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Thursday, 19 August 2004 - 4:33 PM EDT

Name: Muddys Mom
Home Page:

I am glad you like to write fiction because I LOVE to read it! {{}} Good luck with it. -Terry

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