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Kool Mama Kat - This Kat is on a Hot Tin Roof!
Sunday, 7 March 2004

Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: the voices in my head
I will be forever new, Where I found a new desire, Delicious and Hot. I found a new echo...

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 10:25 AM EST
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Saturday, 6 March 2004

Mood:  lucky
Just wanted to add that another of my poems is being published!!!! has decided to publish "The Underground" If you want to read this click on the "my writings" link to the right!!!! I'm also a Semi-Finalist in the International Open Poetry Contest!!!! Keep your finger's crossed for me!!!

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 9:06 PM EST
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Mood:  suave
Now Playing: The Cramps
Well I have finally officially upgraded!!!! Yeah!!!

Last night was fun....full of many laughs, many Amberbock's and lot's of music...Thank you Tim for the CD's and your mixes sound great by the way! DJ Timquella always making parties happen!!

Signed the kids up for soccer today!!!! They look so cute! And oh yeah baby I'm a soccer mom!! Tonight the hubby and I are going to have a few drinks and hopefully play some cards...tomorrow who know's!???!!?? If it's hot..and i'm sure it will be...maybe I will go to the beach! I could really use some can't see my Native Americaness anymore!!!

Anyway ta ta for now

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 8:06 PM EST
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Friday, 5 March 2004
Well it's my official drinking day!! I typically only "get drunk" on Friday's b/c the week is all about being mommy but come Friday and it's all about ME!!! Tomorrow I'm going to sign the kids up for Soccer...Aaron is 4 and this will be his first anything cute will he be!! What a sight...

No codeine today boy's and girl' will not mix well with my Rollin Rock's, although some of you may beg to differ...I must be responsible b/c the kiddies are watching!!! Besides as much as that stuff makes me all warm and taste like shit!!!

Happy Friday` Kool Mama Kat

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 12:22 PM EST
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Thursday, 4 March 2004
Can I just say Codeine is great!!!

My doctor prescribed me robitussin with codeine to help with my nagging cough due to broncitis {spelling} the codeine is supposed to help me sleep but no luck in that department....medicines tend to have reverse affects on me....sleeping pills never make me sleep they make me jumping...and CODEINE...hahaha...well it makes me hyper..I can take a dose and clean house like I've never cleaned before!

Unfortunatly for me I have an addictive personality and this little bottle won't last long! But I shall enjoy it to the last drop!! UUUMMMM- well at least I'm feeling a little better!!!

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 2:11 PM EST
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Wednesday, 3 March 2004
My poor baby!
Today was such a weird day!

I awoke this morning to my baby boy {Aaron 4yrs.} complaining of a bug bite...turns out he got bit by a spider on his little leg. It is so gross. So I call his Doctor and she tells me to drop what I'm doing and bring him in right away...not something you say to a worried mother!!! So we went down to see Dr. Rojas...she told me it was has an abcess...he will be on antibiotics for 7 days. Aaron is a tough boy and is handling it well....I actually think he thinks it's cool! Typical boy!

Later on that evening.....

I'm on the computer- hear a noise in the living in there....the TV is smoking and making noise!!!! I call the husband in a panic- he tells me to unplug it before it catches fire- I was to scared to touch anything but at this point I'm thinking we don't have renter's insurance and my kids are now screaming and freaking out- so in a fit of adrenaline I unplug the bloody thing!!! It helped but now we are without TV. Not cool with 2 kids! However my husband being superdad is out buying us a new TV as I type.....THANK GOD!!!!

I'm glad this day is almost over...hopefully tomorrow will be better!!

Keep my baby boy in your prayers...Thanks!

~Kool Mama Kat

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 9:02 PM EST
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Tuesday, 2 March 2004
Our Trip
Well we had a great time in Orlando. We went to Universal Studios Islands of Adventures. It was sooo much fun....Can you believe they actually had a Happy Hour?!?! So needless to say we had a few which made things a little more interesting....We took lot's of pictures which you can view by clicking the "My Pictures" link in the right column. We also went to the Titanic Exhibition which had over 200 artifact's from the original was erie...Anyway it was fun today is our official 2 yr. anniversary....Happy Day Baby- I love you!!!!

~Kool Mama Kat

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 12:49 PM EST
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I'm being Published!
Well it has finally happened!!! I have been writing since I was 13 yrs. old and finally something has become of it!!!!!

The American Poet's Society has chose one of my poems to be published in their upcoming Anthology "A celebration of poetry" If you would like to read the poem click on the my writings link on the right column or go to my website and click on Scribble.."Sins of the Father" is the one that has been picked!

I shall share a little from the letter they sent to me-

" Angel, we would love to publish your poem in our new anthology. Congratulations on impressing me and the other editors. I know your poems will enhance the book and inspire others. - Maggie Whitford. Senior Editor

" Dear Angel,

Thank you for sending us your poem, "Sin's of the Father". Our Editorial staff was impressed with your poem and has accepted it for publication in our upcoming collection of fine poetic works. Our editors are very particular about which poems are approved for publication. We wish for the Anthology to represent only the very best poetry. Being selected by our senior editor is an accomplishment that signifies you are an artist, aomeone with the ability to put their thoughts into words that eloquently describe their feelings".

It goes on to explain the process and boost my ego so to speak.....This is huge for me and I just wanted to share!!!!

~Kool Mama Kat

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 12:42 PM EST
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Saturday, 28 February 2004

I was just thinking of how old I feel even though I'm not.....remember when it was cool to be old? I remeber thinking when I was younger..."I can't wait til I grow up..I'll do whatever I want, whenever I want." Yeah...right...whatever ain't happenin'

I'm just a few weeks shy of being 24...married with kids...have 2 cat's and 2 it up in South Florida...a huge change from Nashville, TN where I grew up. I live a modestly simple existance staying on the right side of the line..most of the times...I'm not a huge law breaker in comparison to a few years ago. I just can't help but think-why is this so boring sometimes?

I mean being a cool mom is cool right? Or even being a mom is cool right? Sometime's I envy my friends who don't have kids yet...but they say they envy me...I need excitement damnit!!!! I want to break all rules, defy all odds, shock those around me, be the bad girl,spit in public...I want to do what I want when I want and not suffer any consequences. Is that asking to much...

I guess it has been official for a long time...I just don't want to admit it...I have grown not cool!
I still wear platforms and bellbottoms. I still show off my tattoo {on my neck} I still listen to loud angry music and not so angry music. I still say cuss words even though instead of mom correcting me it's the kids correcting me now. I still go to clubs and dance into the wee hours of the morning...I still spend to much money on beer and other smokable things. I still throw my clothes on the floor next to the hamper. I still wait until the last minute to do anything....I guess this list could go on forever because in all reality we all are kids at heart...I think you can ever really grow out of that...or can you?????

My cat looks over at me as if to say.."get over it chic" and then he proceeds to roll his eyes at me in his own Katty way!

All in all though..I do love my rotten kids...and my rotten husband. My life is not boring. I think I just assume growing up means you turn into a boring person...ME???? Neva!!!!!!!

Ciao` The Kool Mama Kat

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 7:11 PM EST
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The nothingness in destitution.
Rhythmic against the threshold.
Forward in time-eyes open.

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 3:21 PM EST
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The Morning After......
Last night was fun and eventful. I had about 6 rolling rocks....not to shabby...indulged myself with good music, food, and laugh with those dear to my heart....I felt just fine this morning except for the fact that I have lost my sore throat, no more coughing...just no voice. More annoying than anything else.

Tomorrow my husband and I head up to Orlando for some festivities...not sure yet what we will do but we are celebrating our wedding anniversary...a night away from town without the kids will be refreshing.

So anyway I shall post pictures and all when I return. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

~Kool Mama Kat

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 2:50 PM EST
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Friday, 27 February 2004
Happy Freakin' Friday!
Well this has been a long week! TGIF!!!! I don't understand why it feel's like 40 degree's outside and I live in Sunny South Florida....I even had to break down and turn the heat on....which is doing strange things to my sinuses! I've had a horrible sore throat which is now being followed by a nagging nasty cough in which it is hand in hand which some crap that doesn't even have a color on the color scale! Ugh!!!

My dear sweet Mother-In-Law made me some chicken soup and got the kids out of my hair so at least I feel a little better. My Kat's are acting strange. Maybe their just happy I bought them some really expensive flea medicine. Now thier all of a sudden all over me....maybe they know I'm sick and just feel sorry for me...

Well at least it is Friday....I'm going to proceed to drink a few Rolling Rock's...i'll give you a total in the morning b/c I generally overindulge myself.....I'm going to have some good belly laughs with my music loud....and then probably kick myself in the ass tomorrow!

Until then...enjoy your Friday!!!

~Kool Mama Kat

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 4:24 PM EST
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Cool Weblog!
I found a great weblog ran by an 80 something year old Grandmother. It's kinda like an Dear Abby kinda thing.It's supper cool. If you want to check it out I put a link over there under GrOOvy on Help me Bubby!

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 2:04 PM EST
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Staring at the scenery,
I smile, breathing.
Freedom found along the desired highway.
Sighing I am satisfied.

*Much like how I'm going to feel when
I take my road trip home to where my
heart is! Oh I can't stand the wait!

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 5:28 AM EST
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Thursday, 26 February 2004

I awoke this morning to a message on my message board on the refridgerator in the kitchen....Apparentely my {9yr.} daughter wrote this..I don't think it's original however pretty fucking deep for a kid....I shall share.

Watch your thoughts because they become your words.
Watch your words because they become your actions.
Watch your actions because they become your habits.
Watch your habits because they become your charecter.
Watch your charecter because it becomes your destiny.

Now that's what I'm talking about.....If we could only all live by this.

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 12:31 PM EST
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The sweet song of sadness,
Heavy from the darkest silence.
But the fear will rise from me in the morrow.

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 12:24 PM EST
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Tuesday, 24 February 2004
Awesome HEMP News!!!!!
Federal Court Rejects DEA Ban on Hemp Food Court Tells DEA it Cannot Regulate Naturally-Occurring THC in Hemp Food Landmark Decision Opens Way for Expansion of Hemp Food Industry SAN FRANCISCO, CA - U.S. COURT of APPEALS for the NINTH CIRCUIT - The Hemp Industries Association (HIA), representing over 200 hemp companies in North America won their 2 1/2-year old lawsuit today against the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in a decision that permanently blocks DEA regulations that attempted to ban nutritious hemp foods such as waffles, bread, cereal, vegetarian burgers, protein powder, salad dressing and nutrition bars. "The decision in HIA v. DEA is a huge boost to the hemp food market, and we expect to see many more hemp food products on store shelves," says David Bronner, maker of the AlpSnack? organic hemp nutrition bar and Chair of the HIA Food and Oil Committee. "The three judge panel agreed with our main argument that the DEA's 'Final Rule' ignores Congress's specific exemption in the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) under the definition of marihuana that excludes hemp seed and oil from control along with hemp fiber. Based on today's decision, the court reasonably views trace insignificant amounts of THC in hemp seed in the same way as it sees trace amounts of opiates in poppy seeds," says Bronner. Dormont was read back the section of the CSA dealing with the hemp seed exemption on three occasions by Judge Alex Kozinski. By the third reading, a frustrated Kozinski stated "S? I tried to say it once before. What this tells me is Congress knew full well that stalks and seeds and fiber could be carriers of some level of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). They were aware of that. Nevertheless, it said unless you do the extracting part they are not marihuana under the definition. That is what it says to me." Near the end of the DEA's arguments, Judge Kozinski asked Dormont, "Can you tell me how you are going to save the [poppy seed] bagel?" The question drew laughter from the packed courtroom, but is a serious issue considering that the irrational logic behind the DEA's attempted hemp food ban could easily be applied to poppy seed bagels. During final arguments, the DEA acknowledged that hemp foods have no abuse potential, stating "The concern of the Drug Enforcement Administration isn't particularized to the particular products that these Petitioners make. The DEA has never said, has never focused on the particular products and said anyone can get high from them, or that they pose a harm to people." According to Nutritionist and best selling author Dr. Andrew Weil, "There is absolutely no health concern about trace amounts of THC in Hemp foods. I think the federal court decision is great." In regard to widespread outrage over the DEA's "Final Rule" - 115,000 public comments, a letter from the Canadian government, and a letter from Congress co-signed by 22 Representatives submitted to DEA opposed to the hemp food ban - Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Mary Schroeder asked the DEA: "Did you take into account the objections of people who might say that this doesn't make a lot of sense?" Dormont admitted the rule "wasn't popular." Protests were organized by Vote Hemp against DEA's attempts to ban hemp foods. In December 2001 and again in April 2003, at more than 50 DEA offices nationwide, activists gave away hemp foods, poppy seed bagels and orange juice that contain trace THC, opiates and alcohol respectively to highlight the absurdity of DEA's rules. These "Hemp Food Taste Tests" generated public outrage and forced former DEA Administrator Asa Hutchinson to debate Vote Hemp Director Eric Steenstra on National Public Radio. U.S. hemp food companies voluntarily observe reasonable THC limits similar to those adopted by European nations as well as Canada and Australia. These limits protect consumers with a wide margin of safety from workplace drug-testing interference (see hemp industry standards regarding trace THC at The DEA has hypocritically not targeted food manufacturers for using poppy seeds (in bagels and muffins, for example) even though they contain far higher levels of trace opiates. The recently revived global hemp market is a thriving commercial success. Unfortunately, because the DEA's Drug War paranoia has confused non-psychoactive industrial hemp varieties of cannabis with psychoactive "marihuana" varieties, the U.S. is the only major industrialized nation to prohibit the growing of industrial hemp. "We are very excited that our best-selling Organic Hemp Plus Granola Cereal? and our LifeStream Natural Hemp Plus Waffels? will continue to be available in thousands of stores nationwide," says Arran Stephens, President and Founder of Nature's Path Foods. "DEA was foolish to try to ban hemp seed because it is a rich source of protein, dietary fiber, minerals, iron, vitamin E, and a near perfect composition of essential fatty acids - Omega 3 and 6," says Lynn Gordon, President of French Meadow Bakery which sells Healthy Hemp Bread?. "We expect sales to increase enormously as result of the court ruling." "Nutiva's organic hemp bars and protein powder can finally be sold without concern over its legality," says John Roulac, President of Nutiva?."Vegetarians everywhere should celebrate this court ruling," says Ken Holmes, co-founder of Living Harvest. "People have a right to eat our nutritious Hemp Power Bar, Hemp Protein, Hemp Oil and Hemp Seed Nut." "Today's decision will boost demand for our bulk and private label oil and seed products, as well as retail brand hemp food and body care products ," says Shaun Crew, President of Hemp Oil Canada. "Today's court ruling will jumpstart sales of our new meatless Omega Burgers? made from organic hemp seed," Ruth Shamai, President of Ruth's Foods. "This decision now allows consumers to vote with there dollars. Healthy hemp food products like Hemp Seed Oil and Hemp Seed Nut(shelled hemp seed) are available now at major retailers like Whole Foods Market," says Michael Fata, Manitoba Harvest Hemp Foods & Oils. Visit to read court documents and numerous scientific studies re: hemp foods. For more information or to arrange interviews with representatives of the hemp industry, please call Adam Eidinger at 202-232-8997. For more information visit and make sure you vote ProHemp....your vote counts.

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 4:03 PM EST
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Poetry in Motion
Wondering what these short stanza's of poetry are???? If you go to you can enter a daily contest for $100. They give you a group of words that you have to make a poem of 5-20 words. It's really cool and get's your brain going. I have fun with it even if I don't win any money. You can get to the website by clicking on the link I have over there in the left panel....have fun and good luck.....

~Kool Mama Kat

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 3:48 PM EST
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We need changes,
Peace in life.
Patiently I wait for heaven's reward.

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 3:44 PM EST
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We need changes,
Peace in life.
Patiently I wait for heaven's reward.

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 3:43 PM EST
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