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It seems inevitable that with almost every Canadian you meet the subject invariably turns to food.  What you can't get, what you send away for, and, if you are really lucky, what is available locally.  Fortunately, a number of companies offer services that cater to the palate of the discerning Canuck.  As we come across sites that offer Canadian foods, we will list them here.  We will also list sites offering various sundry products from home.

Listing of sites here is not an endorsement of their products and services.  As with anything on the web, buyer beware.  

Food Sites

Canadians Abroad/ - Run by the Glebe Apothecary of Ottawa, Ontario.  Canada's Largest Online Pharmacy.  Offers an extensive line of Canadian foods and toiletries not generally available in the US.  They will take suggestions.

Always Canadian - Run out of California but very comprehensive in its scope.  You name the comfort food, they've got it.  They also take suggestions.   Sells Tim Hortons Coffee.

Canadian Favorites - The fact that there are three sites catering to Canadians in the US says something - we really miss our food!  Another very comprehensive site.  They list prices with the items and give the weight of the product.   Also sells Tim Hortons Coffee and a wide selection of it at that.

Ganongs - From St. Stephen, New Brunswick.  Makers of fine chocolates, candies and Palomine Bars  and Roman Nougat Bars  - something not listed at some of the other sites and which is a Maritime favorite.   Ordering can be done by phone or mail only, but they have a price and inventory listing at their site. 

tim hortons

Tim Hortons is slowing expanding into the US.   Tim Hortons is currently available in New York, Michigan, Ohio and West Virginia.  Please let us know if there is a Tim Hortons in your area.  In the meantime you can check out their website - Tim Hortons.

Regional Sites - based out of Newfoundland this is a magazine and catalogue that allows you to purchase a wide variety of products and food stuffs from Newfoundland producers.  They take most major credit cards. 

The Newfie Store - offers food, music, books and photographs.

Prince Edward Island Preserve Company - offers preserves, oils, vinegars, cookies, cakes, maple syrup, honey, chutneys and more.  Makes the shopping experience more convenient by asking what currency you prefer to see prices in before you browse the selections - nice feature!   

Cape Breton Catalogue - source to buy books and music from Cape Breton.

Clearwater - Fresh Atlantic Lobster.  Has a special page for American orders.  

Prairie Pantry - based out of Alberta offers Saskatoon berries and conserves. - based out of British Columbia.  Mostly gift-oriented, offers gourmet Canadian foods, clothes  and arts and crafts.  Takes international orders and gives approximate prices on items in U.S. dollars when items are placed in shopping cart. 

Artic Wild Harvest Company - offers foods from the Artic as well as arts and crafts.  


Much of what we define as "comfort foods" comes not from the grocery store shelves but from the stoves and pantries of our mothers and grandmothers.  We will try to provide links to regional Canadian recipes.  While you may have to order home for some of the ingredients or substitute ingredients it is always worth the while to make some of the foods that remind you of home and can be really fun to share them with your new American friends and family.

Our Traditional Cuisine - weekly recipes from Newfoundland kitchens.


The Grocery Cart

We would like to hear what Canadian foods are available on the store shelves in your area.  Please email me with any hot info.  We would like to be able to keep a "grocery list" to help out other desperate Canadians. 

Chicago, Illinois:

New York:

        Coffee Crisp - According to, a web site petitioning for the distribution of Coffee Crisp in the US, Coffee Crisps are available in New York area as of September 8, 2000.  If it is not in your area, you can sign the petition by clicking on the banner above.  


        Coffee Crisp - According to, a web site petitioning for the distribution of Coffee Crisp in the US, Coffee Crisps are available in New York area as of September 8, 2000.  If it is not in your area, you can sign the petition by clicking on the banner above.   Seen in British Allsorts, Newhall, California (24888 Apple Street), British Grocer, Fullerton, California, Flavour of Britain, San Juan Capistrano, California and at a 7-11 in San Diego, California.  The future is looking good!



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