Tom Royer-OUR MASTER CARPENTER.  If we can dream it, he can build it!  HE is the guy behind the scenes. Tom makes all our props: from the new cemetery gates, to the 40-foot UFO, to a 30-foot covered bridge, to a haunted house, to a flooded mine shaft - They all have been built by him. You will not see Tom in a costume because he is too busy running scene to scene making sure everything is running well. He is also in charge of the Bon Fires you see everywhere.

 Beth Atwood-RALLYEMASTER & FINAL JUDGE.  If the rallye was a monster (and it is!), she would be the monster’s brain.  With her excellent writing skills, eagle eye proof reading, and witty skill with trivia, she makes sure everything is letter perfect. Beth pours many hours into the rallye each year and usually only averages 4 hours of sleep per night during Hell Week, which is what we call the last week leading up to the Rallye.
 Jenny Bush-GRADING CO-CAPTAIN and an occasional character.  Each year Jenny makes sure your papers are turned in and graded correctly. She also keeps all our helpers organized while they grade and makes sure your points are tallied correctly.
Cindy Scarsdale-UTILITY PLAYER PUZZLEMASTER  Cindy has starred as a character in just about every rallye we have had. She is also in charge of ordering all the refreshments we serve each year. In addition, she also does research when we need her to. Cindy also has proven her puzzle layout skills and does an outstanding job formatting them. She just can't remember is id solution PAGE or SHEET!
Brandon Dudley-RALLYEMASTER IN TRAINING.  Brandon (B1)  has played many characters throughout the years and, during the last few years, he has provided many of the clues, puzzles and guts of the rallye. Following in his father’s footsteps, he is proving to be a great future RALLYEMASTER.
Miles Dudley-RALLYEMASTER, WEB MASTER & FINAL JUDGE.  The "Heart" of the monster, Miles is the Original Rallyemaster along with Brian Johnston.  Miles comes up with the Themes each year. Working very closely with Beth and others, it is Miles that comes up with the twisted plots and plays.  Miles also spends Hell Week sleep-deprived.  The night of the Rallye he usually "greets" you as you arrive into the park and makes sure you are sent on your way when it's time to leave. Miles also makes sure all the scenes are running well and all the props are in place during the run.  He is usually the guy greeting you at the end of the run and taking your Rallye packet.  Miles is also the Co-Web Master.
Angie Highlander-UTILITY PLAYER. THANK GOD FOR ANGIE!  Angie keeps us organized as well.  She will do whatever task is assigned to her. She is also the person each year that puts your "supplies" together. Angie is very thorough and makes sure your supplies are perfect. You will most likely see Angie in costume each year as well.
Brian Highlander-JACK OF ALL TRADES.  Brian helps with the line up of cars and setting up of scenes.  Occasionally he also portrays characters. Brian helps in brainstorming with us and works very hard each year making sure our stops are safe for you to walk through. 
Duane Take-JACK OF ALL TRADES.  Duane helps with the line up of cars and setting up of scenes.  Occasionally he also portrays characters,  Duane helps in brainstorming with us and works very hard each year making sure our stops are safe for you to walk through. 
Brian Johnston -  Brian is the Original RALLYEMASTER. It was Brian that brought the rallye back to life in 1993 after the CICA stopped having them in the mid 80's.  It was Brian's idea to have the Rallye take on a Halloween theme. You sometimes see Brain running in the rallye, as he does not always organize it with us. He enjoys both sides of the road.
Ken Schwandner-Former RALLYEMASTER. Ken has done a great job in the past planning our rallies. He has great prop and clue ideas. Ken has moved away but you may see him running from time to time. We look forward to Ken helping us again sometime.
Denny Scarsdale - CHEFMASTER. Denny is great support. Denny collects all the hot dog sticks each year for us.  He also makes GREAT chili, which he delivers to all the stops along with hot chocolate to make sure all the gatekeepers and characters are warm and well fed.
Denise Royer-GRADING CO-CAPTAIN. Each year Denise comes in the night of the rallye and keeps EVERYTHING in the graders circle organized. She makes sure the papers are in order and keeps track of all the attendance prizes and makes sure they are handed out when your KEY fits in the coffin.
Kelly Hernandez-Kelly was a new addition to our gang in 2006 and has contributed in many ways. Kelly will run whereever we need her to and help make whatever props we need. She has also played the best mortician we have had to date.  When she showed up in her costume, it was so good the rallyemasters tried to get her to leave because they did not know who she was. Kelly is sure to put in her 2 cents about the run and the clues since she entered the rallye for many years.
Brian & Karen Margaritis-Brian and Karen are new Organ-izers in 2008. But, they are not new to the Rallye. They have run in our haunted rallye since 1998 and were ones we watched closely as they were always out for blood!!! They finally placed 3rd in the 2007 run after many years of coming in 4th. It was Karen’s close eye for detail that put them in the 3rd position. So this year, they decided to jump the fence and help us plan. We look forward to Brian's handy man skills and to Karen’s crafty puzzle skills as well. Welcome Aboard, Guys!
Brandon Margaritis-Brandon is new in 2010! Affectionately known as B2, and "from an Engineering standpoint"... Brandon is proving him self as a Puzzle Master and is Sweetart worthy! Welcome Aboard B2!
Joey Bridges-Joey jumped ship in 2010. Joey has become our own spooky computer geek! In case you're not aware, it takes 4 computers to put this beast together and a wireless print server to boot! Some one has to keep things going for us ya know... Can you say format hell??? Welcome Aboard Joey
"Count"ess Casey Bridges-Casey also jumped ship in 2010! 1 2 3 4 5 6... Can you say Proof Master? She hasn't miss counted yet! (Well there was that one time...) I guess working at the bank has finaly paid off! She is definitely following in her mother's foot prints!
Welcome Abord Casey!
Shelia Whitlock Shelia is new in 2010 Shelia is our newest JUDGE! So Rallier beware.. She's tuff and plans on keeping things "ship shape"! Welcome Aboard!

We would also like to thank the following for their part each year. We could not do this without the help of all of you.

The Rosary and Altar Society - Graders

Frank Leffler, Brian Highlander, Jr., Patty Take, Marsha & Donnie Maine, Iola Dudley, Elaine Nordyke, Mark Koesterer, Bud Bush, Dave Lamore, Austin Scarsdale, Greg Nihiser, Craig Nihiser, Michael & Caroline Meyers and THE ALHAMBRA JAYCEES & THE COLLINSVILLE JAYCEES





(c) All Rights Reserved Livingston Park Association 2006

Livingston Park Association * PO Box 493 * Livingston, IL  62058-0493