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unusual illnesses and medical conditions

kitten with compressed rib cage
A while ago, someone posted on the AcmePet Bulletin Board asking for help with a kitten that had a compressed ribcage. No one had heard of this condition, so we were baffled. The person returned and gave this information update, which I hope will be useful and reassuring to someone:

Compressed or flattened rib cages occur because the newborn has very soft ribs and the weight of his/her body simply flattens the ribs out. It looks scary and painful, but it causes the animal no physical discomfort outside of interferring with mobility.

Once the kitten has become mobile the rib cages round out because of the downward pressure of the internal organs. Massage can also be helpful. The kitten will never have 100% normal ribs but she (her name is Scamper) will be just fine. Outside of massage and some 'occupation therapy' she will be fine.

This condition is extremly rare in cats. It is most commonly seen in large or heavy breeds of dogs. Dogs whose puppies have plump bodies or broad barrel shaped chests are commonly afflicted with this temporary disorder when newborns. It is not genetic.