KAN-WIN's client-centered counseling program provides confidential crisis intervention and case management to all women who call our hotline. KAN-WIN is founded on the belief that the way to prevent future violence is to first empower those who are being abused. Through counseling, we strive to educate survivors of abuse with information about their options, enabling them to exercise their choices and regain control of their lives. To assist those clients with limited English-speaking skills, counseling is provided by individuals who are bilingual in Korean and English. KAN-WIN's counseling services include crisis counseling, survivors' support group, on-going supportive counseling and services for the children of survivors.
Clients who have limited English language ability and understanding of the complex legal system and its processes require some form of legal assistance. These services include accompanying and providing translation with police, lawyers and the court; obtaining orders of protection; filing police reports; obtaining a divorce, child custody and support; and immigration issues. Our goal is to educate each client about her rights and options under the law so that she can make informed decisions throughout the entire legal process.
KAN-WIN works closely with pro bono legal assistance foundations to help low-income clients access legal protection that they normally could not afford or access on their own due to limited English. These free legal services are an important resource and are instrumental in helping clients navigate the criminal and civil legal systems.
To help clients address the multiple needs they face in rebuilding their lives following a crisis, KAN-WIN provides various forms of on-going assistance and support. These services include long-term counseling, shelter placement, assistance with transitional housing, employment, English as a second language, childcare, public aid advocacy, social service advocacy, general information and referrals. Our ultimate goal is to enable the client to be fully independent and free from threats of violence.
KAN-WIN volunteers play a significant role in every level of KAN-WIN's operations. Our reliance on volunteers for direct services is grounded in the belief that a group of volunteers providing support, along with staff, help clients experience support at the community level. Once a volunteer completes training and understands the dynamics of domestic violence, she becomes an effective educator reaching out to her community of friends, family, church members and other women who need help.
There are many ways to volunteer at KAN-WIN: For example, answering our crisis hotline, translating for clients, fundraising, helping out with legal advocacy, arranging childcare for clients and general administrative and office tasks. Volunteers must complete a 40-hour domestic violence training, which we offer twice a year in the spring and fall. The bilingual training is conducted in both Korean and English. KAN-WIN's training helps volunteers understand domestic violence and how our culture impacts the way the community responds to it. We are currently looking for volunteers to help with our crisis hotline, ESL instruction, legal advocacy, and the children's program. We provide additional training on these specialized topics and on-going supervision for volunteers who assist clients directly. Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator to find out more about our programs and how you can best use your skills to help other women.