Calendar of Events for July 2000 for KAN-WIN
August 13, 2000 10 AM Sunday, Grant Park (Columbus at Roosevelt)
Step Out to Stop Abuse 9th Annual 5K Walk
Sponsored by Korean American Women In Need(KAN-WIN), Apna Ghar,
Chicago Abused Women Coalition, Constance Morris House,
Freinds of Battered Women & Their children, Heartland Alliance-Women's Program,
Rainbow House, Sarah's Inn, SHALVA
Help raise awareness and $(money) for the fight against domestic violence.
For registration or/and donation,
e-mail us KANWIN@Mcs.net
August 15,1999 Sunday
Step Out to Stop Abuse 10K Walk-a-thon
In Grant Park- Meet South of Buckingham Fountain.
Please come out and help support Korean American Women in Need and eight
other Chicago-area domestic violence agencies. This will be the 8th Annual
Step Out to Stop Abuse Walk-a-thon event and is the yearly fundraiser where
we raise the most funds.
There are many ways to help out:
Invite your friends and family to walk with you. Bring the kids!
Form a corporate or community team and walk together.
Volunteer to help out on the day of the event.
Sponsor another walker.
Registration begins at 9am and the walk kicks off at 10am.
There will be entertainment, food and loads of fun.
For information to help out, please call us at KAN-WIN (773) 583-1392 or
Email us at kanwin@mcs.net
August 28, 1999 Saturday
Asian Institute on Domestic Violence
Hyatt Regency O'Hare, Chicago
Please come to this free, all day national meeting on building a national movement to end domestic violence in Asian communities.
Who should attend: Asian community advocates, shelter workers, researchers, policy advocates, and others serving the Asian communities.
Find out more at www.apiahf.org/institute.html
Or RSVP by August 25 at (415) 954-9961
For directions to the Hyatt Regency, call (847) 696-1234
August 28, 1999 Saturday
Asian Institute on Domestic Violence
Hyatt Regency O'Hare, Chicago
Please come to this free, all day national meeting on building a national movement to end domestic violence in Asian communities.
Who should attend: Asian community advocates, shelter workers, researchers, policy advocates, and others serving the Asian communities.
Find out more at www.apiahf.org/institute.html
Or RSVP by August 25 at (415) 954-9961
For directions to the Hyatt Regency, call (847) 696-1234
August 29-September 1, 1999 Sunday -Wednesday
The Next Millennium Conference- Rosemont, Illinois.
This is a national conference on family and intimate violence which will feature presentations on past and current trends in the field of domestic violence and planning sessions on future directions for work in the field. In addition to information exchange and interactive discussion, this conference will engage participants in the development of a shared vision and strategies for future action. Expected attendance is 800-1,000 persons. The conference audience will be comprised of a diverse and broad range of individuals, organizations, and groups representing a cross-section of cultures, ethnicities, and professions.
Conference registration
Regular registration is $290 deadline (midnight August 18, 1999)
or onsite registration is $350
Registration can be completed by contacting The Next Millennium Conference Information Center at (800) 281-9519 or via the Internet at www.dvmillennium.org
Upcoming Events in September 1999
September 16, 1999
Chicago Foundation for Women
Annual Luncheon and Symposium
Chicago Hilton and Towers
9:00AM-2:00PM- $60.00
Call CFW to RSVP (312) 266-3535
This is an annual Luncheon & Symposium that Chicago Foundation for Women organizes every year to celebrate the outstanding organizations that they fund. At this year's luncheon, they will feature a keynote address from Chilean author, Isabel Allende. We are one of the organizations that will be recognized by Chicago Foundation for Women. Please consider coming out to this event to celebrate another year of service from KAN-WIN and network with other women philanthropists.
Garage Sale for KAN-WIN.
Scheduled for mid September 1999. Call for more information (773) 583-1392
Start cleaning out your closets now because we are taking donations for the event.
40 hour Volunteer Training - Fall
Scheduled for mid October 1999
Call KAN-WIN to be put on the mailing list to receive information about the training.