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Musicians who participated in Pharoah Sanders official
and unofficial recordings in the particular years




Abdelhadi Bouchaib Moroccan vln, oud, perc, voc - 1995
Abdellaoui Abdellatif krkaba, voc, handclaps - 1994
Abdellaoui Mohamed krkaba, voc, handclaps - 1994
Abdullah Ahmed as, EVI, voc - 1993, 1995
Abebayehu Mikias dr, congas - 2001, 2003
Adams Fred tp - 1993, 1995
Adams George ts, voc - 1980
Addabachi Maleem Abdelkabir ghaita - 1994
Adenew Abonesh voc - 2001, 2003
Ahkaraz Abdellah krkaba, voc, handclaps - 1994
Ahkaraz Maleem Mahmoud tbel - 1994
Ahkaraz Mina voc - 1994
AkLaff Pheeroan dr - 1992
Alambert Juan perc - 1968
Ali Oma tamb - 1966
Ali Rashied dr - 1965, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1994, 1997, 2001
Alias Alfredo dr - 1997
Allen Claudette voc - 1979
Allen Geri p - 1996
Allen Laurie dr - 1968
Allen Marshall frh - 1964, 1991, 1995
Altibert Maurice - 1971
Andersen Arild b - 1968
Apani rap - 2002
Appleton Ray dr, perc - 1966, 1996
Armando Ray perc - 1968
Arslanian Paul - harmonium, wind chimes, perc, whistle - 1979, 1982
Asante voice - 1998
Ayler Albert ts - 1966, 1968
Ayler Donald tp - 1966


Babatunde congas - 1978, 1979, 1981
Babatunde Don voc - 1994
Bailey Victor b - 1995
Baker Mike dr - 1993
Baldwin Charles b - 1991, 1993
Ball Gini vln - 2000
Bandy Greg dr - 1975, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1990
Bang Billy vln - 1993
Baptista Cyro perc - 1995
Barbieri Gato ts - 1966
Baron Art tb - 2001, 2003
Barrow George ts - 1968
Barshay Peter b - 1978
Barshear Oscar tp - 1977
Bartz Garry as, perc - 1968, 1970, 1977
Bass Petro perc - 1977
Battach Saida voc - 1994
Beamish Dinah cello - 2000
Belgrave Marcus tp - 1993
Bennett William b - 1964
Berger Karl-Heinz vib, p - 1966
Betch (Betsch) Joe dr - 2002
Bettis Nat perc - 1966, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1993
Bey Andy voc - 1982
Bey Chief african dr, voc - 1969, 1971, 1998
Birch Gaylord dr - 1984
Black Big congas - 1981, 1991
Blackman Cindy dr - 1994, 1995
Blackshere Larry marimbas - 1978
Blackwell Ed dr - 1966, 1971
Blake Alex b - 1977, 1978, 1991, 1993, 1997, 1998, 1999
Blake Russell elb - 1992
Blank Roger dr - 1966
Bley Carla p - 1968
Blue John dr - 1973
Bofill Angela voc - 1993
Bohannon George tp - 1977
Bonner Joe p - 1972, 1973, 1974, 1979, 1981
Booker Walter b - 1981, 1985
Booth Junie b - 1973
Boujmia Mohamed krkaba, voc, handclaps - 1994
Bourelly Jean-Paul g - 1982, 1983, 1995, 1999, 2002
Bousan Mustapha harraz - 1994
Bova Jeff elkbds, synth - 1995, 1997, 1998
Bowie Michael b - 1988, 1993, 1994
Brackeen Joanne p - 1985, 1996
Brailey Jerome "Bigfoot" dr - 1995
Braithwaite Flame voc - 1981, 1982
Branch Jimmy fl - 1972, 1973
Brazil Joe fl, perc - 1965
Brody Bruce p - 1989
Brody Hugh ss - 1968
Brooks Billie dr - 1968
Brooks III Cecil dr - 2003
Brown Ari ts, ss, p - 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
Brown Cameron b - 1980, 1981
Brown Don p - 1987
Brown Marion as - 1965
Brown Sedatrius voc - 1973
Buckethead g - 1997
Burnett Hayes b - 1977
Burno Dwayne b - 2001
Burrell Dave p - 1966, 1968
Burvick Jacques kbds - 1977
Butler Frank dr, perc - 1965


Calhoun William dr - 1998, 2002
Callier Terry voc, g - 1997
Capers Chris tp - 1964, 1991, 1993
Cardona Milton congas - 1995
Caribbean Allstars - 1989, 1991
Carrington Teri Lynn dr - 1987, 1996
Carter Lance dr - 1991, 1993
Carter Ron b - 1968, 1969, 1970, 1983
Carvin Michael dr, perc, voc - 1973
Catlin Fritz (23 Skidoo) - 2000
Cedras Tony accordion - 1998, 2001, 2003
Chadly Yassir oud, gimbri, karbaka, perc, voc - 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1999
Chambers Jeff b - 1999
Chancey Vincent frh - 1995
Chase Jiggs org - 1976
Cheek Cort voc - 1982
Cherry Don tp - 1963, 1966, 1968, 1990
Choice Damon vib - 1993, 1995
Choudry Saita spoken word - 1997
Clark Jenny dr - 1966
Clark Neil congas, African perc, djembe, gong, shekere - 1998, 1999
Clarke Stanley b - 1972, 1993
Clinton George spoken word - 2003
Coleman George ts - 1980
Coleman Ira b - 2003
Coleman Ornette as - 1965
Colin Lois harp - 1981
Collins Jothan elb - 1991, 1993, 1995
Coltrane Alice p, harp - 1966, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971
Coltrane John ts, as, bcl, perc, voice - 1965, 1966, 1967
Coltrane Ravi ts - 1994, 1995, 2001
Connor Buddy voc - 1991
Connors Norman dr - 1972, 1973, 1977, 1978, 1993
Cook Janie voc - 1982
Cooke India vln - 1991
Cordova Carlos tabla - 1996
Corea Chick p, Fendr Rhodes - 1996
Cornelious Eve voc - 1993
Cowell Stanley p - 1968
Critchinson John p - 1988
Crosby Ray b - 1990
Cummings Robert bcl - 1964


D Chuck voc - 1997
DaCosta Paulinho perc - 1993
Dafoe Willem spoken word - 1997
Das Baul Paban dobki, komok, ektara - 2000
Davis Art b - 1965, 1981, 1985
Davis Charles bars - 1968
Davis Danny as, fl - 1964
Davis Kenny b - 2000, 2001
Davis Pharoah voc - 1997
Davis Richard b - 1969, 1982, 1992
Davis Steve b - 1983
De Rosa Vincent frh - 1977
DeBriano Santi b - 1984, 1998
DeJohnette Jack dr - 1983
Denson Karl ts - 2003
Derrick Tommy perc - 1968
DeWitt Algie bata dr - 1966, 1967
Dickerson Dee Dee voc - 1979
Dieng Ayib chatan, congas, bell, voc - 1995, 1996, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2003
Dinizulu Kimati African dr - 1995
Dion Parson dr - 2003
DJ Rob Swift turntables - 1995
DJ Spinna turntable - 2002
Donovan Bob as - 1968
Dotson Harold b - 1981
Drake Hamid dr, tabla, congas, doff, bells, gongs, voc - 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003
Drummond Ray b - 1979, 1980, 1981, 1987, 1991
Dupree Cornell elg - 1968
DXT turntables, voc, kalimba - 1995, 1997


Eaton Don "Babatunde" dr - 1997
Eaves Hubert elp, p, clavinet - 1977
Edwards Bruce elg - 1991, 1993, 1995
Edwards Stacey - perc - 1973
El Din Hamza perc, voc - 1999
El'Zabar Kahil dr, perc, voc - 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
Ellington Bill b - 1968
Ellis Don tp - 1968
Escovedo Juan perc - 1990
Esposito John p - 1994
Eubanks Charles p - 1986
Eubanks Robin tb, shells - 1995
Evans Al tp, flg - 1964
Everett Sangoma dr - 1986


Faddis Jon tp, flh - 1995, 1999, 2000, 2003
Falay Maffy tp - 1968
Fambrough Charles b - 1992
Farnsworth Joe dr - 2001, 2003
Faulk Dan ts - 2003
Favors Malachi b - 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
Feldman Mark vln - 1995
Feldman Victor perc, vib - 1977
Fen Min Xiao pipa - 1998
Ferguson Maynard tp - 1968
Ferguson Sherman dr - 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995
Fields Reginald b - 1974
Findley Chuck tp - 1977
Fisher Martin g - 1994
Flores James dr - 1973
Ford Phil tabla - 1979
Fortune Sonny as - 1969
Foster Stan tp - 1964
Franco Guillerme perc - 1981
Franklin Henry b - 1989
Franklin William b - 1983
Fujii Peter g - 1981
Furtado Stephen flh - 1968
Fuson Tim Abdellah perc, guimbri - 1992, 1993, 1994


Gadson James dr - 1977
Gale Eddie tp - 1991
Gannan Sharon spoken word - 1997
Garnett Carlos ts - 1995
Garrett Donald Raphael b, bcl - 1965
Garrison Jimmy b - 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1971
Garrison Matt b - 2002
Gates Yoko Ito koto - 1979
Gekker Chris flh - 1994
Gelaw Melaku kerare - 2001, 2003
Getz Jane p - 1964
Ghania El Moktar krkaba, voc, handclaps - 1994
Ghania Hafida voc - 1994
Ghania J'Mia voc - 1994
Ghania Khadija voc - 1994
Ghania Maleem Abdellah krkaba, voc, handclaps - 1994
Ghania Maleem Boubker gimbri, tbel - 1994
Ghania Malika voc - 1994
Ghania Mleem Mahmoud gimbri, voc, tbel - 1994
Ghania Zaida voc - 1994
Gibbons Al ss - 1968
Gilmore David g - 2001, 2003
Gilmore John ts - 1991, 1993
Gobena Thomas b - 2001, 2003
Goe Gene tp - 1977
Golson Benny ts - 1983
Gomez Eddie b - 1968
Gomez Ray elg - 1977
Gonick Marsha viola - 1978
Gonzalez Andy b - 1995, 1999, 2000, 2003
Goodman Wayne tb, shells - 1999, 2000
Gordon Fred tp - 1995
Gore Art dr, elp - 1973
Gorter Arjen b - 1968
Gould George p - 1968
Grailler Michel p - 1988
Grant Gary tp - 1977
Green Bill fl, bfl, afl, piccolo, ts, cl - 1977
Green Dave b - 1988
Green Tony dr - 1974
Green William ts - 1977
Gress Drew double b - 1994
Griffin Dick tb - 1995
Griggs John perc - 1968
Grimes Henry b - 1966, 1967
Gurdy Steve as - 1999
Gurtu Trilok tabla, perc, dr - 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999


Hadar Mira voc - 1982
Haden Charlie b - 1968, 1970, 1972
Hakim Abdul perc - 1973
Hakmoun Hassan sentir, voc - 1999
Halburian Armen perc - 1973
Hall Bobbye perc - 1977
Hamou Abdelmalak Ben ghaita - 1994
Hampel Gunter vib, fl - 1968
Hampton Slide tb - 1978
Hancock Herbie elp - 1995, 2001, 2003
Harold Black fl - 1964
Harper Billy ts - 1991
Harper Winard dr - 1996, 1997, 1998
Harrington Terry ts - 1977
Harris Beaver dr - 1968
Harrison Kharon dr - 2003
Hart Billy dr - 1969
Hassan Khalil Muhammad voc - 1997
Hassan Umar bin voc - 1994, 1996, 1997
Hawes Hampton p - 1971
Haydn Lili vln, voc - 2002, 2003
Hayes Chris g - 1979
Hayes Lewis dr - 1986
Haynes Craig dr - 1993, 1995
Haynes Graham crn - 1997, 2001
Haynes Jamal shells - 1995
Haynes Roy dr - 1969, 1971, 1987
Heard John b - 1982
Henderson Eddie flh - 1979
Henderson Joe ts - 1969
Henderson William p, elp, synth, African talking drums, harmonium - 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
Herbert Joseph cello - 1978
Hernandez Horacio "el Negro" dr - 1997, 1999, 2000
Hicks John p - 1979, 1980, 1981, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2003
Hidalgo Giovanni conga - 1999, 2000
Higgins Billy dr - 1981
Hill Calvin b - 1973, 1975
Hill Greg g - 1977
Hill Tyrone tb - 1991, 1995
Hillyer Lonnie tp - 1968
Hnikkich Abdelmoula harraz - 1994
Hoffman Ellen kbds - 1990
Hopps Jimmy dr - 1971, 1973
Houston Clinton b - 1985
Hubbard Freddie tp - 1965
Hunter Chris as - 1999
Hunter Stafford ttb, tshells - 1999, 2000, 2003
Hurst Robert b - 2000, 2001
Hussain Zakir tabla, mbira, voc - 1992, 1996, 1998
Hutcherson Bobby vib - 1981
Hyde Dick tb - 1977
Hyman Phyllis voc - 1977, 1993


Ifis Fatna voc - 1994
Irving III Robert synth - 1996
Irwin Dennis b - 1984
Isham Mark syntk - 1979
Ishida Kazuko B. voice - 1981
Israel Yoron dr - 1999, 2001
Izenzon David b - 1963, 1965


Jackson Darryl Munyungo - 1993
Jackson Fred Jr. fl, bfl, afl, as, cl - 1977
Jackson Paul Jr kbds - 1993
Jackson Pete perc - 1968
Jackson Randy b - 1988
Jacson James bs, fl, cowbell, Egiptian Infinity Drum, bsn, voc - 1991, 1993, 1995
James Stafford b - 1988, 1989, 1990
Jang Jon p - 1991
Jarvis Clifford dr - 1964, 1970, 1971, 1977
Jeffers Jack tb, btb - 1968
Jenkins Art space voice - 1964, 1995
Jennings David dr - 1990
Jewad Zakki g - 2001, 2003
Johnsn Alphonso b - 1977
Johnson Aaron btb, shells - 1999, 2000, 2003
Johnson Dewey tp - 1965
Johnson Diedre cello - 1973
Johnson George V. voc - 1981
Johnson Howard tu - 1968, 1969
Johnson Lionel Sonny b - 1966
Johnson Reginald b - 1986
Johnson Ron b - 2003
Johnson Stanley p - 1968
Jones Buzzy ts, ss, fl - 1977
Jones Calvin b - 1996, 1997, 2003
Jones Duke tp - 1977
Jones Elvin dr - 1965, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1991
Jones Larry tp - 1978
Jones Solomon perc - 1999
Jones Victor b - 1998, 1999
Jones Virgil tp, flh - 1968
Jordan Brian g - 2003
Jordan James perc - 1970
Jordan Kent fl - 1994
Julks Joy b - 1979
Juma perc - 1967


Kale Karsh tabla, dr, synth - 2001, 2002, 2003
Kanza Dominic g - 1995
Kapp Bobby dr - 1968
Kelly Ed p - 1978, 1990, 1991, 1998
Kelly Faye voc - 1978
Kelly Kerilyn voc - 1978
Kelly Terrance voc - 1978
Kiavue Klod gwo ka drums, voc - 2003
Kibwe Talib as - 1991, 1998
Kien Henning b - 1987
Kiermyer Franklin dr - 1994
Killian Lawrence perc - 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1978
Killion Kash cello - 1991
King Alonzo voice - 1997
King Howard T. Dr - 1973
Knepper Jimmy tb - 1968
Kramer Kumar harmonium - 1971
Kuehn Joachim p - 1968
Kylo-Kylo - tamboura, perc - 1973


La Boy Poppy perc - 1973
Labied Fatima voc - 1994
Lacy Frnak shells - 1995
Lamsouger Abdellah handclaps - 1994
Lancaster Byard bcl - 1997
Landrum Richard bongos - 1969
Lane Alex b - 1968
Laraaji el. zither - 2002
Lastie Merlin cor - 1968
Laswell Bill b, samples - 1996, 1997, 2001, 2002
Lawson Cedric elp - 1973
Lea Babatunde perc - 1999, 2003
Lewis Herbie b - 1984, 1986
Lewis J.T. dr - 2003
Lewis James b - 1989, 1990, 1991
Lewis Juno perc, voc - 1965
Lewis Victor dr - 1985, 1994, 1995, 1998
Liebman Dave ss - 1981
Life David spoken word - 1997
Lightsey Kirk p - 1984, 1986
Lindsay Tony voc - 1997
Little Mark p - 1997
Littlefield Chris tp - 2003
Littleton Jeff b - 1987, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003
Lockett Carl g - 1979
Lockwood John b - 1987
London Bobby voc - 1981
Loper Charlie tb - 1977
Lucas Ray perc - 1968
Lucas Reggie elg - 1977
Lundy Curtis b - 1980, 1987, 1988, 1991
Lyle Bobby kbds - 1977, 1978, 1993


Machoure Hassan krkaba, voc, handclaps - 1994
Magee Charles eltp - 1973
Makaia Philippe gwo ka drums, voc - 2003
Mangasuba Fanta voc - 1995
Mangelsdorf Albert tb - 1968
Marcus Steve ss - 1968
Marino Daniel perc - 1996
Maron Jonathan b - 1994
Marshall Eddie dr - 1978, 1998
Martinez Pedro Paulo congas - 2003
Masaoka Miya koto - 1994, 1997
Mathews Myrna voc - 1977
Maxwell Omar dr - 1990
Mboup Abdou talking dr, kora, djembe, voice - 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003
McBee Cecil b - 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1987, 2001
McCloud Andy b - 2003
McCoy Billy p, elp - 1977
McCreary Lew - tb - 1977
McFerrin Bobby voc - 1979
McGee Pennington perc - 1997
McGriffe Debra voc - 1982
McKee Maria g - 1989
McLaughlin Brian tabla - 1987
McLaughlin John g - 1968
Mekonnen Dereje org, elp, synth - 2001, 2003
Melesse Dawit voc - 2001, 2003
Merritt Randy dr - 1979
Michels Lloyd flh - 1968
Mills Eleanore voc - 1977
Mixon Danny p - 1975
Mizanekritos Yohannes voc - 2001, 2003
Moffett Charles dr - 1965
Moffett Charnett b - 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995
Moore Danny tp - 1981
Moore Eddie dr - 1982, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989
Moses J.C. dr - 1963, 1966
Moss Khalid (Kenneth) p - 1977
Mourouse Dennis ts, elts - 1973
Mseleku Bheki p, voc - 1993, 1994
Mtume perc - 1972, 1973
Muhammad Idris dr - 1969, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1991
Muhammad Sakinah voc - 1981
Muir Jes voc - 1982
Muizz Umar Abdul perc - 1973
Muldrow Sidney frh - 1977
Munoz Tisziji g - 1976, 1981, 1984, 1994, 1997, 2001
Murray David ts - 1987, 2003
Murray Sunny dr - 1967, 1968
Myers Amina Claudine org, elp - 2001, 2002, 2003


Nagisetty Vytas b - 1997
Nakamura Tetsuya dr - 1992
Nalepa Steve kbds, ambience - 2003
Nance Teddy tb - 1964
Nascimento Elson perc, surdo - 1991, 1993, 1995
Nash Kenneth perc - 1973, 1977
Nasser Jamil (George Joyner) b - 1983, 1991
Neil Steve b - 1976, 1979, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
Nichol Joanne vln - 1978
Nimini Abderraham tbel - 1994
Northern Robert frh - 1964, 1968


Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir (MUSICIANS ) - 1990
Onderdonk Dave g - 1997
Oquendo Manny timbales - 1999, 2000
Ore John b - 1993
Orsler Claire viola - 2000
Outanine Mohamed krkaba, voc, handclaps - 1994
Oyewole Abiodun perc, voc - 1994, 1997, 1998


Page Donelle harp - 1997
Parker Dion ttb, tshells - 2003
Parks Van Dyke kbds - 1989
Parlan Horace p - 1980
Pate Don b - 1973, 1981, 1997, 2001
Patillo Marvin perc - 1964
Patrick Pat bs - 1964
Patterson Jerry elg - 1968
Pauer Fritz p - 1968
Penland Ralph dr - 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002
Penn Clarence dr - 1994
Peraza Armando perc - 1988
Perazo Karl perc - 1997
Peters Jerry elp, p, clavinet, harpsichord - 1977, 1993
Peterson Andy Michael g - 2003
Peterson Marvin Hannibal perc, tp - 1972
Pettaway Bernard tb - 1964
Plaxico Lonnie b - 1996
Poindexter Pony as - 1968
Pomar Jorge b - 1981
Pomerantz James sitar - 1979
Ponce Daniel bata, conga - 1996
Pounds Raymond dr - 1977
Powell Benny tb, btb - 1991, 1998
Powell Doc g - 1993
Pullen Don p - 1980
Purviance Douglas btb, shells - 1995


Queen Alvin dr - 1986, 1987
Qureshi Fazal kanjira, tabla - 1996


Ra Sun p, synth, el celeste - 1964, 1991
Rahim Emanuel perc - 1966
Rainey Chuck elb - 1968
Ramsey Don as - 1978
Randle Vicky voc - 1979
Ray Michael tp - 1991, 1993, 1995
Redman Dewey ts - 1991
Rekow Raul congas - 1997
Rettenbacher Heinz b - 1968
Richmond Danny dr - 1980
Rietveld Benny b - 1997
Riley Ben dr - 1968, 1970
Ritenour Lee g, elg - 1977
Robinson Marine frh - 1977
Rochester Cornell dr - 1996, 1997, 2003
Rogers LeGraham perc - 1999
Roney Antoine bcl - 1996
Roney Wallace tp - 1996
Roques Michel ts - 1968
Roseman Josh tb, shells - 1999, 2000, 2003
Rosenblat Joel dr - 1988
Rosengren Bernt ts - 1968
Ross Brandon g - 1995
Rotondi Jim tp - 2001
Roy Badal perc - 1972, 1973, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001
Rudolph Adam perc - 1996, 1998, 1999
Ruiz Hilton p - 1978
Rushen Patrice p, kbds - 1993


Sadik Rasul tp - 2003
Sadler Moses cello - 1997
Sako Fatoumata voc - 1995
Samb Herve g - 2003
Sanborn David as - 1989
Sanders Bedria harmonium - 1976, 1979
Sanders Tony b - 1990
Sandoval Susana recitation - 1999, 2000, 2001
Santana Carlos g - 1988, 1989, 1997
Santi Owen Jim tablas - 1997
Santos Jumma perc - 1973
Satenaw Setenge masinko - 2001, 2003
Scianni Joseph p - 1963
Scott Cherry voc - 1988
Scott Noel as, perc, voc - 1995
Scott Richard sax - 1994
Scott Stephen p - 1999, 2000, 2003
Scott Tony cl - 1968
Seals Melvin kbds - 1990
Seay Clarence b - 1996
Senesky Bernie p - 1997
Shabazz Majeed dr - 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971
Shaffer Paul p, org, synth - 2001
Shah Tarik b - 1987
Shahid Abdoul dr - 1973
Shahid Jaribu b - 2003
Sharpe Avery b - 1986
Sharrock Sonny g - 1966, 1968, 1969, 1991, 1992, 1993
Shaw Woody tp, perc, yodelling - 1970
Shelby Mark b - 1998
Shepp Archie ts - 1965, 1971
Shibabaw Tigist voc - 2001, 2003
Shibawaw Ejigayehu "Gigi" voc - 2001, 2003
Shiota Abegasu elp, synth - 2001, 2003
Shorter Alan flh - 1967
Shorter Wayne ss - 2001, 2003
Shur Itaal kbds - 1994
Sidney Anthony tb - 1978
Silva Alan b, cello - 1964
Silva Jorge perc - 1993
Simmons Junius g - 1978
Siraisi Genji dr - 1994
Sirone (Norris Jones) b - 1968, 1969
Sketch (23 Skidoo) - 2000
Skopelitis Nicky g - 1995, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2003
Smahi Chaouki oud, perc, voc - 1999
Smahi Yahia perc - 1999
Smith Buster dr - 1991, 1993
Smith Donald elp - 1987
Smith Lonnie Liston p - 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 2002
Smith Marvin "Smithy" dr - 1993
Snyder Dave kbds - 1991, 1993
Spaulding James fl - 1969
Spears Maurice btb - 1977
Speller Abe dr - 1991, 1993
Spencer Ngoh voc - 1979
Spikes Charles g - 1990
Starr Marc dr - 1994
Staten John dr - 2003
Stephenson Anne vln - 2000
Stewart Robert ts - 1998
Strok Dian lever harp - 1997
Sulieman Idrees tp - 1991
Sultan Khan Ustad sarangi - 1996
Suso Foday Musa kora, dousongonni, voc - 1995, 1996, 1997
Suso Mariama voc - 1995
Suso Salie voc - 1995
Swallow Steve b - 1968
Swarts Glen frh - 1997


Tabackin Lew ts - 1968
Tai foetal heartbeat - 2000
Taussig Lynn sarod, chandrasarang - 1987
Taylor Mark dr - 1988
Taylor Mark frh - 2001, 2003
Tchicai John as - 1965
Thelin Eje tb - 1968
Theus Sun Ship dr - 1981
Thigpen Ed dr - 1980
Thollot Jacques dr - 1968
Thomas Leon voc - 1969, 1974, 1981, 1987
Thomas Teddy perc, dance - 1993, 1995
Thompson Chester dr - 1988, 1997
Threadgill Henry as - 2001, 2003
Thurman Dechen spoken word - 1997
Tidiane Fale Cheikh perc - 1989
Tirunehe Hebest voc - 2001, 2003
Tolliver Charles tp - 1968
Tribble Dwight voc - 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
Tulsi tambura - 1970, 1971
Turnbull Alex (23 Skidoo) - 2000
Turnbull Johnny (23 Skidoo) - 2000
Turre Steve tb - 1981, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003
Twain Cecilia vln - 1978
Tyner McCoy p - 1965, 1982, 1983, 1986, 1987
Tyson June voc - 1991


Ulmer James Blood g - 1973, 1996, 1997, 2003
Underwood Ian synth - 1977
Uzuri Imani voc - 2001, 2003


Vanterpool Yvette S. voc - 1981
Vaughan Stevie Ray g - 1989
Vick Harold ts - 1968
Vieth Davis kbds - 2003
Vinding Mads b - 1980


Wainwiright E.W. dr - 1989, 1990, 1991, 2001
Waits Freddie dr - 1968, 1969
Walker David T elg - 1977
Walker Eric "Samarai Celestial" dr - 1993, 1995
Walker Ken b - 2002
Walton Cedar p - 1983
Warburton Paul b - 1981
Ward Carlos ts - 1966, 1967
Warner Family voc - 1977
Washington Freddie b - 1993
Waters Julia voc - 1977
Waters maxine voc - 1977
Waters Orrin voc - 1977
Watkins Julius frh - 1968, 1969
Watson Eddie b - 1977
Watson Wah Wah elg - 1977
Watts Ernie fl, bfl, afl, ts - 1977
Webb Donne kbds - 1990
Weber Eberhard b - 1997
Weeks Willie b - 1977
Wess Frank as - 1968
Weston Azzedin perc, karbaka - 1991
Weston Randy p - 1988, 1991, 1998
Whalum Kirk ys - 1993
Whatley Jamal voc - 1997
White Harley bars - 1978
White Lenny dr - 1977, 1996
White Michael vln - 1970, 1973, 1995, 1997
Williams Michael ts, fl - 1995
Williams Earl perc - 1968
Williams Kenny ts, bs - 1993
Williams Oscar tp - 1978
Williams Tony dr - 1988, 1997
Wilson Cassandra voc - 1995
Wilson Ronald bars - 1991
Wilson Scott Carol voc - 1981
Wobble Jah b, elb - 1995, 1997
Wood Vishnu oud - 1970
Workman Reggie b - 1968, 1969, 1978
Worrell Bernie elkbds voc, org, synth - 1995, 1998
Wylie (Wiles) Tony perc - 1969, 1970, 1971
Wyn Kris voc - 1982


Young Larry org, perc, voc - 1973
Young Waheem p - 1978, 1979


Zachery Andre voc - 1997
Zawadi Kiane tb - 1968
Zink Jean-Louis heart beats - 1997

> INDEX.........>O

*The Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir:

Wendy Anderson-Burton, Martha Jo Chalmers, Leola Clark, Barbara Davis, Mary C. Ford, Lynne Gurewitz, Cindy Heyer, Brenda Johnson, Anna Jorgensen, Kathy Lutz, Dariane C. Miller, Laurie Polster, Karen Schallenberger, Norine Smith, Barbara Traylor, Lynne Uretsky, Jennifer Wallace, Trisha Winder

Naomi Baron, Caitlin Cornwell, Sheila Doar, Lindsay K. Elam, Zoe Ellis, Anna Fisher, Lisa Halderman, Catherine Jolly, Susan Pettway, Kathleen Quinlan, Linda Ricketts, Deborah Senegal, Juley Sobson, Margit Stange, Carmen Maria Traylor, Bonita Weeks, Barbara Woodard, Esther Yuen

Darren Alexander, George Beeman, Fred Crenshaw, Aaron Draper, Nancy Ford, Stacey Hoffman, Howard Miller, Jonathan More, Carl Resnikoff, Steve Schwartz, Julie Shearer, Raymond Smith, Dan Strauss, Greg Supriano, Deirdre Webb, Jim Tepperman

Matthew Elkins, Rob Gorlin, Jim Hooper, John hornung, Christopher Levine, Jack Mahon, Ed Schmookler, Fred Shelton, Sid Smith, Ron Teeples





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