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  8days Software

BioLeap  - Biorhythm (for Windows)


Professional quality biorhythm software for you, your family, friends,
customers, employees, etc.

now BioLeap on CD!!!

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    Your BioLeap

    Online Biorhythm
 * Biorhythms are?





    8days Software 
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What are Biorhythms?

Biorhythms are natural cycles, which influence or even control various biological functions in living things, both plants and animals. Scientific research in the field of Chronobiology has identified scores of these rhythms and each year new data is published.

The possibilities of biorhythms are endless. They are easy to follow and use. You can see your "ups and downs" at a glance. The higher the peaks, the better the day, and vice versa.

There are four known biorhythm cycles: physical, emotional, intellectual and intuitional. Each of these cycles starts at the time of birth. From this point, each of the cycles starts to rise up through its active phase until it falls back to the zero level. Then it continues through the zero level to go on to a passive phase. Then it raises again to the zero level to begin all over again. Each time the cycle crosses the zero level from the active to the passive phase, it is said to be in a critical state (critical day). When the cycle crosses the zero level from the passive to active phase it is said to be in a zero state (zero day). In the active phase the abilities associated with the particular cycle are high. When the cycle is in its passive phase the abilities are diminished.

Physical abilities - potency, immunity to disease, strength, coordination
Emotional abilities – sensitivity, mental stability, moods
Intellectual abilities – decision making, learning, analytical thinking, logic
Intuitional abilities - instincts


 Your BioLeap
See the BioLeap demonstration first, then, if interested in ordering BioLeap, please check the Your BioLeap page.

Other Web Sites:

PsyPlan - Free PsyPlan software and online astrology, horoscope, biorhythm and numerology reports. Sells personal horoscope, astrology appointment diary printed planners and programs.

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