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  8days Software

BioLeap  - Biorhythm (for Windows)


Professional quality biorhythm software for you, your family, friends,
customers, employees, etc.

BioLeap Demo

Detailed demonstration - what is in the latest BioLeap software package


 Plotting Biorhythms Cycles - snapshots (bioleap1, bioleap2) and explanation
 Plotting Compatibility Cycles -
snapshots (bioleap3, bioleap4) and explanation
 Functions -
print, copy, view date, months, years, check boxes, graph, biofractal, keys
 Your Bioleap is here!!!


Plotting Biorhythms Cycles -snapshots and explanation
(please allow few seconds for the snapshots to download)

snapshot 1. BioLeap - demonstration
Snapshot bioleap1: BioLeap Biorhythms Report for Brad Pitt. The report date is June 19, 2002. On this day the actor should be in top form emotionally. His other cycles except for the (physical) are towards high in the positive phase. So, this is a reasonably good day for Brad.

snapshot 2. BioLeap - demonstration
Snapshot bioleap2:
This is the same report date as in the previous snapshot. But here the BioLeap is creating instant bargraphs for the selected day. This way it is much easier and faster to read the biorhythm. You will note that Brad's total bioactivity for the selected report date is 65%. You can select any combination of rhythms and then find the total bioactivity for those - for example, total bioactivity for the phys, emo and intel rhythms or just phys and emo or intel, emo and intu only, etc, etc.

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Plotting Compatibility Cycles - snapshots and explanation
(please allow few seconds for the snapshots to download)

snapshot 3. BioLeap - demonstration
Snapshot bioleap3: BioLeap Compatibility report for Brad Pitt and his wife, actress Jennifer Aniston.  They are intellectually highly compatible at 93% and the physical compatibility is above average. The emotional compatibility is acceptable, 57%. Their intuitional compatibility is very low, just 5%. So, their total compatibility is 55%, which is medium.

snapshot 4. BioLeap - demonstration
Snapshot bioleap4: BioLeap Compatibility report using bargraphs. You can select any combination of rhythms and then find the two persons' compatibility for those - for example, compatibility for the phys, emo and intel rhythms or just phys and emo or intel, emo and intu only, etc, etc.

The compatibility percentages are broken down as follows:
 0 to  20% - Minimal compatibility
21 to  40% - Occasional compatibility
41 to  60% - Medium compatibility
61 to  80% - Above average compatibility
81 to 100% - Very high compatibility

Compatibility can help you find out what are your biorhythm chances of getting along with someone. The higher the compatibility percentage the better. In cases of minimal or occasional compatibility it is possible people to get along together if they prefer opposites.

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Prints the displayed graph with the corresponding details. Click the 'print' button or select File/Print.

Copies the displayed graph with the corresponding details. Click the 'copy' button or select File/Copy Graph. The copied graph will be saved in the current directory as Bio.bmp or Bio.gif and Comp.bmp or Comp.gif file. The graph is also copied to the clipboard so you can paste it in your editor. For example, copy the graph and then paste it in Microsoft Word or Word Pad, Paint or any other editor where it can be pasted. See also under Files.

View Date:
To set the biorhythm view to any date in the past or future. Select the required date by clicking the horizontal scroll bars above the GO button and click the button. The required year can also be typed in the text box above the horizontal year’s scroll bar. To reset the view to today’s date, click the ‘Today’ button.

Months +/-
To decrease or increase the biorhythm view by one or more months click the horizontal scroll bar located below the graph.

Years +/-
To decrease or increase the biorhythm view by one or more years click the vertical scroll bar located on the right of the graph.

Check Boxes/Labels  (physical, emotional, intellectual and intuitional)
Click or unclick these boxes to ‘Y’ for yes or ‘N’ for no, to have only the requested rhythms displayed or hidden.

Graph – (Biorhythms or compatibility view)
By clicking on the graph, the view date is changing corresponding to the day clicked on the graph. The biorhythms and the compatibility reports can be viewed as cycles or bars, click the ‘bars’ button to switch between options.

When the program starts or when there is no graph displayed a BioFractal appears. To clear the displayed graph simply click the ‘crossed person’ button. This will activate the BioFractal. The position of the BioFractal can be changed by clicking anywhere in the window display area. The BioFractal has no direct use in the reading of the biorhythms. It can be completely removed if the window display area is double clicked.

Functional Keys:
All of the buttons and scroll bars can be operated by mouse clicking or
using the arrow keys, PgUp, PgDn and Home and End key. When operating the graph and changing the view dates first select the corresponding scroll bar with the mouse and then either use the mouse or the above mentioned keys. The help file can also be called by pressing the F1 key.

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This is the file where all the persons’ details are kept. The file is automatically created by the Biorhythm program when the ‘open folder’ button is clicked or File/Open Bio Base is selected. The file is named and is kept in the same directory with the program. Usually, if the program is not custom installed, the file can be found in the c:\Program Files\BioLeap directory. Do not open and edit this file manually. It can be managed only via the program.

Bio.bmp or Bio.gif & Comp.bmp or Comp.gif
These files contain a picture of the currently displayed biorhythm or compatibility cycles and details. The files are created when the ‘copy’ button is clicked. If needed, these files can be further edited or simply pasted where required. See also under Functions/Copy.

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The BioLeap package comes on CD. To install it insert the disk, double click the setup.exe and follow the instructions on the screen.

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