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Baby Bug (aka Skipper, Petey, Dead Eye, always with affection) came into our lives via a phone call from my sister-in-law. She said a colony of feral cats, who were living in a parking lot, were being targeted for extermination and that animal control was on the way. Luckily a fellow rescurer was on the scene and found this little guy, who had become separated from his mother and was sitting alone crying, and was able to scoop him up and carry him home. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to provide any foster care.

When the rescuer got him home and cleaned up she discovered that his right eye was missing. A trip to the vet produced a diagnosis of retinal abrasions and Herpes virus in his remaining eye and the speculation that his body had just absorbed the dead tissue of the right one. So, when my sis-in-law phoned it was to ask if I could foster since I'm home all day, I do inhome daycare, cause this little guy needed some special attention, like bottle feeding, treatment for his eye infection and an upper respiratory infection too.

Continued on the next page...

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