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Welcome to the first Really Pathetic News Network Game Review, where the first goofy opinion began, circa 3/23/2004.

Toggled Review
Simpsons Road Rage for the Xbox console system

By Ezra Mann (Editor in Spoof)

Greetings console and pc fanatics, welcome to the first of many looks behind video games both new and old or rather what we like to call Toggled Review. We’ll take a look behind games that we believe are golden or bombers. Through our system of Toggles we’ll rate the game play from top to bottom.
This week we are going to take a look at a game that has been out for sometime now and may because of its destructive silliness become a cherished classic. Today we are dissecting Simpsons Road Rage for the Xbox gaming system.
Lock your doors, run for your life, for even the sidewalks or trees themselves will not protect the citizens of Springfield from this nutty vehicle adventure. Featuring a cast of 17 drivers who will literally do anything to get to their destination, this game will get you laughing and your thumbs sore racking up cash for the sake of comedy.
The story behind this calamity begins with the evil character Mr. Burns and his latest plot to close the citizens of Springfield in his grasp. Apparently Mr. Burns has introduced a cost effective public transportation system that would eliminate the need for personal cars. The busses themselves seem to be glowing with radioactivity which is not good for the health of anyone in the town, In a usual predictable Simpsons moment, Homer decides to take it upon himself to save all who live in the city by starting his own cab service (using his own classic sedan of course) and so the insanity begins.
In Simpsons Road Rage you are given a handful of characters and their vehicles at the beginning of the game. You must collect cash by picking up citizens and dropping them off at whatever destination they chose within a particular time limit. There are cash goals and when they are reached you can chose to unlock new vehicles or pick from five remaining neighborhoods. There is a mission mode where you can attempt to complete tasks with particular Springfield selects. Time again is limited, but if you can speedily deliver and pick up passengers extensions on remaining time will be given. Watch out for other vehicles, especially Mr. Burns or one of his busses, which will attempt to slow you down and drain the clock. Silly bonus goals like road rage, where you hit objects to gain extra points add an additional level of hilarity to the game.
Overall the game is addicting and is great for those looking for a fast pace thrill. The storyline is nothing new and if you are looking for originality you may be disappointed. Of course, if you love the Simpsons and can’t get enough of the whacky family then this is right up your alley. The game offers hours of fun for single player or even a two player head to head mode. After getting hooked up to this game I will gladly give this gave a spiffy four out of six toggles.

Past Entertainment: Aftermath of 2004 Oscars

1031 B.C. - 2010 A.D., Really Pathetic, LLC.