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Whitehead County Antrim Northern Ireland

Problems around Whitehead.

Let the webmaster know of any problems you want to see highlighted here

Contact numbers for problems

Official Bodies

Carrickfergus Borough Council

For any Council items

DRD Roads Service

For street lighting and road faults

Health & Safety Executive

For health and safety areas


Carrick Times

Carrick Advertiser


PSNI - emergency dial 999

Non-emergency number 0845 600 8000

Non-emergency phone leaflet

3 Threatening Robberies at Whitehead shops in 2013

What is happening in Whitehead? Over the past few weeks there has been an attempted robbery at the Post Office on King’s Road, an attempted robbery at  the Pharmacy on Edward Road (note: the page shows the wrong pharmacy!) and a successful armed robbery at the Spar shop on Edward Road..

Is Whitehead becoming less peaceful? Or are these signs of people becoming desperate? We are only just started into 2013 and already we have had 3 incidents of a kind we have not seen previously.