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Commissioning at Puget Sound

Rathburne was commissioned at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Bremerton Washington. If you have any personnel photo's taken on Commissioning Ceremony we could use your help here.


Pier side Commissioning May 16,1970

Rathburne is dressed for Commissioning

If you now anything about the commissioning ceremony that you are willing to share with us please feel free to submit it. If you Know anything about the weather in the North West in mid May you would be worrying about raining on the ceremony. But it did not happen to the best of our knowledge it turned out to be a very nice day. Here in this photo With bunting on handrails she (Rathburne) stands ready for ceremony.

Crew moves on board

Tied up at Naval Shipyard final touches are applied to ready for Commission Ceremony. In this group of photos the crew mans the ship. The bottom photos are of a reception afterward. If my memory serves me correct the CO is presented a piece of equipment from the original Rathburne. ( I think it was a piece of radio equipment) Can anyone help me out on that?

Rathburne departs

Hawaii enroute to

First westpac

Here is a picture that those aboard for Rathburne's first deployment may recognize. It was taken as she departed on first cruise.