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What's new?

Is it a bird? Is it Link? No, it's an update! Run for the hills! Yes, we know we haven't done an update in a while, but all of us have had really important exams to study for. I've also been in hospital for a week, so I think I deserve some sympathy....Well anyway, we are planing on bringing Linkification out of the dark ages and into something worth looking at. Also I will be writing some interesting stuff about the new Legend of Zelda game, Twilight Princess. It's going to be a huge renovation in content for our fans to look forward too. Stay tuned, because I swear it won't be too long :D.
Love Webmisstress Jemma

Hi hi, O.k we have come up with some new idea's for the site. We will be changing the site if we decide to go ahead with these plans. Stay tuned *wink*.
Love Webmisstress Jemma

I'm alive! Yes I know it's hard to believe but I am. I haven't done an update for 13 days. I've had so much school work to do that I fell asleep during music theory. We were watching West Side Story and the room was dark, the blinds pulled, my bag was so comfortable on my desk that I just dropped off. I woke up at the end of the lesson, 2 and a half hours later! The teacher thought I look sweet when I was sleeping so she left me. Well anyway I have half term next week so I'll so more work over that week.
Love Webmisstress Jemma

Hay people. I'm really pleased with myself. I've made and put up the banner and buttons!!! (nearly) O.k I have 1 or 2 left to do then that's it for buttons. I'll be glad to see the back of them; at least for now anyway. I'm very tierd and I haven't practiced for my singing lesson tomorrow so I've got to go now and do it, blah, blah, blah.
Love Webmisstress Jemma

O.k most of the site is now changed from the old ugly one to the new, less ugly one. Tomorrow I'm going to try and get all of the fan arts on the site, and while I'm in school I'm going to try and finish two new songs. So the site is about 50% done, but this needs to be done well, so it might take a while but we're trying our best, plus we are newbies to website making so give us some time to become better. Kay cya xxx
Love Webmisstress Jemma

Cool this is our first update! Hi everyone. It's really late but I'm going to do this update anyway. We did have a worse looking Linkification site before so think of this day as it's re-birth. As you can tell the website is not finished but we are all working really hard to try and make this a worth while website. We are getting on with fan works so there will be more content very soon. Kay cya soon xxx
Love Webmisstress Jemma

Legend of Zelda and anything to do with it is copyright of Nintendo.
Linkification is a fan site for personal use. All fan works on this site are copyright of the webmistresses:
Jemma, Kate and Rebecca.